How active is the Horde role play community?

13 Blood Elf Mage

I thought I would try Horde side role play on this realm. I logged in yesterday and created this character. I also joined the Horde OOC channel, but it seemed a little...quiet. In the afternoon (around 3 pm server) there were only 3 other people in the channel besides myself. In the evening (8 pm server) there were a few more, but no chatter in the channel. Is this just not used very much by the role players here? Or are there not many Horde role players on CC?

Also, is there a place where role players will gather for role play (e.g. Alliance role players usually use the Blue Recluse on a lot of realms).

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90 Pandaren Warrior
I get out when I can, but its usually just a jog around town. The park's not too far away, but I don't really mesh with 'park' people, if that makes any sense.

I've got some weights, but its been a while since I've practiced any serious martial arts. All in all? I'd say I'm pretty active.

Oh, and I'm usually around in game about 7pm server.

I'm not sure where most CC members gather; my caste usually loiters anywhere there's a CRZ, to take advantage of the sporadic nature of meeting people you'll probably never see again.
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13 Blood Elf Mage
Jogging isn't really my thing. I prefer swimming.

my caste usually loiters anywhere there's a CRZ

My character hit Silvermoon's CRZ this afternoon. It seemed rather similar to Goldshire. I was less than impressed.

While Liore's post amused me - can anyone give me a bit more of a serious answer?

Edited to add:

To help facilitate my last question perhaps I should offer supplementary ones:

How many RP guilds are there? I noticed the thread about RP guilds lists only six and Liore - your guild isn't on the list.

Are the RP guilds active only within themselves or do they get together for community events?

How much "walk-up" role play goes on here? Is it acceptable to do that? Or is it frowned upon as intrusive?
Edited by Kamdrin on 6/11/2013 6:49 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
There are quite a few RP guilds but most people do not use hordeooc for some reason. At the moment there are really only 2 weekly events and there is some walk up but it's rare.
Hordeside rp is rebuilding right now between a lower playerbase and playing around the lore in wow we do not have a central hub like the Blue Recluse anymore. We talked about it some in ooc chat today since icly we can't really use Orgrimmar. Hopefully soon we will have more going on.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
I'm sorry. I'll be a bit more serious now;

You've seen -THE LIST-, so you've some idea of where the RP guilds are. But there are probably several more not on the list (like my own), that really just need to be approached for you to see whether they are something you want a part of.

I'm certain there are still rp events being hosted from time to time; many of the ones I remember are actually weekly, a couple of which line up so that there's something to do almost every night of the week. You may have just missed all the ooc chatter due to bad timing.

Walk up role play is really a case by case basis. Anyone from my guild will (usually) play along in a little back and forth, but unless you've noticed someone /walking or already engaged, its usually worth assuming that most players don't roleplay.

Worth mentioning, SMC has sort of slithered down to the bottom of the evolutionary pyramid, but even there you'll find the rare couple of people who are REALLY talented and dedicated. As with all things, it will require a bit of digging to find what you really want, and our server is no different.

In short, yes, its here. Some people host little cliques that can only sustain themselves by mocking outsiders, some people have a one-time chat = friend for life policy. I'm sure, given time, you'll find what you're after.


The Rising Sun Fellowship have some pretty solid and dedicated people. I'd suggest following them around a bit. Might give you an opportunity to see things you might otherwise miss.
Edited by Liore on 6/11/2013 7:12 PM PDT
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13 Blood Elf Mage
Kreydes, thank you for your answer. I noted your guild's website from THE LIST and will try to remember to scope it out tomorrow.

Liore, no need for apologies. As I mentioned, your previous post diverted me.

I'm sure, given time, you'll find what you're after.

But, I'm a rather impatient person. I want it now. ;)

So, tell me, Liore, since your guild isn't on THE LIST - what is your guild all about?
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90 Pandaren Warrior
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13 Blood Elf Mage
Why, Liore, I knew I liked your first post and after reading your linked thread I realize why.

You are quite the writer. :)
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90 Pandaren Warrior

Flattery and libel. Thank you.
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13 Blood Elf Mage
*Quirks an eyebrow at Liore.

My praise was not a traducement. It was sincere.
Edited by Kamdrin on 6/11/2013 11:14 PM PDT
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90 Pandaren Warrior
I am certainly a roach, who will on occasion scurry out into the kitchen for a time, but scamper back into hiding when light reveals me. :I
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90 Night Elf Hunter
*pokes head into thread*

*peers at said thread*

*Pokes said thread with a stick*

Normally this would be the part where I advertise Gambit's Horde-side branch... except I so rarely even play Horde (Or at all) anymore so... go Wayfarers? :D

But really. Horde side RP has been kinda on the dwindle-y side. But a new person could help that! And I do suggest following Liore if you end up choosing a guild here, Wayfarers are some of the funnest, funniest people I've had the pleasure of encountering on this server. Either way, good luck, happy hunting, and AVOID SM LIKE THE PLAGUE!

P.S. I just realized I posted this on the wrong character... BUT WHATEVER!
Edited by Tyrynna on 6/12/2013 8:25 AM PDT
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13 Blood Elf Mage
06/12/2013 08:25 AMPosted by Tyrynna
And I do suggest following Liore if you end up choosing a guild here, Wayfarers are some of the funnest, funniest people

Yes, I noticed that whilst reading the thread Liore linked. A bit of a roller coaster ride, that.

I will admit, they almost had me with the System of a Down quotations (even though I'm fairly certain Liore actually misquoted one of those). However, the RHCP citation almost made me close my browser in horror. But, the Cage the Elephant reference was a strong redeeming force.

I just realized I posted this on the wrong character

Well, you are a Night Elf, and a hunter as well. Of course it's a wrong character. :P
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90 Night Elf Hunter
HordeOOC has suffered a bit as a channel due to past unfortunate encounters with some folks who used to hang out there and were unpleasant on a regular basis with others there. It's unfortunate, because one hallmark of Cenarion Circle is how interconnected our RP is. I think that would go a long way towards giving a jumpstart to Horde RP, which is something I, personally, would like to see, if only because I want more reason for more Horde to be on Cenarion Circle; inconclusive as our population numbers are (there's a thread here making an attempt to communicate that info, however), it's generally acknowledged we have a vast Alliance bias population-wise. We might be edging close to a 3:1 Alliance to Horde ratio, though that's specious conjecture on my part; 2:1 seems fairly defensible if someone backed me into a corner and made me give a number.

This is honestly an excellent opportunity for a player(s) willing to put forth the effort and deal with the sometimes-discouraging results that come from starting an uphill battle. Horde RP will be what players make of it, and if a few dedicated individuals took it upon themselves to really work at making it happen (and possibly work to restore some faith in the HordeOOC channel), Cenarion Circle could see a definite resurgence of Horde RP.

I fondly remember the days of a more-active Modas il Toralar (yes, I know they're still around), Da Doctas, Grim Maw's RP participation, Ishnu Por Ah and the AAMS (and I realize many are still around in one form or another). Cenarion Circle has a solid legacy of great Horde RP that's sort of dwindled in recent times, and it'd be neat to see it surge back to strength again.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Hordeside rp is rebuilding right now between a lower playerbase and playing around the lore in wow we do not have a central hub like the Blue Recluse anymore. We talked about it some in ooc chat today since icly we can't really use Orgrimmar. Hopefully soon we will have more going on.

Horde-side RP has been rebuilding since Wrath times. We have become active maybe 2 months out of a year for a sufficient time, and then fall into despair once again. The guild I have seen active in the past few weeks, seems to be more focused on in-guild RP Then server RP. Not in the guild? Oh well, good luck finding RP. The other guilds, the older guilds on this server, have all but disappeared with only a few members logging on every few days/weeks. Razortalons, Doctas, Modas.. Most Horde people have fled to WrA, and Modas has lost at least 3-4 of our members to WrA in the past month - and yes, 3 of them were officers.

I had a few people interested in joining the Modas as server transfers, or reactivating accounts simply for the chance for Evil RP, and I told them the truth, as I will tell you now, and probably be shunned (once again) for it:

Horde RP is quite dead. Look back to the days of Vanilla and BC and the beginning/middle of Wrath, we haven't seen Horde RP quite like that since the end of Wrath. We had a bit of RP going during Cata, but like always, people got bored and server switched or just quit the game altogether. We had events weekly, we had more than 3-4 people show up at these events, we had a fantastic server where our RPers would raid, PVP and RP and a decent amount of our Horde RPers did this quite well. Sure, we weren't as populated as WrA, with SMC being lag-fest, but we had a decent amount of people willing to RP with newcomers and try different things. We had some people sit in SMC (pre CRZ) and we would have a bit of random RP. Then a lot of people joined certain cliques, and ever since then it really hasn't been the same. I'm not the only one that's seen it, but I seem to be one of the only ones that will come forward and speak freely about my opinions on the subject.

I tell these people who want to transfer here, or come back to play the game just to be in Modas, not to. I don't want these people to spend $15-$30 to come to a server in which my honest opinion is that horde-side is dying, and it has been for years. Alliance side is not bad, it's active, there are quite a few RP guilds, and people work with each other quite well, plus they have the Blue Recluse which helps, but they also have OPEN RP in each other's guilds. I've been on that side numerous times where someone will just go "RPing in Recluse if anyone's interested", and by golly, at least 3-4 people will show up, and it will just grow from there. But Maya, how are we going to grow the server population if you tell people not to transfer? Well, that's' a good question. Have them roll toons here first. Let them level new toons here, and not spend money until they get a good chance to experience it. I've told 5 people to do that, all five people spent a few days here, and went back to WrA. It's just how it works now, sadly. We do not have the population or guild sustainability for RP here on CC-Horde to keep up the legacy our server has had in the past, and we haven't since long before Arjah's great attempt to rebuild CC using World's End Tavern and Ehlina's Server Guild Videos.

So, TLDR, in case you didn't want to read it all: It's not active. We have one-two RP events a week, in which maybe 4-7 people will show up, if you're lucky. We have to my knowledge, one really large active RP guild, and then several small active RP guilds. Modas has currently...6 or 7 active players, I think, if not less. Doctas, I'm not sure since my rogue left, but last I was in it was maybe the same, no more than 8.

I haven't RPed with Liore since he came horde, but that may need to be rectified, since I RP'ed with him Ally and he was darling. :-)
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100 Undead Warrior
We weep over the lack of folk who RP jussst walking about, and alwaysss have, yesss. Currently, our time isss too busssy to play more than 1 day or 2 a week, with work and vacationsss and sssuch, yesss.

Armaya-thing isss, we hate to admit, right in the fact the Horde RP hasss ssseriousssly dwindled, yesss. We sssee two guildsss that actively ssstill RP in the open, Da Doctasss at the Clinic and Risssing Ssusn Fellowssship, or the Wayfarersss when we encounter them, yesss.

Thisss isss not to sssay that RP isss gone, yesss. Wherever you find usss, you will find RP, yesss!

We jussst missssss all our old friendsss not being here ssstill, yesss.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Well, you are a Night Elf, and a hunter as well. Of course it's a wrong character. :P

...What's wrong with hunters? D:
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90 Pandaren Warrior
I don't know who you are, Armaya, but you can't just go slandering someone's bad name, alright? It's taken me years to be reviled and hated, and you can't just SHOW UP and undo all that hard work. <3

And like Abom said, Maya's right. Its an uncomfortable thing to admit, but tumbleweeds are in fact bouncing around.

BUT, something to consider, Virtual Realms will soon be a thing; if you haven't read about 'em on the patch notes, they're essentially a mass server merge. You'll be able to join guilds cross realms, which to me really only means one thing.


The amount of available roleplayers should skyrocket. I'm feeling pretty positive about it.
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13 Blood Elf Mage
...What's wrong with hunters? D:

Nothing. I'm just jealous because my first max level character was a Night Elf Hunter.

And then I deleted her. /sadface

Okay, so I'm feeling a conflicted now. Armaya, your post, while honest, was a little disheartening.
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85 Troll Hunter
I just started a character recently on this realms horde side and noticed the difference in roleplaying sadly and her post just summed it up for me....that is indeed a shame. Back to Accord I go....:/
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