The Oddities Of Azeroth!


5 Goblin Warlock
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! I bring to your attention the soon to be thirteenth wonder of the world! The Oddities of Azeroth is a guild in the making, that will behold some of the greatest shows of the realm! Including amazing animals, fabulous foods, and daring duels!
And the best part is, you can be part of the action! Just post below your race, skill, name, occupation, and why you wish to join me in my dream for excellence! Is this form of audition is unsuitable for you, contact me Greazel, and we shall see each other in person.

OOC: Hey everyone! I noticed that there seems to be a sudden lack of entertaining RP on Wyrmrest Accord. When I realized that, I decided to create my own circus/sideshow guild! I still need the charter to fill up. But once everything is in order, its show business! Any questions? Anyone interested? I really think this could become something awesome if we get enough people.
Edited by Greazel on 7/5/2013 8:25 AM PDT
49 Blood Elf Warlock

Hmm, great minds think a like, no?
5 Goblin Warlock
/highfive :) The thing is, there's nothing like that on Wyrmrest, which is why I'm creating this one. Plus, it will be fun! But really, is anyone interested? So far its just me and another goblin.
Actually I am getting some inspiration from you guys, like using druids as animals! But I have some ideas of my own too that I think a lot of people will love.
Edited by Greazel on 7/5/2013 9:08 AM PDT
5 Goblin Warlock
One of the ideas I have includes not using druids as wild animals, but possibly using hunter pets! And then using the ability to transmog so that you can wear armor that could help someone fall from great height while appearing to wear simple cloth pants.
90 Blood Elf Priest
Aye, we have a few monks and possibly rogues acting as acrobats and "clowns".
5 Goblin Warlock
Hm, that's a cool idea! Does anyone want to join? I have plenty more ideas for acts, aamong other things.
66 Troll Druid
We already have a circus going here, we could always use a few more people!! Come and join us!
5 Goblin Warlock
The thing is, yours is on Cenarion circle. I'm making a different one, with different acts and attractions, but on Wyrmrest Accord.
100 Orc Death Knight
if your willing to change servers my guild would be more than happy to help with all of this! it sounds fun.
100 Orc Death Knight
im on emerald dream
100 Draenei Death Knight
I'd like to join this guild of yours, but I'd like to know what class/race combo you are in need of most ( as I've yet to make a character on Wyrmrest Accord. ) I hope you'll reply soon.
-Royalcoco of Rexxar
24 Goblin Warlock
(Hey, this is the alt I am using to lead the guild.)
Sorry Mildorn , I'm not really willing to change servers, for one thing I akready have [eople into the guild.
Edited by Neltrix on 7/8/2013 7:33 AM PDT
24 Goblin Warlock
And as for Royalcoco, Great! Any race/combo is fine, but magic user of some kind would be helpful, and our hunter recently quit. As for race, anythings fine, so far we have two pandaren, one blood elf, and of course, one goblin.
100 Draenei Death Knight
Alright! I'm in! One troll druid coming right up! Where shall we meet and when ( server time please. )?
24 Goblin Warlock
How about you contact me in-game and friend me. Then we can schedule a time to meet.
12 Undead Priest
I'm very new to role play, but this is very very cool.
96 Dwarf Paladin
I agree, we need more entertaining RP instead of the usual "Boo, I'm a big bad bandit!" or "Rawrg, I'm a big guard man who does nothing."
24 Goblin Warlock
Thanks guys! We are currently having some recruiting problems, so we are always happy when anyone joins! I have a bunch of ideas for acts, we have quite a few alliances with other guilds, we even have opened another branch of the guild that runs a shop in Org! We just need to fill up the roster some more, and we will keep expanding and growing, I am really dedicated to this guild, and this is going to be a ton of fun!
42 Worgen Hunter
When I get my stuff running again, I'll look into you on my troll droode.

If you'd like, she can be the wacky fortune teller.
24 Goblin Warlock
That would be great! We are always looking for people willing to do those sort of things!
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