Rising Sun Fellowship (OOC #4)

85 Night Elf Druid
Rhan why for you wanna make me cry :(
Edited by Sammuroth on 9/8/2013 3:39 PM PDT
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Don't blame me. blame Kye. She would not budge on that. Be thankful that I didn't have the space to add the song to the end that I was going to. It would have made things a lot sadder.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
As long as your RP isn't a complete mockery of an otherwise serious event, then no one here will have a problem with it. That's my stance on it, at least.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
That's not my intention. This story arc is intended as an exploration of the events that made Kye who she is. Not as a mockery of anything.
90 Human Warrior

So um. Yeah

This guy has some amazing mixes have fun with them.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Oh, trust me. I know and I understand. But there are some people who are very callous, ignorant, or confused about what is and isn't acceptable in terms of handling sensitive issues in RP. The very first step in being sure that it's good is to be aware of the fact that it can be bad, and to be progressive in keeping it sensible and without the intention of insulting anyone. The second is researching the subject as best as you can. Even though with SIDS, there isn't a whole lot to go on because it is a very mysterious thing, you can always find your way into support groups for such things and get a good feeling of the atmosphere of multiple people who have experienced this, if you yourself have not.

Some people discourage any 'bad' kind of RP. I do not. I encourage it, not because I want to spread terrible things or make them over done and depress the mood of the group, but because I want for people to research things, broaden their perspective on life and others through their character's eyes. To learn is always a good thing, even if it's not always a good subject.

I also encourage this with any form of RP. You've no idea how many collective hours I've spent researching pregnancy sites over the years, for example. Haha.
90 Human Warrior
So for my use so I don't forget the obstacle course for the physical portion of the Trials is as follows:

1) Quintuple Steps - Jump from platform to platform without touching the ground.
2) Rope Climb - Climb the rope up to the top of the platform.
3) Commando Crawl - Commando crawl across a rope that hangs between the platform you are on and the next platform.
4) Cargo Net - Climb down the cargo net without falling off, it is angled at 45 degrees off the ground.
5) Angled Bar Climb - Climb up the up the bars from the bottom rung, you will then climb over the top rung (total of 10 separated by increments of 5 feet) and then climb back down the rungs
6) Balance Beam Bridge - Run across the balance beam bridge without falling off.
7) Spider Climb - Bounce off the trampoline and use your hands and feet to pin yourself against the wall and then progress up and across the climb to the next platform.
8) Rock Climb - Climb up the rock climbing wall and pull yourself up onto the platform.
9) Pole Slide - Slide down the pole and run to the final obstacle.
10) Warped Wall - Run up the 12 foot wall and pull yourself over it to reach the finish.

Obstacle course for the physical portion of the trials! Look forward to it for those who haven't done it! And don't be daunted by it please! It's going to be fun just ask Fyn and Kye!
90 Human Death Knight
The patch is hitting tomorrow! I'll probably be running around Pandaria most of today, farming stuff on Cenarion Circle on my DK. Drop by and say hi if you'd like!

85 Night Elf Druid
Shade if you get a chance later I would like to talk to you about what we discussed last night with Shadow helping Zak:3
70 Blood Elf Warlock
Whenever. You have my B-Tag :>
90 Human Warrior
I will be on Rath for a portion of the day farming leather to get out of Cata leathers and into Pandaria leathers.

Beyond that I will be using MG as my !@#$% to clean out their rares on my Alliance toons. Its pre-patch day so I will be busy prepping for the patch.

Cheers ladies and gents.
25 Blood Elf Monk
Zak, I'm so sorry. I don't think I can stop Shade from being the little drama causer that I created her to be... Haha.
90 Blood Elf Monk
Hope yall enjoyed the posts.
85 Night Elf Druid
Zak, I'm so sorry. I don't think I can stop Shade from being the little drama causer that I created her to be... Haha.

It's k:3
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Enjoyed the posts I did Rath! Nice ;)
85 Night Elf Druid
Are you off today Fyn, or did you just write a post before you left?
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Hey Sam! I'm off today but I had somethings to do earlier, and will be spending alittle time alli Scryers side this afternoon. Then I have cert I need to take and then I'm free. I probably won't be on until later in the evening though XD
85 Night Elf Druid
ok well we can run some dungeons when you get on:D
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Great posts everyone. I really enjoyed reading them. I'll try to get a post up for Kye before I leave for work.

GRRRR...Because of the patch dropping Blizzard is doing an early maintenance (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/9882179453) so I run the risk of not getting home in time to see you guys before shut down. I guess i will just have to hope and pray that everything goes smoothly at work so that I can leave on time.
90 Human Death Knight
</3 What about me, Fyn? I started it! Agad.

Guys! Guys! :D I am the happiest DK alive right now. Well. Unalive. I don't break lore. Lol!


Now I'll have to change my xmog and make sure to always log out looking green. >_>

And/or pray Blizz lets us xmog legendaries soon.
Edited by Skÿe on 9/9/2013 2:29 PM PDT
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