The Oddities Of Azeroth!


24 Goblin Warlock
23 Worgen Rogue
16 Worgen Warlock
7 Night Elf Druid
This isn't the character I'd be joining on, I'm currently leveling a druid on Wyrmrest so could I join as a druid?
24 Goblin Warlock
Of course! As long as its a Horde toon, everything's cool. What level is she at the moment?
7 Night Elf Druid
She's a level 5 at the moment, I just made her yesterday, and didn't get the chance to level her more. My computer is having some type of issue so I cant get her name for you until I can log in after maintenance is done.
24 Goblin Warlock
Ah, okay, is there a specific act you have in mind? Do you want me to assign one that I came up with? Or maybe you would prefer to run the shop? We have a ton of jobs open, and your welcome to have any of them you want!
7 Night Elf Druid
Do you plan on having a lion tamer type act? I'd prefer to work in the animal forms, and could run a shop every once in awhile and anything else needed. I had an idea for a performance for any druid it's up to you. Would you like to hear it? Read it? Whatever.
24 Goblin Warlock
Sure! I have some ideas for a lion tamer act, but I would love to hear yours! Hey by the way, what race is she? Tauren or troll?
Edited by Neltrix on 7/30/2013 10:18 AM PDT
7 Night Elf Druid
Tauren. And my idea was that you could have one druid for each form. The post is gonna be a little long, so sit back and enjoy the read. :)

Cat Form:
Kind of like a lion tamer act. It starts with the "tamer" coming out and leading the lion (cat) out. (Which a tauren in the right color actually kind of looks like a lion.) And we'd have to have a place with several objects. The lion jumps from object to object, or spot to spot, depending on if there are objects. Next, the tamer, while watching the lion, goes to get another lion and they do the whole jumping around thing, but chasing each other. Kinda. They then do leap frog. (By the way the tamer whistles so they know when to start.)

That's all I have for that one.

Travel Form:
Idea 1- They could be a rare animal.
Idea 2- They could be like a horse. They'd have a rider, and do tricks.

Or what about both. They could be a rare animal that we are taming. And for RP purposes the riders can get thrown off (not hard) the first time. And have more then one.

Aquatic Form:
Like they do in SeaWorld and other places, they could have a trainer who is directing them in tricks. The only thing you cant do is have them jump. :( Again more then one would be cool in my opinion.

Bear Form:
Dancing Bears. That's all I got for that.

Treant and Tree of Life forms:
Costumes with kind of like a dancing type performance?

Costumes maybe? Dancers? (I keep thinking of belly dancers when I see them dance.

Flight Form:
I wouldn't say use Swift Flight Form. Tricks mainly.

Theres my ideas. Thanks for reading.
24 Goblin Warlock
That sounds great! I'm looking forward for seeing you as the newest member of "Oddities Of Azeroth!"
7 Night Elf Druid
It's a guild right? I'll send you a letter in game.
24 Goblin Warlock
Yeah, its a guild. :) I will be on tonight and recruit you, see ya!
7 Night Elf Druid
Oh and by the way I go back to school soon so if we do preformances, can you please send me a schedule and try to do them around 5 or 6?
24 Goblin Warlock
Oh yeah, sure! Mostly all of our acts will be on Saturday nights though, so I hope that helps!
7 Night Elf Druid
That's fine, can't wait until we start!
24 Goblin Warlock
Just send me a letter in-game on the toon, add any questions you might have, and I will recruit you as soon as I get it!
24 Goblin Warlock
24 Goblin Warlock
Bump, oh and I got your message! As soon as you log on I will recruit you!
90 Goblin Warrior
I would advise going on Moon Guard, you find ALOT of RP there.
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