Thank you everyone. Mia, would you do us the kind favor of sticking to your word? If you wish to put the past behind you, go right ahead and do so. It's a bit two-faced to say one thing and then do another in a very short order of time.
The guild has fortunately only had three leaders. Mia, who chose to leave (and yet keeps posting...?), Kel who has too much work in her life to keep up the leadership role, and Rath who was both second and current leader of the guild. We may be busy but it's fairly easy to contact either of us if we are ever needed. I believe that this guild does have something nice about it that honest and truly kind people can appreciate. Those who gravitate towards drama are weeded out, that has always been and always will be the case.
There are also those who do move on towards other things in their lives. And those who return to find their home still in tact and happy to welcome them back, as always. Those who wish to contribute to the guild are always rewarded. Such is the way of things.
If RSF were to ever come to an end, it would be a sad thing. But neither Ratheron nor I will give up RPing, no matter how sick I get that I can hardly even get myself to post or RP properly, or Rath's attention gets split with the !@#$ ton of real life crap that he's been dealing with. Neither of us will back down and neither of us will stop. I can't put words in Kel's mouth, but I believe she feels much the same.
Keeping these facts in mind, I am glad that we're surrounded by the people who are here, who understand that these are factors, even if we don't go into the nitty gritty details of such things. Some things out to be kept to ourselves, but no matter what, we try to at least be around when we can.
We're still always looking for new RPers, new friends, and to build new memories together. So, anyone who can appreciate what I've said is more than welcome to come along.