Rising Sun Fellowship (OOC #4)

66 Blood Elf Death Knight
So you would approve if it was simply a warrior who carries the weapon but does not use it IC'ly, or if she does it will not work as it would with a DK? So she will never learn to use it or harness it's magic.

But it should be affecting her, shouldn't it? Turning her undead or is that too much? Can she simply have it in her possession and not use it? I can accept that, in fact I like it better. She will remain alive and simply hide the sword and not use it IC. Forever remaining a warrior who is haunted by the past of killing her husband.
25 Blood Elf Monk
Pretty much.

It will slowly kill her. It will be hard to hide the fact that it is killing her. It's kind of obvious when someone's turning undead, especially later on. When they get all corpsey. And shiz. It will affect her. She cannot harness its magic because she's not a DK, and to become one, the magics would still kill her.
50 Blood Elf Warlock
I have work in the morning and won't be around until after 10 pm server, possibly earlier, possibly later depending on how work goes. If anyone's around then, I'd love to rp.

Oh and two more zones until I can turn Rhannah's xp back on again! Sometimes I wonder why I thought going for Loremaster while leveling would be a good idea. Anyway, I'm off for the night. Have fun!
25 Blood Elf Monk
I might be on again by then. Either that or watching something relaxing. I'm fairly sure we'll be out of our raid by then. :> Starting alt runs on my DK!
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Jahana, if you're going to be around tomorrow, I'd love the chance to catch up. I have a bit of a problem with one of my characters and I could use some input on how to solve it. I'm likely to be online from around 5pm server.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
I will be around when you need to talk, Rhannah. You have me on battletag, so just give me a holler when you are ready.
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Hey all! Hope you are all doing great! I'm back from my mini vacation and it was just what I needed. Hopefully I'll see some of you online today! :D
49 Blood Elf Warlock
I'll be on sometime around 6 CST. I need to get Zyss up a level or two, otherwise she'll be left too far behind you all. Besides, she needs something to talk about other than her knight in shining armor.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Okay, I have seen many pics of blood elves and such, but for some reason, when I saw this one I thought of Kel'tira. I don't know why, I just did. Anyways...

25 Blood Elf Monk
Enjoy your ladies night out :> Sorry I can't come. Both for IC and OOC reasons. I can't do RP events Tues-Thurs nights. Haha.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
We need to get more people rping with the group, we need more recruits. And we need to be working with those who are not comfortable rping. We have some good storylines going. We need to get more people!

Oh and are we still searching for Elysium and where is our next search going to be?
90 Blood Elf Monk
We need to get more people rping with the group, we need more recruits. And we need to be working with those who are not comfortable rping. We have some good storylines going. We need to get more people!

Oh and are we still searching for Elysium and where is our next search going to be?

Kel is in charge of the search for Elysium.

Otherwise the tavern thread will be going up here shortly once we've told more people about it at the meeting on Saturday.

Outside of that if you want to get more RP going that is totally acceptable, the guild arc is moving at a pace that's acceptable to those in charge of it.
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Had fun on girls night all! Sorry I had to make Fyn a party pooper and leave.
The search for Elysium will continue next week, hopefull, as I am at a meet all day (likely) Saturday and Sunday of this week. However: I am taking a vacation and will likely not be on at all through the first two or three weeks of August. Rath, I'll talk to you about the guild arc.

I'm too lazy to change characters on my phone. It's Kel on an alt.
50 Blood Elf Warlock
I have a busy day today and I'm not sure how much time I'll get online. Tomorrow should be fine though.
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Waiting for a friend to log on to skype I got bored and decided to to a bit of exploring on my hunter.

I got a surprise at the steam pools in Feralas when I found one of blizzard's sneaky pop culture references. ------> http://tinyurl.com/tramsay

I'd love to use this place for an rp sometime, what do you guys think?
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Hehe Gordon Tramsay...I love it!

I approve of that spot!
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Oooh I loved those last two journal posts with Rhannah and Rian! Awesome posts guys! :D
50 Blood Elf Warlock

Are you able to come online for some rp?
51 Blood Elf Monk
I have a sore wrist, have been trying to rest it, no gaming, but might be able to rp a bit.

I started a silly rp on my character Lillideth if anyone is interested in a bit of forum rp. Called Where am I?
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