Rising Sun Fellowship (OOC #4)

90 Blood Elf Rogue
I would love your assistance in this! Let's talk later this eveing on Skype. And thanks, Vira.

Priestess might be right up the alley of what she would be. And several Guardians and such?
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Left you a note on Skype Cyaer. I think Rhannah and Fyn might help us if we ask.
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Anyone else having problems logging in or is it just me?

Nice post Sym! :D

Oooh help with what?
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Oooh help with what?

Sure I'd love to help out, I just need to know what I'd be helping with lol.
85 Night Elf Druid
Rhan it figures you get on as I am about to go to bedXD
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Sorry Sam, I had to go to work today, I'll be on earlier tomorrow. :D
85 Night Elf Druid
I will be on eventually tomorrow, hopefully by at least 10PM server goin to a friends to hang out so hopefully you will still be around when I get on:)
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Guys I don't think I'll be on tonight. I keep getting kicked out of our server...only the Cenarion Circle server...none of the others are I have characters on are giving me trouble -_-

Ooooh but I can create an alt and play it on Cenarion... *so confused*
Edited by Fynnariel on 8/5/2013 11:52 PM PDT
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Yeah we have all been having problems. I think they are still working out the kinks on the last patch drop. And probably adding more to it for the next one, in the background loader. Ever since they started using that background thing it makes the game a bit finicky and causes some people to have problems.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Kye's first journal entry. Hope it's ok. I was going to totally retcon her backstory, but I thought it might be interesting to play a character who had an outward veneer of respectability covering a dark(ish) past.

She's totally ashamed of her past and only reveals snippets of it. Don't ask why she ran away from home at such a young age. I have no idea. Kye won't tell me.
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Great posts guys. I enjoyed reading them.

I'm still struggling to find a way to enter the tavern thread though. Whether it's Rhannah's shyness blocking me, or just straight out writer's block, I don't know. I'll try to get a post up tonight or tomorrow morning.

Rath/Shadow. Somehow I need to get guild stones for my other characters in the guild (Medra and Kyetah, definitely, not sure about Sandarah). Could we arrange a time for them to receive them ICly?

Anyway, time to leave for work. See you all in game.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
A belated welcome aboard Sam! I have been out of town since last week and my hotel and computer had an argument over the wireless so I was unplugged most of the time (my poor phone got a workout). And in case you don't remember all my toons, I am Evara : )

And for the guild: I have no idea when I will be back in the game... maybe Sunday. Things will hopefully calm down a bit here by next week and I should be able to be on a bit more. Auxi should probably touch base with a few people but for the most part, will remain on the fringes.
85 Night Elf Druid
EVARA!!!! *tackle hugs*

86 Blood Elf Hunter
Hey Auxi!

There! A journal entry with a bit of Fyn's past...and very light on the "mush". Car's turn for a mushy journal entry :P

Ooooh it seems someone else has a stalker of their own! Or potential love interest? Can't wait to see more of that,lol.

Almost forgot! I work so I won't be there for the meeting. Also I will post in the Taven thread tonight, and the where am I thread as well...but I probably won't be logging in today not sure yet though. So if not I'll see you all tomorrow!
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Finally posted in the Tavern thread!

Love the post Fyn.

I'm so dying of curiosity about who the girl is that has a secret admirer. I feel like I should know who's alt that is, but it's escaping me at the moment. I want to say Cy or Krei, but I can't be definite.

I'll be in game later if anyone wants to rp.
90 Human Warrior
I'm just waiting on Lineron to post before the boys start causing trouble for the elves.
85 Night Elf Druid
not much but it works I think, posted in the tavern thread OMG XD
50 Blood Elf Warlock
lol. Hey, Leon and Medra ganged up on Rhannah, so it was only fair that they all gang up on Zak as well :p
85 Night Elf Druid
lol by the way I will be on a little later
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Excellent! Looking forward to some rp.
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