Dear Gnomes

100 Human Mage
*Peers out from her vantage point and writes in her journal*

I sit in my observation dome
To view all the annoyingly hyper gnomes
I write my notes in my sacred tome
Of dreams of distributing them to a funeral home
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38 Gnome Priest
AND he's a poet. -Swoons-

"I told you Oarwind was better than Pimperon. You owe me now, pay up!"

Sizy then notices that Khromie has fainted from swooning so hard.


She pours three bottles of RocketFuelXTREME (Quadruple Double Espresso)^500Max down her throat to jumpstart her heart.

"I hope this works, because I left my jumper cables back in restrooms from the last time you took off the hazmat suit."
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90 Gnome Priest
*hides under the table*
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87 Gnome Warlock
*gurgling, black-and-tarry emanations*
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72 Gnome Warlock
Todd marched to the end of the aisle of crates filled, a slight smell of their bloodthistle contents detectable in the air. Reaching the back wall, he did an about-face and marched back to the other end of the aisle. He still had no answers so he retraced his steps.

Where was she getting her supplies of pumper-upper drinks? His contacts in Menthil had found no evidence of energy drink shipments through its ports, and he was still waiting to hear from Booty Bay.

He was determined to find out and cut into her market.
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