Updated contact information for the Kosh'harg, as well as added dates up till June.
ER Roleplay Events, Hotspots, HQs - 11/10/15
List updated to add two new Alliance events by Havyn of DoS Inc. - The Dripping Ladle on Tuesdays, and The Buried Locket on both Mondays and Thursdays.
Thread updated, the Mug & Sandvich will be on hiatus until May 27th.
Bumping for an announcement! The Mug & Sandvich is back and on a tour in Booty Bay. We're once again Fridays from 9 - 11 p.m. server time... and Horde folks are invited too. Keep brawls to a minimum, otherwise you'll be kindly beaten to a pulp by goblin bruisers. They take interruptions to business very seriously! Seriously!
Updated to add Sunday Services, a weekly Sunday afternoon event hosted by Celestyna at 1 p.m. server time. Check the RP Network each week for location updates, as well as guest speaker.
Updated. The Mug & Sandvich, formerly hosted in Ironforge, has completed its trial run of Booty Bay and has decided to stay. The Mug is renamed The Salty Mug for the occasion, and is open to both Horde and Alliance tavern-goers.
The Dripping Ladle has been retired from Tuesday nights.
The Dripping Ladle has been retired from Tuesday nights.
(Cross-Fraction, mainly Alliance however!) The Lounge's Monday Night!
Time: Commonly around 8-10pm! (Sometimes may start at 9pm!)
Legerdemain Lounge Dalaran City (Middle Tavern), Monday
Guild Name: The Conjurers Court, Host: Kelsus or Conjurer Court Officers
The Conjurers Court and friends proudly presents monday night events! From Story Nights to Firework shows! Events may vary per every week!
EarthenRing Network! for calender events!
Time: Commonly around 8-10pm! (Sometimes may start at 9pm!)
Legerdemain Lounge Dalaran City (Middle Tavern), Monday
Guild Name: The Conjurers Court, Host: Kelsus or Conjurer Court Officers
The Conjurers Court and friends proudly presents monday night events! From Story Nights to Firework shows! Events may vary per every week!
EarthenRing Network! for calender events!
OP updated with Monday Night Legerdemain Lounge events.
Edited by Arialynn on 9/20/2011 5:44 PM PDT
OP updated again to add Hordside Sunday Services, weekly from 3 - 4 p.m.
Thread is updated. Due to the current mass amount of weekly events, the OP was split into Post #2 and Post #3 to not exceed the 5000 character limit. Great show, ER!
/bump for OP update.
Edited by Alaryus on 12/23/2011 7:23 PM PST
OP updated. Subtracted discontinued events, updated current events. Revised formatting for better reader comprehension.
/bump for OP update.
Dusting this guy off, thread updated once more.
Harbor Market updates coming soon!
Fight Night was a riot. Good times.
<3 Aria, great job keeping us updated!
<3 Aria, great job keeping us updated!
OP updated.
Alrighty. Time to update this thing.
This thread is being revamped into not only an RP event listing, but RP hotspot and guild headquarters listing. The OP will update soon. Stay tuned.
This thread is being revamped into not only an RP event listing, but RP hotspot and guild headquarters listing. The OP will update soon. Stay tuned.
Thanks for the update to this, it's super helpful! If I start an event or settle into a RP hotspot I'll definitely post here!
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