Atramedes down to the Pandas this evening. Great job guys.
*** SoE Cataclysm Raid Progression Thread ***
Chim down to CoL after too many sub 100k wipes. We even got Sound and Fury! Grats guys, super proud of you!
Zen has killed Argaloth, Halfus Wyrmbreaker, Magmaw, Omnotron Defense System, Maloriak, and Atramedes.
EDIT: And as of about five minutes ago, Valionia and Theralion.
EDIT: And as of about five minutes ago, Valionia and Theralion.
Edited by Zieda on 2/20/2011 8:12 PM PST
Grats to CoL on getting Atramedes down. That makes us 8/12, and we plan to spend this upcoming week working on Nef. We're excited.
Updated! Grats on the progression guys and gals!
And woot, we got the progression stickied!
And woot, we got the progression stickied!
Steel & Harsh Language took down Valiona/Theralion and Omnitron. Also, we took down Argaloth and I forgot to post...
AM is now 12/12 Normal 3/13 Heroic (Halfus, Chimmy, Maloriak). 10-Man.
Edited by Arat on 3/22/2011 8:14 PM PDT
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