Dear Gnomes

90 Gnome Priest
I'd just like to state that all RP Kixek has with gnomes makes my day, whether people are admiring her radiant beauty, or cursing her stupidity and mad beliefs.

Gnomes: You are the best. Keep being awesome. That is all.
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100 Gnome Priest
This makes me happy! =D
Thank you for sharing! =D

Side Note:
I saw you today briefly at BB Tavern Night and for a moment I thought about trying out one of Cail's age old but tried and almost certainly true pick-up lines!

...but he got distracted with idle chatter, plans for fishing STV, and Izby's delightful service, and he simply gave you a polite nod.

Ah Cail, the hopeless romantic on the inside. So completely-helplessly scatterbrained on the outside.
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90 Gnome Priest
*fist bunp*
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90 Night Elf Hunter
*cautiously hugs the spiky gnome*
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100 Gnome Priest
*hefts up a thick tome, showing the cover*

Be sure to peruse my latest article!... which can be found within the prestigious medical journal: "Ally", Your friendly guide to all things Medical, Medicinal, Theoretically Theological, Clinically Subjective, Horticultural and Botanical.

The book is in Alphabetical Order according to the common language, so the article may be found on page 1452 and spans a few short 200 pages.

The article is titled: Concussus Analussus, a comparative synthesis of Modular Traumatic Cerebral Abrasions and their effect on cognitive functionality recall.

*Cail struggles to open the tome but loses his balance and falls*
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90 Gnome Rogue
Finally a place to show my gnomish pride! Where I do not have to be hindered by the tall ones, long ears, goat people or dog people!
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100 Gnome Priest
Finally a place to show my gnomish pride! Where I do not have to be hindered by the tall ones, long ears, goat people or dog people!

*hefts up a large fish wrapped up in a neat package of parchment*

Welcome! Here is a fishy free sample. Rainbowfin Albacore!! Gooood eats! Angled by yours truely.

*drops the thick packaged down on the table with a thud*
*a fishy scent wafts into the room*

Uhm, best be cooking it soon.
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90 Gnome Rogue
-looks down at the fish- Are you trying to take me out to dinner? If so, shouldn't you do the cooking? I mean I'm not gonna er cook er eat that......

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100 Night Elf Mage
I am thinking about making a Gnome...unsure why but they do sound rather fun to RP as.

plus i get the execuse of being eccentric as one.
Edited by Keyesh on 7/3/2013 8:30 AM PDT
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90 Pandaren Warrior
A sight for sore eyes
To the blind would be awful majestic
It would be the most beautiful thing
That they ever had seen
It would cause such surprise
It would make all of their minds electric
How could anyone tell them
That some things are not what they seem?
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100 Gnome Priest
Upon your fatty wing
You move like a kodo
Your pouty lips sing
Oh woe is me, woe!
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38 Gnome Priest
My You're a Tall One,
literary greatness available to all.
Ouch! I sat on a spring
and off the workbench I fall.

*Cries and scurries over to Khromie*
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100 Gnome Priest
Sizzspring Polyspan Brightspark,
Your cry like a meadowlark!

Your stylish hair like fire--
No, wait, it's actually on fire!

HOLY TROLL BALLS! Run, Sizy, run!
Stop tinkering with that growth ray gun!

It's okay, we can fix this! I know a belf who
Doesn't really need his hair, so you

Can wear his like a wig when I scalp him.
It'll be a breeze 'cause he's quite dim.

You'll look so fantabulous with your new 'do!
This is for you--nay--for the Alliance! GO BLUE!
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38 Gnome Priest
Khromie, Khromie, oh where are you Khromie?
This fine wig of substandard style and grace
Does a poor job of framing my face
Am I doomed to grow up so homely?

Khromie, khromie, where art thou khromie?
The light through yonder window broke
I'm not sure why people this way spoke
Please help me invent a tonic so I'm not ugly.

Khromie, Khromie, oh brother where art thou Khromie?
Did he keep his hair in a hat
Because it looks like it was flayed with a bat
I'm going to die single and looking so shi.... *a slight scuffling can be heard*

Nunn Nunn Nunn that's a bad word, naughty naughty naughty, Fizzy dear go get a bar of soap. Apparently we need to teach Sizy some manners.
Edited by Sizy on 7/3/2013 6:51 PM PDT
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100 Human Mage
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90 Pandaren Warrior
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38 Gnome Priest
Troll's balls. I did it. I left them speechless. Wait, I mean oh my sprockets and we. Yes we.

Success dance engaged.

*shake that sprocketmaker*
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100 Gnome Priest
Apart, we are tiny. But together we are, like, somewhat less tiny.
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100 Human Warrior
"An Ode to Gnomes"

Is this
I don't even
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100 Gnome Priest
AND he's a poet. -Swoons-
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