The Blue Recluse Announces.... [A-RP]

90 Worgen Warlock
*Eyes Ettinjandy while sniffing pompously yet delicately.

Mon petit chou, I would not be for sale. However, if you are in need of companionship, I would be happy to find you a 'friend'.

*Winks slyly.
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83 Worgen Death Knight
I have only one question, new-owner-of-the-blue-recluse, I know you have no quarrel with Worgen, but what about folks of my... trade.

((OOC question, will Desdes have to wear her wolf mask when accepting jobs as she is a bounty hunter?))
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90 Night Elf Druid
More then likely yes, since the bar is open to all, various groups of the most amiable, and a little lesser than, nature tend to stop through. If you are dealing in a business transaction that does not with to draw attention to your self, then I would suggest it.

((OOC answer: I don't really mind using the recluse as a meeting spot for such things, people do it all the time.))
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90 Gnome Rogue
*Blinks at Makelo* Perhaps, we may need to speak at some point. I like that idea.

*Turns and looks at Desdes* She allows me to stay in the Recluse. I have yet to be kicked out.
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100 Draenei Mage
((Lexi, we had a question in AOOC tonight - is it ok to bring your own booze into the bar? With no bartender on duty it's hard to make a call either way. IRL most snazzier places would rather you didn't bring your own food in but there's always ways to get around it.

Also you should totally hire a bartender. >_>))
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90 Night Elf Priest
((Id love to see more RP around the recluse (or the mage district in general) Its always been a fav spot to just go and sit when i am hoping to meet some people for RP. since i came to this server ill go there, and sit, but 99% of the time there is never any RP. So if you see me just aimlessly sitting, feel free to approach! . and the rules will always be followed by me, most of the time -nods nods- ))
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