I'd apologize but considering she's starting to move on, I won't. xD This stuff happens in stages and it would be !@#$ of me to have my character go "Well, that sucked. Time to no longer care about something I made a big deal out of overnight and be happy again!"
Grief comes in stages, though they do vary for everyone and how they happen. :> Like my last post ended on something positive instead of "woe is me". So, expect more of that.
I hope you know I was just kidding Shadow, I have been enjoying Shade's Journal posts:)
As to the Tavern thread, perhaps I should have kept Zak out of it in retrospect, he is not a people person, he is just now, slowly starting to come out of his shell. And as for the Horde Alliance war all my characters, including Zak think it is stupid. Now bringing down Garrosh they agree with, but Zak can't do anything right now anyway, and yes that was my choice, my timing was just bad:P
Not everyone agrees with the war between the Horde, and the Alliance so you can't expect everyone to have personal hatreds towards the other faction ICly. Anyway that is all I am gonna say on that subject, hope to see some of ya on later in game:)