Rising Sun Fellowship (OOC #4)

85 Night Elf Druid
I'd apologize but considering she's starting to move on, I won't. xD This stuff happens in stages and it would be !@#$ of me to have my character go "Well, that sucked. Time to no longer care about something I made a big deal out of overnight and be happy again!"

Grief comes in stages, though they do vary for everyone and how they happen. :> Like my last post ended on something positive instead of "woe is me". So, expect more of that.

I hope you know I was just kidding Shadow, I have been enjoying Shade's Journal posts:)

As to the Tavern thread, perhaps I should have kept Zak out of it in retrospect, he is not a people person, he is just now, slowly starting to come out of his shell. And as for the Horde Alliance war all my characters, including Zak think it is stupid. Now bringing down Garrosh they agree with, but Zak can't do anything right now anyway, and yes that was my choice, my timing was just bad:P

Not everyone agrees with the war between the Horde, and the Alliance so you can't expect everyone to have personal hatreds towards the other faction ICly. Anyway that is all I am gonna say on that subject, hope to see some of ya on later in game:)
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Naturally, haha. :P Just had to rib back a bit.

Half of what I was doing was demonstrating the previously kept-under-wraps relations that some of my neutral characters have towards each other. Silver being a former freelancer who will kill anyone regardless of faction, and Risalyn (Shadow) who grew up neutral and believing in the Light and love compared to say, Shade or Lei who are very much products of war to the point that it bleeds into their personal lives.

Everyone has been affected differently, but not all tales are of tragedy and woe. And I can happily say that my different characters all have their own opinions on Garrosh, the war between the Horde and the Alliance, the wars against all of the other beings out there (Burning Legion, Scourge), and how they would protect what's important to them.

As to how your characters would have reacted, let them react how they want. If they're going to ignore it, don't be surprised that they don't get dragged into stuff. You get what you give. Most everyone's reaction was "lol Shadow's on the floor". And Shadow's reaction was, in turn "Oh god I'm going to get eaten T.T" and Silver was going "Minemineminemine nope I'm bored k bye".

If you can't come up with a response to some of my characters' odder moments, I don't know what to tell you. I can't hold your hand and say "Okay now respond like this!". But when multiple people are saying "Yeah, that didn't go as well as hoped", then there was obviously something not right with the entire thing. Probably too many characters or no direction at all.

Even though I had multiple fun things planned out.

So, since it's not going to go anywhere, I'll just give away a spoiler. Ares kissed Shadow and pissed off everyone :> Even her. Slap.

But. Anyway. That's my love of psychology for characters coming to the fore. Uhm. Happy fun times, whee! *party hat*
Edited by Shade on 9/4/2013 4:18 PM PDT
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Fyn, Sam, here's my druid http://tinyurl.com/ljsezaa, basically she has pale white fur, green eyes and short, budding horns. Let me know when you guys make yours so we can work out what sort of relationship the three of them will have. I was thinking either familial (triplets or just siblings, that sort of thing) or friendship, but you guys might have other ideas.

BTW there is room for one more druid, I'd love to have fourth so that we could have one of each spec and rock dungeons :)
90 Blood Elf Hunter
A flock of druids!

No, wait, a pack!

A herd?

85 Night Elf Druid
if we get a fourth I have already called kitty dps:P

btw Rhan I had the basic same idea of either familial, or friends, but we can decide which we prefer in game or something:3
Edited by Sammuroth on 9/4/2013 5:21 PM PDT
100 Blood Elf Paladin
A flock of druids!

No, wait, a pack!

A herd?

A flerk. Flock+Herd+Pack.

You've been logicked.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
A herd!

If we get a fourth, I think Fyn and I will be fighting over who gets heals. I called heals first :P Just kidding, I'll probably dual spec her with at least one spec being heals. Of course that is providing we get high enough for dual spec.

Come on Shadow, make a druid and join us, you know you want to.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
I'd be feral/tank probs. I hate druid healing so no contest there, if I did. But I'm not saying I would, or will. I still have to get my 88 druid to 90. lol
90 Blood Elf Monk
I might join. For funs.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
The stitched pup dropped in Naxx again, and as I already have one, Shadow, the one I got tonight is all yours :) Enjoy.

ps I sent it to Shade.
Edited by Kyetah on 9/5/2013 2:27 AM PDT
90 Human Death Knight
I love you, have my children!
85 Night Elf Druid
So Rhan did you get a chance to rp last night, sry again for bailing out of game so early:(
90 Blood Elf Hunter
No I didn't. I wound up soloing almost three full quarters of naxx (still running into problems on the last boss of construct quarter and not even game to try soloing military, but plague and spider are easy) before logging for the night.

I didn't mind though, I had replaced a couple of pieces and I needed the run to rebuild my gold levels. I may have to adjust my reforges though, my expertise levels are a little higher than I'd like.

But that will have to wait until after work.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Belated journal post meant for last night.


For those who haven't been to the event. :>
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Goofing off in Kara earlier (cookies if you can guess the room), I got a shock when Fyn and Zak disappeared. http://tinyurl.com/ml6vjot.

The puzzle of where they went was solved a few minutes later when Fyn stood up.
Edited by Kyetah on 9/7/2013 12:20 AM PDT
90 Blood Elf Hunter
That's why you always have name tags on! :o It makes people not disappear so easily.

Might not do the IC event today, pending what time everyone gets on. Though we would like to see who answers Rath's call in the end.
Edited by Shade on 9/7/2013 12:38 PM PDT
85 Night Elf Druid
well I can tell you one person who won't:P
Edited by Sammuroth on 9/7/2013 12:47 PM PDT
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Actually Shadow, I did have names turned on, I just turned them off for those screen shots.

Kye will be there in a few minutes (I tried to sleep in but couldn't for some reason) but Rhannah will only turn up if she has to. She would prefer to stay out of it and just supply potions etc for those who want them.
90 Blood Elf Monk
So the trials will happen either today or tomorrow.

Try to be on sometime today or tomorrow if you have a character that you want to put through them! This is for more than just the Siege ;)
90 Blood Elf Hunter
I apologise now to all people reading Kye's journal entry who have lost a child due to SIDS or know anyone that has lost a child to SIDS. It is not my intention to make light of a very serious subject and I would rather not have this particular event being part of Kye's life. She insisted however.
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