Rising Sun Fellowship (OOC #4)

85 Night Elf Druid
Ah, ok I assumed I could take out any that came up from behind, guess I missed that part where they weren't fighting anything:P

ok took out the line that said he was killing things should be ok now:3
Edited by Sammuroth on 10/3/2013 5:41 PM PDT
90 Blood Elf Monk
Make sure to check the gmotd.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
I'll be there Rath, but I'll be late. No matter how much I love hanging out with you guys, no way am I getting up at 6 am on a Sunday morning just to hang out with you all. I promise though, when I do get up I will log on to wow. Sorry, but it's just one of the things I have to deal with because I live in Australia and am so far ahead of server time.
90 Human Warrior
I'll be there Rath, but I'll be late. No matter how much I love hanging out with you guys, no way am I getting up at 6 am on a Sunday morning just to hang out with you all. I promise though, when I do get up I will log on to wow. Sorry, but it's just one of the things I have to deal with because I live in Australia and am so far ahead of server time.

I spoke to most everyone that needed speaking to, so the meeting shall be a run through of SoO lfr for anyone who needs it.
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Do believe Fyn is still waiting for Entreri to move things forward. Would be nice to see a post from Shadow or the alt Kel brought onto the trip!

Speaking of which has Kel had her babies yet?

She hasn't. I'll be writing, I got caught up in school happening, and life. And practice. And having a cold on top of it all.

As for the siege, I'm working on a post for that, and Lia's thready, and multiple essays.

(Blah. Essays.)

Post for Ara and Anna incoming.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
What is this vague rumor I hear of someone wanting me at the meeting Sunday? I am not sure if I have time. Or why it is even suggested. Care to explain?

Not trying to be snarky, but without a reason, I would prefer to leave the past behind and build on what I have now going with Cirque. I wish all of you well in RSF, good luck and have fun.
Edited by Jahana on 10/6/2013 10:11 AM PDT
90 Worgen Hunter
Must get all buff pets!
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Hey guys! I'll get a post in when I can. I work days this weekend then do volunteer stuff so it might take a bit, but it shall be done!

Also had fun rping with Lin in his dream sequence, lol. It was great.
100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Also had fun rping with Lin in his dream sequence, lol. It was great.

86 Blood Elf Hunter
Post up! :D

Awwww Lin!! I thought I would see a post in the journal about Lin's dream D: *pouts*
85 Night Elf Druid
Hopefully Zak is allowed to kill things this time:P
100 Blood Elf Death Knight
For the record, working on a Siege post now. Its just being slow because of school and stuff. So just a little update. Oh, and Fyn I didn't post about Lin's dream because of a major case of writers block which later evolved into writers frustration then finally /deletewithnoregrets
*no regrets given*
90 Blood Elf Monk
Others should post as well so I can keep moving forward.

*cough* Kel *cough* *cough* Rhan *cough*
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Kind of dealing with a bit of block regarding the siege, just not sure what to write
100 Blood Elf Death Knight
My post. It is http://weknowmemes.com/generator/uploads/generated/g1326488988721645409.jpg

EDIT: btw, im also working on another Daenith coma dream post in the journal thread. FABULOUS!
Edited by Lineron on 10/10/2013 5:00 PM PDT
90 Human Death Knight
I am amazed that this is still here, after all this time. Brings a tear to my eye.

20 Night Elf Druid
Wow, 18 month anniversary Rising Sun Fellowship! Congratulations!
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
I am amazed as well they are still going. I wish them all well and hope they can continue as they once were. Though I fear attrition of the game as it is may take its toll. Things change and people move on, leaders have come and gone in the game and often the oldest guilds break up for no other reason than leaders finding themselves drawn to another aspect of the game that the rank and file do not want to do or are unable to do with time constraints.

When you spread your attention in too many directions it is hard to hold things together. Leadership of a guild is a full time job. Not one I do well in any case. I admit my attention is scattered too much to do a good job at it.

No offence intended, just a general observation. If you want me to stop posting here I will. I have a soft spot in my heart for the guild and you know why. But you are right I do not have the right to criticize. But then again I never claimed to be perfect.

Truly I wish you all well, no sarcasm intended there.
Edited by Sydric on 10/11/2013 3:02 PM PDT
90 Blood Elf Monk
Thanks for the warm words of encouragement.

or is the sarcasm to thick in my reply?
90 Human Death Knight
Thank you everyone. Mia, would you do us the kind favor of sticking to your word? If you wish to put the past behind you, go right ahead and do so. It's a bit two-faced to say one thing and then do another in a very short order of time.

The guild has fortunately only had three leaders. Mia, who chose to leave (and yet keeps posting...?), Kel who has too much work in her life to keep up the leadership role, and Rath who was both second and current leader of the guild. We may be busy but it's fairly easy to contact either of us if we are ever needed. I believe that this guild does have something nice about it that honest and truly kind people can appreciate. Those who gravitate towards drama are weeded out, that has always been and always will be the case.

There are also those who do move on towards other things in their lives. And those who return to find their home still in tact and happy to welcome them back, as always. Those who wish to contribute to the guild are always rewarded. Such is the way of things.

If RSF were to ever come to an end, it would be a sad thing. But neither Ratheron nor I will give up RPing, no matter how sick I get that I can hardly even get myself to post or RP properly, or Rath's attention gets split with the !@#$ ton of real life crap that he's been dealing with. Neither of us will back down and neither of us will stop. I can't put words in Kel's mouth, but I believe she feels much the same.

Keeping these facts in mind, I am glad that we're surrounded by the people who are here, who understand that these are factors, even if we don't go into the nitty gritty details of such things. Some things out to be kept to ourselves, but no matter what, we try to at least be around when we can.

We're still always looking for new RPers, new friends, and to build new memories together. So, anyone who can appreciate what I've said is more than welcome to come along.

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