ER Roleplay Events, Hotspots, HQs - 11/10/15


100 Human Paladin
Table of Contents
Regular Roleplay Events

Roleplay Hotspots

Roleplay Guild Headquarters

Note: All event listings are in server (EST) time.


This thread is to help new and veteran roleplayers of Earthen Ring promote and locate roleplay. In this thread, you'll find listings of recurring events, roleplay hotspots, and roleplay guild headquarters.

Add Listings!
If you want to include your recurring event, promote a hotspot, or publicly post your guild headquarters, check out the templates included at the end of this OP.

A few things of note...

I'm encouraging folks to post event and guild threads on the ER forums and include the URLs in your listings when you can. By including a link in your listing, you're really grabbing the reins when it comes to promoting and updating your event/guild! Let's populate this forum and sound off our roleplay loud and clear. Let's do it!


(A/H) Event Title
Contact: forum URL of event write up

(H) Story Night
When: Tuesdays @ 8 p.m.
Contact: Shaw


(A/H) Location

(A) Stormwind Cathedral Gazebo
When: 7 p.m. - 12 a.m. weekdays


(A/H) Guild Name
Location: URL of guild write up

(A) Templars of the Rose
Location: Westguard Keep, Howling Fjord
Edited by Arialynn on 11/10/2015 4:44 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Regular Roleplay Events (listed by day of the week)

(A) Sunday Service
When: 6 p.m. server time
Where: Cathedral of Light, Stormwind
Contact: Calithos

Bi-Weekly on Sundays (every-other week) -- ON HIATUS
(A) Harbor Market
When: 8 p.m. server time
Where: Redridge Docks and Karabor Harbor (alternating)
Contact: Toddles/Arialynn, Annalynda/Arialynn


(A) Story Night in Redridge
When: 8 p.m. server time
Where: Redridge graveyard
Contact:Members of the Royal Lions Brigade


(H) Story Night
When: 8 p.m. server time
Contact: Shaw



Monthly on Wednesdays
(H) Wildtotem Summit
When: Monthly, every second Wednesday. 9 p.m. server
Location: Walk of Elders, Silvermoon City
Contact: Tarhoof or Gruagg







Tri-Weekly on Saturdays (every three weeks)
(H) Verdant Gathering
When: 3 p.m. server time
Where: Locations vary, see event contact.
Contact: Tarhoof
Edited by Arialynn on 11/10/2015 4:42 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Roleplay Hotspots (listed in alphabetical order)

(A) Stormwind at The Blue Recluse, Mage District
When: 6 p.m. - 12 a.m. weekdays
Edited by Arialynn on 11/10/2015 4:43 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Roleplay Guild Headquarters (listed in alphabetical order)

(A) Ashes of the Dawn
Location: Ironforge, Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas

(H) Crimson Moon
Location: Surwhich, Blasted Lands

(H) Might of Lordaeron
Location: Fenris Keep, Silverpine Forest

(A) Templars of the Rose
Location(s): Westguard Keep, Howling Fjord / Wintergarde, Dragonblight
Edited by Arialynn on 11/10/2015 4:43 PM PST
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100 Human Warrior
Great to see this back up on the new forums, Arialynn!
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100 Human Paladin
The Royal Flush has closed its doors. Saturdays are now open for weekly events until the Pirate's Market makes a return.

The Royal Flush's farewell message:
Edited by Arialynn on 11/30/2010 10:33 AM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Missed your post, Jarrick. The thread is back and about to be updated again. (:

The Fighters Guild's Story Night and Fight Night on Monday and Wednesday nights are on hold till Cataclysm.
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100 Human Paladin
Tears Tuesday, or Hordeside story night, is on hiatus till further notice. Announcement is linked in the URL below:

And as a follow-up announcement, the Harbor Market has resumed its original location across the boat to night elf lands.
Edited by Arialynn on 11/30/2010 10:33 AM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Liquid Embers, a cafe-style dry pub at the Silvermoon Warfarer's Inn, has been added to the weekly RP list. Come Saturday nights from 8:30 - 10 p.m. server for some food and song Hordeside.

The next Kosh'harg is planned for December 18th.

The Harbor Market will from now on be held across the boat to Northrend in the Stormwind harbor, lowest tier.
Edited by Arialynn on 12/15/2010 9:36 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Updated, Tears Tuesday has returned Hordeside. Tuesday nights @ 8 p.m. server.
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100 Human Paladin
Alliance Story Night is back, hosted by Bromie of the Fighters Guild. Check our ER RP Network ( for its weekly location.
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100 Human Paladin
Fight Night has returned on Mondays, hosted once more by Bromie of the Fighters Guild. Check our ER RP Network ( for its weekly location.
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100 Human Paladin
Fight Night and Story Night will now alternate nights on Wednesdays. OP updated and tweaked for better readability. Monday and Thursday nights remain open for weekly events.
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63 Gnome Death Knight

One time only, the Harbor Market is from 7 - 9 p.m. server on February 20th, don't be too early or too late!
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85 Human Paladin
Hi, I'm not a player on Earthen Ring, I play on Sisters of Elune (RP). Our guild is celebrating our 3rd anniversary and we're looking at hosting a "Fight Night" type of event to help ring in this occasion. I noticed the
" Fight Night, 8 - 11 p.m. server
Gold Coast Quarry, Westfall. Every-other Wednesday, alternates with Story Night.
<The Fighters Guild> - Bromie/Mirth
Organized fights and brawls. "

Could anyone who knows more about forming/hosting this kind of event please contact me, I need some help/ideas on how to work out more details o0f this triumphant occasion.

Many Thanks,
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100 Human Paladin
Updated links as-needed.
Edited by Arialynn on 11/13/2012 9:03 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Hi, I'm not a player on Earthen Ring, I play on Sisters of Elune (RP). Our guild is celebrating our 3rd anniversary and we're looking at hosting a "Fight Night" type of event to help ring in this occasion. I noticed the
" Fight Night, 8 - 11 p.m. server
Gold Coast Quarry, Westfall. Every-other Wednesday, alternates with Story Night.
<The Fighters Guild> - Bromie/Mirth
Organized fights and brawls. "

Could anyone who knows more about forming/hosting this kind of event please contact me, I need some help/ideas on how to work out more details o0f this triumphant occasion.

Many Thanks,

Hey there, Bhrigit. The contact information is listed, either Bromie or Mirth are the players to contact ingame for more information about Fight Night. Best of luck to your guild, and congratulations on your 3rd year anniversary.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Hi, I'm not a player on Earthen Ring, I play on Sisters of Elune (RP). Our guild is celebrating our 3rd anniversary and we're looking at hosting a "Fight Night" type of event to help ring in this occasion. I noticed the
" Fight Night, 8 - 11 p.m. server
Gold Coast Quarry, Westfall. Every-other Wednesday, alternates with Story Night.
<The Fighters Guild> - Bromie/Mirth
Organized fights and brawls. "

Could anyone who knows more about forming/hosting this kind of event please contact me, I need some help/ideas on how to work out more details o0f this triumphant occasion.

Many Thanks,

Hey there, Bhrigit. The contact information is listed, either Bromie or Mirth are the players to contact ingame for more information about Fight Night. Best of luck to your guild, and congratulations on your 3rd year anniversary.

Just drop me a line in game and I'll help work out the details.
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
[H] Bloodhoof Story-Go-Round, 3-5pm Server Time
Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore by the bonfire -- Every Saturday
<Tears of Draenor> - Sinsolaria
A shared story-telling event where everyone contributes to an on-going communal story. Particpants sit as part of the circle, observers sit outside it and just listen in.
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100 Human Paladin
OP updated with Bloodhoof Story-Go-Round, head Hordeside on Saturday afternoons for a social gathering and unique storytelling format.

Updated Wednesday night's Fight Night and Story Night - currently on hiatus until Bromie returns to the game. They may return in the future.
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