Heroic Magmaw down the other night for dte.
*** SoE Cataclysm Raid Progression Thread ***
DTE is done raiding here so you can take us off the list. Everyone gets bumped up a spot congrats.
Dominance Progression:
Blackwing Descent: 5/6
Magmaw: Dead
Omnotron Defense System: Dead
Maloriak: Dead
Chimaeron: Dead
Atramedes: Dead
Bastion of Twilight: 3/4
Halfus Wyrmbreaker: Dead
Valiona and Theralion: Dead
The Twilight Ascendants: Dead
Throne of the Four Winds: 1/2
Conclave of Wind: Dead
Baradin Hold: 1/2
Argaloth: Dead
Blackwing Descent: 5/6
Magmaw: Dead
Omnotron Defense System: Dead
Maloriak: Dead
Chimaeron: Dead
Atramedes: Dead
Bastion of Twilight: 3/4
Halfus Wyrmbreaker: Dead
Valiona and Theralion: Dead
The Twilight Ascendants: Dead
Throne of the Four Winds: 1/2
Conclave of Wind: Dead
Baradin Hold: 1/2
Argaloth: Dead
dominance is now 10/12 . Got our first chogall kill in this evening leaving only nefarion and al akir
Grats to the guys and gals of Cry of Luna for taking out Cho. It was a long time coming, we worked on the fight quite a bit, and we finally downed him. Now that we have our strat down, I can see this being a farm fight each week. Great job guys!
Oh, and we got Conclave down a long time ago, if you can update that for us.
Oh, and we got Conclave down a long time ago, if you can update that for us.
Edited by Faeylin on 5/10/2011 11:17 AM PDT
Council of Dragons hasn't updated in a while, so here are our current standings:
10 man
12/12 normal
Heroic Halfus down
25 man
4/5 normal Blackwing Descent
1/2 normal Throne of the Four Winds
2/4 normal Bastion of Twilight
10 man
12/12 normal
Heroic Halfus down
25 man
4/5 normal Blackwing Descent
1/2 normal Throne of the Four Winds
2/4 normal Bastion of Twilight
Edited by Tzufit on 5/25/2011 7:05 PM PDT
CoL took out Nef tonight, making us 12/12 normal modes. We're not planning to mess with heroic modes for the current tier until sometime after we clear our way through Firelands normal modes. Grats to CoL (and to all the other raiding guilds as well). We'll be back when 4.2 hits.
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