The Royal Library Presents [Horde RP Guild]

90 Blood Elf Priest
The Royal Library presents an evening of show and tell with cultural treasures from our vast collections. Come share your own treasures, stories, poems, songs and--dare we say--dance with us for a promising affair.

Show and Tell: Story, Song, and Treasure
5pm, Sunday, February 2nd
High Chieftan’s Square, Thunder Bluff

Admission is free and refreshments will be provided. Dress code is casual. For more information, please contact Archivist Benoite Dawnsong.
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100 Pandaren Priest
((I cannot wait!))
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90 Blood Elf Priest
[ Just heard we're merging with SoE! :D All the more reason to come meet our new BFF4Ls!!! ]
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90 Undead Death Knight
((More good news! Here's to making a bunch of new friends!))
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90 Blood Elf Priest
[ Come one come all to meet some of our new neighbors from SoE! ]
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49 Goblin Warlock
Gezelda stretched and yawned as she put on her apron and set about getting breakfast ready for the interns. Her vacay was super cray-cray. But no rest for the wicked as her Gran-Gran always said. As she set about mixing the pancakes and frying the bacon, she looked over at her desk, she noticed that quite a bit of mail had piled up. She spotted a letter form Beni on the top of the pile 'looks urgent' she mused to herself. She walked over, wiping her hands off on a towel as she broke the seal on the letter, unfolding it and reading. "Oh! Looks like it's time for me to host another dinner! Oh yay" She said aloud as she beamed. Before she forgot about it, or put it off. She sat down and quickly wrote down her notice, to be posted asap!

The Royal Library presents a nice evening dinner. Head Chef Gezelda Fizzlesprocket invites all to join her for a lovely dinner of pork and pork accessories! This is an ancient goblin tradition that dates back many, many years. There will be food, drink and lively conversation. The topic of the night: Trade routes and how they have been impact by Pandaria's De-misting.

Sunday night dinner: Roasted pi surprise

5pm, Sunday, February 9th

Hall of Respite, Silvermoon city

Admission is free and refreshments will be provided. Dress code is formal. For more information, please contact Head Chef Gezelda Fizzlesprocket.
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49 Goblin Warlock
Gezelda bumped the spice rack with her hip "Bump! Ooops!" She giggled
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90 Blood Elf Priest
As a crystalline vial toppled, the Archivist spun around to snatch it--inches from the ground. The "spice rack" housed a priceless collection of the rarest enchanting dust. Benoite sighed her relief and gently, ever so gently, replaced the vial onto the shelf.

"Miss Fizzlesprocket, are you certain you have permission to be in Archivist Poesy's office?"
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49 Goblin Warlock
Gezelda looked around perplexed. "Whoa! I guess I was getting carried away with my song! I lost track of where I was going! Sorry, I didn't mean to bump her ....spice rack" She said looking over the vials, tapping a few.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Benoite Dawnsong wondered if the day would ever come when she would learn to be unafraid of things that went bump in the night. The birdboned archivist sat up in her bed, clenched hands drawing her comforter up to her chin.

There it was, a dark and hunched thing, limping towards her bed with outstretched claws--no--a tiny green hand?!

Benoite flicked on a lamp and sighed her relief. At the foot of her bed was the Library's head chef, bundled up in a quilt. The archivist smiled gently, lowering her covers, "Nightmares again, Miss Fizzlesprocket?"

She scooted over and patted the space next to her, hiding a yawn behind her palm. "No more bad dreams, Miss Fizzlesprocket. You need your rest for French Toast Friday..."

As do we all, the archivist thought sleepily, drifting off to harrowing memories of The Maple Syrup Incident.
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49 Goblin Warlock
Gezelda looked up at Benoite with a thankful smile "Thanks Beni! I had the Okra dream again" She shuddered at the much Okra...She climbed into the bed and snuggled next to her good friend. "Like my Gran-gran always said: Friends are worth their weight in gold!"
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Benoite squeaked and covered her eyes as they hit another bump in the road on Gezelda's Mechano-Hog. Gezelda bellowed with laughter, "TWO squirrels, that time!"

The archivist prayed for the Light to smite whoever had given Gezelda Fizzlesprocket her driving license.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
The Royal Library presents an evening of show and tell with cultural treasures from our vast collections. Come share your own treasures, stories, poems, songs and--dare we say--dance with us for a promising affair.

Show and Tell: Story, Song, and Treasure
5pm, Sunday, February 16th
High Chieftan’s Square, Thunder Bluff

Admission is free and refreshments will be provided. Dress code is casual. For more information, please contact Archivist Benoite Dawnsong.

[ This is a regular event we'll be co-hosting with our pals from SoE! If you see <The Broken House> about, say hello! ]
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49 Goblin Warlock
((YAY! Stories)) Gezelda read the notice, slightly thankful that she didn't need to make another feats, she loved cooking but, boy was it work! She grabbed up her copy of Grimes Fairy tales, maybe she could read one at the event.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Wait! This is happening this Sunday!?

Perfect! I needed to dig up some dir-er I mean get more info on this Royal Library thing.

So is it 5pm server time? (ie CTZ)
Edited by Mormel on 2/15/2014 10:40 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Priest
[ Yes, my avocado-slathered friend. CC is actually on PST! ]
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/16/2014 06:40 AMPosted by Benoite
[ Yes, my avocado-slathered friend. CC is actually on PST! ]

Avocado-slathered? Awww... you're making me blush.

[Yeah. CC is on PST. SoE is CST while I'm EST. It can be confusing at times]
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Dear Esteemed Patrons,

It is with a somewhat heavy heart that I cordially invite you to The Royal Library's final Sunday Salon. I say somewhat because it has been a fantastic run. I am fiercely proud of what we as a community have accomplished. Please accept my sincerest gratitude for your generous and constant support. You have always been at the heart of this endeavor.

The success of the salons would not have been possible without, as well, the dedication of Guardian Ja'Bansi and his team at MI. I am also grateful for the personal support of Miss Kezrin Kanzelry, who found time to honor us even as she was managing the Hordeside operations of AAMS. The Library is immensely grateful for the endorsement from associates of such revered institutions.

I would like to say a special thanks to my colleagues Head Chef Gezelda Fizzlesprocket, Head Guardian Morgana Deschant, Guardian Fastice Blackblade, and Arcanist Araaya Wrathbane. These figures define for me what it means to be pillars of strength and inspiration. Last but never least, I hope you will join me in a wholehearted standing ovation to our tireless interns. The future is truly bright and limitless in their hands.

Should you find your Sundays barren, I encourage you to participate in a wonderful storytelling event run by Miss Eleya Stargazer of The Broken House. The event is weekly at 5pm in Thunder Bluff. You will find many of your favorite Librarians in regular attendance, but for now, there is one more salon to be held...

As some of you have heard by now, our beloved writer-in-residence Greatmother Arjah of Darkspear has retired to Stranglethorn due to illness. A champion of the Horde, the Greatmother has relentlessly tackled wounds--of war, political turmoil, the heart--with her poetry and prose. We dedicate this final salon to her peerless spirit and wish her a speedy and full recovery.

On Healing: An Open Dialogue
5pm, Sunday, February 23rd
Ruins of Lordaeron, Undercity

I so look forward to seeing you this Sunday. As a matter of course, admission is free and refreshments will be provided. Dress code is formal. For more information, please contact yours truly.

Light Bless,
Benoite Dawnsong
Director of Public Relations
The Royal Library
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90 Undead Death Knight
I cannot say that I have ever known a better group of friends. In this life or the last. I will be honored to stand once more with you. To sing of victories, and losses.

Light be with you all,
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100 Pandaren Rogue
Dear Miss Dawnsong,

As the Greatmother was the one who founded the Homeland, we are disheartened to hear of her ailment, but wish her all the best in her recovery. While our "library" consists of only a few scattered books, we are fortunate to have a copy of the Greatmother's now out-of-print Collected Poems, written before the founding of the Homeland, including her annotations about the history and background for them. If the Library does not have a copy, we would like to offer access to it for the final salon. Should you, or any of the library staff, desire to read through it, please stop by the Homeland Lodge to browse it at your leisure.

Irilin Duskwhisper
Poet and Playwrite of the Homeland

((Homeland does actually have this document on its forums:
Edited by Irilin on 2/20/2014 8:37 PM PST
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