The Blue Recluse Announces.... [A-RP]

90 Night Elf Druid
Hello all,

As of September 12th the ownership of the Blue Recluse in the Mage Quarter of Stormwind City was passed on by Zaium Duskmyre to myself, Alexithima Moonblade. I wanted to post this so all may know both of the ownership change and the rules set in place.


1. Please, if your getting into a drunken brawl try and stumble out of the building before you do and try not to break anything.

2. If you break something, you get to buy it.

3 No potions in the drinks!

4 Do not let pets raid the kitchen, druids and special cases will be considered for exemption to this rule.

5 No dancing on the table please.

6 We will not be held responsible for injuries or ailments which occur due to stupidity, drunkenness, or a combination of both.

7 No throwing people to "make windows' if I am going to put windows in, I will do it in my own time, not yours.

Over all though just have a good time, or a bad time if you prefer.

Alexithima Moonblade

((As an OOC note I wouldn't mind seeing more RP so everyone is welcome, just try to have fun. Don't bring things down to much. ~Lexi~))
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94 Human Monk
5 No dancing on the table please.

((Is dancing in the chairs allowed? This is important.))
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100 Human Mage
((Didn't say we couldn't sleep on them))
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90 Night Elf Druid
Don't care about either of those just not on the table))
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90 Night Elf Druid
Or the bar for that matter. Everywhere else is fine.))
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92 Night Elf Druid
Az have questions!

What if brawling, but not drunk?

If Az break a Worgen, Az can buy said Puppy?

Az can be druid AND special case, and get double trips for kitchen please?

Is thank! Also, when want windows, call Az. Az very good builder. Destroyer? Both.
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90 Night Elf Druid
I suppose then that I should clarify, No brawls inside, take them all outside. If you break a worgen or anyone for that matter then no. you can't buy it, you call me so I can heal them. Az, being a druid you can have as many trips to the kitchen as you want. Just eat in moderation so there is enough food left for everyone. I will make sure to call you when I need a window Azcat *Scritches behind Az's ears* I'm sure your an excellent construction person.
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100 Human Mage
You said no new windows. I frown upon this but I suppose I can understand. What about wall hangings? I envision a -really- life like wall hanging resembling Azheira. Would that be okay?
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90 Human Paladin
I envision...draenei (one in particular - and only that one, actually).

On her knees.

Scrubbing the floors.

How does that sound?
Edited by Azheira on 9/14/2013 1:52 PM PDT
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100 Worgen Rogue
Break it up, you two. Must we go through this a second time?
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90 Human Paladin
*Points at Noikona/Terra.

She started it.

And I wouldn't say it would be the second time. More like...the 17th time.
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100 Human Mage
*sighs and whispers to herself “And I will finish it”*

Do not be troubled Miss Alex I will follow the rules of your humble establishment. I only hope the -children- behave.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Pants... nothing about pants has been discussed. I find this highly inconsiderate of those of us who consider such weighty matters.

Pants optional? Pants removed?

I'm happy to volunteer for the position of "Pants Bouncer".
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100 Human Paladin
Lexi, I'm really glad you are promoting the Recluse. Good job.
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93 Human Death Knight
And I'm the bouncer, you start any trouble and I will put my foot so far up your you-know-what, you'll be smelling dead feet. You buy me a drink or ten, and I might consider not throwing you out. Tamper with the alcohol, and I'll break your back on the spot.

Edited by Slithengar on 9/15/2013 12:28 PM PDT
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90 Gnome Rogue
Oh? Are we buying Worgen? I want to buy one, how much?
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100 Human Warlock
Oh? Are we buying Worgen? I want to buy one, how much?

Pricing will depend on certain factors. For example, whether you want one housebroken or not, breeding lines (purebred or would a mutt do?), and how trained you want one as well. I mean, there's a lot of work involved teaching them to fetch, roll over, assassination via poisoning; a well-trained worgen represents a large investment of time!
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100 Human Mage
Oh? Are we buying Worgen? I want to buy one, how much?

Why worgen? I have a wide selection of gno.... *takes a closer look at Ettin* Ah, never mind. Perhaps I don't have anything to your liking.

*walks away quickly*
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90 Night Elf Druid
*rubs the bridge of her nose* Thank you Gentyl. Ragefang, just... don't take other peoples pants and keep yourself.... decent .. at least....
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90 Gnome Rogue
Pricing will depend on certain factors. For example, whether you want one housebroken or not, breeding lines (purebred or would a mutt do?), and how trained you want one as well. I mean, there's a lot of work involved teaching them to fetch, roll over, assassination via poisoning; a well-trained worgen represents a large investment of time!

I just need one that is housebroken, I can train them myself. I'm fine with a mutt because some of the more purebred ones can be rather annoying. *mutters* With their top hats and monocles and fancy clothing...
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