SoE Guild Directory

71 Human Hunter
Faction : Alliance
Guild Name: The Refuge
Guild Type: Medium-Heavy RP
Contacts: Calindah, Moirah, Ithideth
Web site: In process of making
Recruiting: Yes
Information: We are the sister guild to the The Broken House horde side, this does not mean you must play horde to be a member. We are looking for other RPers who may be looking for a refuge to stay in.
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84 Human Paladin
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: House Thornbush
Guild Type: RP, medium-heavy
Contacts: Avmella
Web site: (not really finished yet. <_< )
Recruiting: Yes
Information: House Thornbush is a small, new RP guild for the promotion of, particularly (but certainly not exclusively), non-event-based RP. Contact in-game is preferred to only by the website. In-character interview / RP trial is required to join.
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100 Orc Death Knight
Faction: Horde

Guild Name: Ghostfang Brotherhood

Guild Type: Casual PvE, PvP, Raiding, Roleplaying, Social.

Contacts: Gelmarrk (GM)\Fatel , Grimgor, Killen, Monigan, Odhinn

Web site:

Recruiting: limited

Information: Transfers from AD and been here since server launch. Family type guild made up of mature players. We raid, we pvp and enjoy helping the Horde players no matter who they are. We are serious about it but also just like to enjoy the game experience with each other. Looking for drama? Move along and keep looking.

sorry Nozz I broke the sentence limit ;)
Edited by Fatel on 12/2/2010 5:06 PM PST
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85 Draenei Priest
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: The Lucid End
Guild Type: Casual Raiding/Social
Contacts: Darkaria, Pura, Fraile, Nornova
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: Lucid End is a laid-back guild that likes to do a little bit of everything. We welcome all levels and types of player, but expect to be bombarded by paper zeppelins upon joining. Also, naked runs through Orgrimmar might be enforced.
Edited by Fraile on 12/8/2010 6:23 PM PST
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Please remove Eclipse - we've reformed!

Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Steel and Harsh Language
Guild Type: Raiding, PVE
Contacts: Nurgal, Sikthus, Noralsia, Icar, Jence
Web site: in progress
Recruiting: Not at this time
Information: Our guild is a weekend raiding guild focused on progression. Raid times are: Friday 7:00 to 9:00-ish ST; Saturday 12:00 to 4:00 ST; Sunday 12:00 to 4:00 ST. Note: Friday raid nights are postponed until further notice.
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80 Draenei Paladin
Faction: Alliance

Guild Name: Broken Butterfly

Guild Type: Casual PvE, light PvP, Social, Raiding (in the future)

Contacts: Drakage, Razara, Casitha

Web site:

Recruiting: Yes

Information: It's just a few of us starting out, but the guild has been in the works for over a year. We are very organized and we are always looking for mature players to enjoy the game with us. We promote a fun atmosphere and we hope you'll join us.

Additional information: We do ask that anyone wishing to join to please visit our website and click on the "Joining" link for further instructions on how to join. If you want to sign up on our forum, we also request that you do so with the name of the character you wish to join the guild with (for the sake of helping us to stay organized). We are currently not raid-ready yet, but we're hoping to change that once we have a core group of people who wish to take those steps with us to make it happen.
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85 Draenei Death Knight
Moved Servers.
Edited by Crtos on 8/21/2012 4:54 PM PDT
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85 Gnome Mage
12/22/2010 7:27 AMPosted by Crtos
Also could you change Foundations info

Guild Name: Foundation
Guild Type: Casual
Contacts: Sioban , Jaack

Grynch and Gretsch are no longer with them

Done! Thanks for letting me know about the changes :)
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100 Blood Elf Paladin

Guild Name: Apples

Guild Type: Raiding

Contacts: Ellach, Androxius, Vahnya, Christel.

Web site:

Recruiting: Closed.

Information: 25man Raiding guild. See
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Faction: Horde
Guild Name: Avoid This
Guild Type: PvE, light PvP, Raiding, Social.
Contacts: Whimsical, Floot (guild leaders); Dktrash, Shadoriven, Belsagore, Jayasara, Rinelen (officers)
Web site: We have a website, but is currently out of date. Will post a link once this is cleared up.
Recruiting: Recruiting is done on a case by case basis.
Information: Avoid This is a friendly, knowledgeable and all-around active guild. We stick up for our own and help out those who need it. We are a drama-free guild, meaning that purposefully creating friction among members is out of the question.
Edited by Rinelen on 12/25/2010 2:00 AM PST
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85 Orc Warrior
^^ Darkness in the Light(Horde) Is no longer exsists as a raiding guild, just a alt bank. Remove it when you get a chance please
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85 Draenei Priest
Faction: Alliance

Guild Name: Death and Rebirth

Guild Type: Social | Raiding

Contacts: Dwok | Latooni

Web site:

Recruiting: Only past members and their comrades as of this moment

Information: We have a social channel set up in game for past members to chat without the obligation of joining the guild on an alt - /join dnrlegacy. Feel free to join us there.
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100 Dwarf Hunter
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Claws on Our Paws
Guild Type: Medium to Heavy PvE, Casual to Light PvP, Casual Roleplaying, Social. Raiding to come (old and new content)
Contacts: { Eiggas, Zodeim, Jeanclawed, Eggsie } Address me as Eggs.
Web site: None at this time
Recruiting: Yes, in game mails or whispers accepted
Information: All races, all classes, and all levels. We're a fun loving friends-and-family guild that just want to play the game with as little drama and stress as we can get it. We're small, but slowly expanding. Love to help everyone out as a whole, be it with info or character-to-character assistance.
Edited by Eiggas on 1/1/2011 8:02 PM PST
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22 Blood Elf Warlock
just a question. Are there class only guilds? Like Druids, Rogues, and Mages for example?
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85 Undead Death Knight
Faction: Horde
Guild Name: Revolution Deathguard
Guild Type: PvE and Social
Contacts: Korrinne, Chaosfactor, Gordoc, Deatharm
Web site: Website was lost
Recruiting: Yes
Information: We are a group of people who have been on the server for an extremely long time, and are now gathering new players to raid and socialize with us once more.
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85 Gnome Mage
01/02/2011 4:02 PMPosted by Draiik
just a question. Are there class only guilds? Like Druids, Rogues, and Mages for example?

To be honest, while I've heard of race only guilds, I don't recall hearing any class only. That doesn't mean there aren't any out there, though :)
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85 Orc Warrior
01/02/2011 4:02 PMPosted by Draiik
just a question. Are there class only guilds? Like Druids, Rogues, and Mages for example?

I remember there was a druid only guild a few months back horde side, filled with like 8 level 80 resto druids. Sorry my mind cant remember the guild name, and I have not seen them around lately.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Could you please make the following changes to the entry on Avoid This:

Guild Name: A T Q H

Officers: remove Dktrash and Shadoriven, add Kanofer and Justize

Thank you!
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100 Draenei Shaman
Faction: Aliance
Guild Name: Atlas
Guild Type: Casual raiding, Old and new content, progression at varied levels
Contacts: Everose (aka Alyosha), Tyken
Recruiting: Yes - all levels and classes welcome - new 85 raiders encouraged
Information: New level 5 guild; helpful; looking for mature, friendly players
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90 Night Elf Warrior
Faction: Alliance

Guild Name: Underground Covenant
Guild Type: Medium Roleplay, Casual Raiding, PvE
Contacts: Viloche (GM), Ture, Aliaya, Omorose, Naturefury (officers)
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: We are a optional RP guild with a unique style of managment and a player devolpment focus, as well as expanding and sharing our knowledge of the realm and game mechanics. We look forward to a long realtionship with our RP partners and networks as well as expanding our activity in all aspects of the game.
Edited by Viloche on 2/28/2011 6:52 AM PST
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