Rising Sun Fellowship (OOC #4)

50 Blood Elf Warlock
I saw it.

Poor Kass... Why do I put my characters in the position of having to break guys hearts?
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Sorry Rhannah didn't see that until this morning, I literally went to sleep right after posting XD
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Not a problem Fyn. I'm off to work in about an hour, but if you're around when I get home, I'm always up for some rp.
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Sounds good, I will likely be around ;)
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Rhannah, I'll be on a bit later, going to see Despicable me 2 with a friend!
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Be on in a few minutes if anyone is around. Hope you enjoyed the movie Fyn!
51 Blood Elf Monk
I will be there. I am just mindlessly leveling a few rp characters on MG.
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Great rp everyone! I had a lot of fun. See you all tomorrow.
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Yeah I had a blast too Rhannah! Thanks all :D
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Cy how does Friday evening sound for Jen's date with Leon? I was thinking around 5:30-6pm server. The earliest I could do is probably around 5pm server.

Oh yeah, make sure she's wearing her bikini, there will be swimming involved.
Edited by Rhannah on 8/1/2013 2:01 AM PDT
68 Blood Elf Paladin
That works fine for me. That just about my normal time to come on.

Ooo, more swimming? I get to see that hunky dreamy pally in his trunks again. I look forward to it!

(Now if I can just keep my hands to myself and not paw all over him.)
51 Blood Elf Monk
As much as I love the romance, I think we need some conflict going on somewhere. It is getting a bit too sweet for my taste.

Does anyone have any ideas on a villain we could concentrate on? Or something to do with the guild arc would be nice. I do believe that some may feel left out of the fun by not having a partner. We need some action we can rally around and get excited about!
87 Blood Elf Paladin
I have a warlock I could come up with a plot for, if that would work. Need to level him a bit though, hes only 26.
51 Blood Elf Monk
That might be tricky, since we have so many warlocks in the Fellowship now. But not impossible. Need to do some talking in game and see what we can come up with. I want to get some of the others who are not paired up to be involved. So it is not all sweet romantic stuff. More buddies and adventurers.
58 Draenei Death Knight
I could always bring Lucifearyx back to plague the Horde side of the realm. Oh, the sweet things I could do with all those sickening kissie-poo romantics, and draw in the lonely hearts club band too.

<taps his finger tips together> Yes, oh, my yes. Tasty feelings and anguish, pain...Oh, I can only imagine the fun I could have....hahahahahahaha!!!!

Perhaps Jondolar could aid me? Hmm, let me seek an alliance with him. Oh, yes! Very Nice...he may have a bone to pick after they left his sister to the likes of Viragona. Oh, the joys I...I mean, -we- could inflict upon the RSF.
Edited by Bagore on 8/1/2013 12:50 PM PDT
51 Blood Elf Monk
Oh yes and the kidnappings and rescues!!. That is what built the RSF from the beginning! In game discussions are encouraged. We need a way to include all of our new members too.
58 Draenei Death Knight
Oh, I'll include them...to my collection! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
85 Night Elf Druid
ok I was told I could do this I believe I rped with a few of you in game last nite, I know Syd, Bryah, and Lin were there. Anyway I was told I could put a pseudo sign-up for my potential in game rp character for feedback, I have no history yet, and Bryah, or Rhannah as most of you prolly know her, should know why:P So without further ado here is the sign-up.

Name: Zakia "Potential Nickname"

Age: 72

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Rogue/ Ranger/ Farstrider

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 165 lbs.

Appearance: Zakia has long golden hair, that reaches to his midback. He has the fel green eyes typical of his race, a lean muscular build which allows hims to travel quickly, and silently. No visible scars or tatoos, he wears basic leathers for easy movement, and he wields two magical swords. (The armor, and weapons are just placeholders for now:P)

Personality: Confident, and Care Free

Strengths: Skilled Tracker, Scout, and Combatant

Weaknesses: Perhaps overly confident to the point of being considered cocky, and foolish.

Likes: Lounging in trees, the forest, and his family

Dislikes: Anyone who insults his family.

Edited by Sammuroth on 8/1/2013 10:43 PM PDT
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Awesome, nice to meet you Sammuroth! Hope to see you in game soon!

I agree, all the squishy messy love bits are...well...good to a point, lol. Liking the talk about adding more danger and excitment with our rp though! ;)
58 Draenei Death Knight
Fynnariel, you shall be my first...then that freaking priest boyfriend, I'm not sure which one I'll kill quite yet. But you will be my first...yes, my first....

Enjoy the excitement.
Edited by Bagore on 8/1/2013 8:39 PM PDT
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