SoE Guild Directory

Faction: Horde
Guild Name: The Elementium Cactus
Guild Type: PvE, raiding, Casual to Medium
Contacts: Adnama, Misebe, Sloppyjoe (with the funny accent), Zêphirim
Web site: none at the moment
Recruiting: Yes, currently seeking Healers
Information: Drama free guild, mostly adults or those of mature nature. We have fun, goof around, and are ready to tackle raiding since Cataclysm dropped.
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85 Gnome Mage
((If you're wanting to add your guild info, please post in Kalico's new thread at:

I already posted at the beginning of this thread that I was no longer maintaining it, and also made a call to have it picked up in early January ( ) but no one was interested at the time.

Thank you for reading. ))
Edited by Nozz on 3/1/2011 2:14 PM PST
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Guild Name: Hand of the Sun
Guild Type: Social, RP and light raiding/PvE
Contacts: Talibah, Menentnashte, Argentaam, Elisyia, Celestrielle
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: We do have a process with application and IG interview to join. Please see the site for more info about the guild or feel free to PM or whisper us with questions.
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100 Human Hunter
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Vigilia
Guild Type: Late night dungeons/raids/bgs etc
Contacts: Almost anyone in the guild, Diamondzz is the GM
Recruiting: Always
Information: Vigilia is the new reincarnation of Insomnia...We do all kinds of things, and most events don't start until around 10 or 11 server. We aren't really picky as far as who gets let in, as long as you are willing to help with whatever the guild may be doing!
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