Rising Sun Fellowship (OOC #4)

100 Blood Elf Paladin

Auxi and I talked in game just now, and we're going to attempt to put together a girl's-night-out in Shattrath, at the World's End Tavern.

We've done something like this before, as people have said, for Karamia's bachelorette party. The menfolk had a lot of hair pulling that night, I believe, as no one told them what was going on, and they had to listen to Auxi and Kel throwing knives drunk, Mia flirting with Sig Nicious, and Tis drunk.


That's the slideshow.

I'll be making swashbuckler's shirts and tux pants for anyone who doesn't already have them. We're going to try to shoot for around 4 realm time (PST), on FRIDAY 7/19. If that falls through, we're going to shoot for WEDNESDAY 7/24. I'll stick an event up, and invite everyone in game, as well.

If it falls through, then we'll see what happens, but let's shoot to make this one!
Edited by Kellatira on 7/17/2013 9:20 AM PDT
51 Blood Elf Monk
That sounds like fun, but you know we probably don't have as many girls as we once did, unless of course we let the guys who have female toons join us. It could be interesting!

Then again, we could do a guys night out as well, maybe schedule it on another night? Guys making female characters and girls making males, what is this guild coming to?

Why does the Kinks song keep running through my head?

Edited by Riandron on 7/17/2013 10:41 AM PDT
50 Blood Elf Warlock

*is suddenly glad her male toon is in a different guild*

Anyway Kel, I think it sounds like a great idea and would love to join in, providing time differences allow of course. 5pm server on either day would make it easier for me to attend, but I don't want you to change the time for me if I'm the only one that has a problem with it.
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Sounds fun! Unfortunately I'm going to be MIA Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon and maybe Tuesday. Going to visit some family for a little summer fun ;)

Wednesday I can do if it's 5 server time.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
I am out on Friday, I have a real girl's night out to go to. Wednesday would work for me, though.
100 Blood Elf Paladin
I too am out tonight. Last minute wedding announcements, so! Wednesday it is! I could do 5 realm, but lets do try to be on time. I like pictures, and Silvermoon is as good a place as any for the things.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Wednesday works for me and if Mal is available, we can probably talk him into using his lock to port people to Shattrath. Silvermoon would work, too, we may get more people outside the guild participating if we have it there.
68 Blood Elf Paladin
So I guess this leaves out Jen'tira or Zyss?

Lola, la, la, la, la, Lola...
Edited by Jentira on 7/19/2013 11:15 AM PDT
50 Blood Elf Warlock

Anyway, I'll be online soon, If any of you guys are around I'd love to get some RP going.
66 Blood Elf Paladin
Jen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6xfpLqn5IM
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Is there a meeting today or not? I am on and no one else is. I would like a bit of help fleshing out my DK. I spoke to some of you last night. And no I am not going to put her in here on the forums and ask for advice, because the forums right now are becoming volatile again.
66 Blood Elf Death Knight
All right, with some discussion and brainstorming I am trying to formulate a good story for Dusk. I liked the concept of a warrior finding a runeblade or maybe taking it off of a death knight she killed. The blade itself I do not want to make as powerful as Frostmourn, but maybe something dark and cursed. It has bonded to her and she cannot get rid of it. She is alive now, but is slowly turning undead. And I mean slowly! She will use any other weapons, but since she carries the runed blade she is influenced by it. I want to make this a good character, so any feedback is welcomed.

Adding a bit I put in another thread.

I want to portray a living blood elf warrior who has killed a death knight and taken his blade. I have yet to write the whole story of it, but I want some feedback on the concept.

Warrior possibly has husband or significant other who was turned into a death knight by Lich King. She ends up killing him and takes up his sword as a remembrance of who and what he was to her. His dying words to her possibly shaping what happens. The blade bonds to her, and is slowly turning her undead. She is mesmerized by the blade and the power it gives her. She may even go to the Ebon blade and ask for training. They will probably refuse her and try to take the blade from her but they cannot. It is fused to her somehow and they cannot undo the curse/bond.

I see this as a good story concept to build slowly. It is turning her undead, she is unsure if she wants to continue with it or not, but finding she cannot release it. A monumental struggle of will and inner strength. Is this a good concept or too far out there?

Any suggestions as to make it work?
Edited by Duskwither on 7/20/2013 6:34 PM PDT
25 Blood Elf Monk
Mmm. My opinion would be to scrap the cursed/bonded part. I also wouldn't include the Ebon Blade in this matter. I can't imagine they would react favorably to this kind of thing and your character will have an issue with many a DK if you want to do the whole '!@#$ went bad but she got away anyway' thing... Just too dramatic for my taste.

But then again, I'm a fan of simplicity.
66 Blood Elf Death Knight
I agree maybe the Ebon Blade bit a little to risky. But the blade has to be bonded to her or cursed so she cannot get rid of it easily.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
To be honest with you all, I am getting a bit of a creative slump and some burn out. Going to be minecrafting today and looking at other games. Sorry for being absent today. I am just not feeling rpish today. Need time to recharge and get those creative juices flowing again.
50 Blood Elf Warlock
I can understand. Go have some fun, we all need a break from wow every now and then.

The combined efforts of Shadow and Rath have convinced Rhannah to go to the party, so be warned, Rian's next on the list. (Actually, Rhannah said she'd go if Rian went). There's also a surprise waiting for Rian, but it can wait a day or two, and I have an idea of how I want to spring the surprise, I just need to talk to Rath before I decide if I want to do that.

Oh and http://questaholic.blogspot.com.au/ is the reason why Kassyndrah has so many restrictions on what she can do in game. She's the star of her own Blog! (I actually have to catch up on my posting to the blog, I have enough for two posts and I need to write them before I level her again.)
25 Blood Elf Monk
I don't understand why it has to be. I would find it more interesting from a psychological stand point if it was all mental. I mean, it was the blade of someone she loved dearly who was lost. She could simply be in denial as to what it's doing to her and refuse to give it up because of sentimental value. Crazy attachments don't have to always be magical :> That's my point.

But enjoy your break.

And that's a fun little idea, Rhannah. I have a blog that I've neglected to hell and back since the launch of MoP. I should do something about that. Haha. Though, I'm not maining a hunter anymore, I don't know what exactly I would do with it!
66 Blood Elf Death Knight
I appreciate the feedback Shadow, but I am at a loss as to how she could even wield the runed blade unless it is bound to her somehow. Unless she simply cannot do the magic rp wise, but still doing it OOC in dungeons?

How would she learn to use it unless someone showed her? How about the runes themselves? Can I have someone offer to teach her and maybe tattoo the runes on her arms so she can use it? Or could this be part of her psychological attachment to it?

And I know simple is better especially where I am concerned!! But I do not want to make it so simple it is cliche, which it already runs the risk of being. I do want to find a partner who can be either good or bad, influencing her to go one way or the other.
90 Blood Elf Monk
I appreciate the feedback Shadow, but I am at a loss as to how she could even wield the runed blade unless it is bound to her somehow. Unless she simply cannot do the magic rp wise, but still doing it OOC in dungeons?

You don't need to know how to use it. Its a weapon. She swings it like she would a sword. The part of the RP that you seem to be missing is that the weapon is unbound, and uncontrolled. Thus it would sporadically give off magic, explode and be unwieldy at times. This is what you are missing.

You. Aren't. A. Death. Knight.

You want a character who is a Death Knight OOCly but not one ICly. So you have to either use the rune weapon ICly without any knowledge of what you are doing and then ignore all OOC actions. Or you don't use the character for RP.

Its that simple.

How would she learn to use it unless someone showed her? How about the runes themselves? Can I have someone offer to teach her and maybe tattoo the runes on her arms so she can use it? Or could this be part of her psychological attachment to it?

You can't learn. You walk up to someone and ask "Hey teach me how to use rune weapons." They'll want to know where you got it and in most cases will likely kill you for even trying to use it. Death Knights guard their secrets jealously and they also will kill you for using it, most others will avoid you because of such a stigma on such weapons.

No to the rest of it just no. Sure you can do it. But I don't approve and several others don't approve so here's the down and dirty advice.

Just don't do it this way. You want a warrior then RP it as a warrior. You want to RP a warrior using a rune weapon do it as described.
25 Blood Elf Monk
I think the more cliche thing is the curse or making it bound to her. Not the fact that it's a widow clinging to the last remnants of her lost loved one. But. That's just me. And it's not about simple simply where you are concerned. You can break down all of the 'elements' of my characters into less than a paragraph each.
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