Why hello there......

So where wuz I? Right, dragons, dragons and BEER! Turns out, I wasn't alone on this glacier, I had, fer some reason, several barrels of top shelf Dwarven whiskey, you know, the good stuff, not that Goblin made garbage you gets nowadays....heyyyy....waitadingdangminnit.....

((Plainswander gets up form the table where he's ben holding forth, and somewhat unsteadily reels his way across the tavern to where a slight female human frame has just taken a seat...))

Woman, what you doing in MY bar?!?!?

((The big Tauren stares down at the (relatively) tiny little human woman for a moment, eyes burning with fury or barely repressed mirth, it's a little hard to tell -- ))
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl blinked and stared at the old bull. Hmm, maybe he did remember. "Is there an AAMS agent here? A goblin translator? Anyone? Can someone tell him it was an accident? Traveler was drunk and I might have been also when I tossed that bomb over the hill."

She looked around. "Anyone?"

At last she gave up and leaned toward the bartender. "Keep him supplied in booze, whatever he wants as long as it..." She counted out her gold. "Doesn't cost over 315 gold and 25 silver."
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**Plainswander watches the tiny woman babble an almost incoherent string of exuses, and then madly root about in her bags**

<Perfect Common>

You know Gentyl, I speak perfect Common..... comes of founding that Agency you just mentioned. Now c'mere you!

**And with that the the Gigantic Tauren scoops the Paladin up in a Gigantic bearhug, only setting her down after her garments have been well and truly blessed with Tauren Fur....**

Drink ya say? Don't mind if I do! Now, where the heck ya been little lady? I don't get out and about much meself these days, but I swears, it're an elfs teatime since I saw YOU around these parts!
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl smiled and tried to catch her breath when Plainswander finally set her down. "Ah, yes, I know. It's just been so long since I've seen you. Well, it's been years since I've seen anyone."

She sat back down at her table and motioned to a chair opposite her. Discreetly, she began brushing the fur from her armor and sneezed as a cloud of it drifted up. Ah, well, it's Plainswander fur. I've been covered in worse. "You were talking about an adventure in Stormwind?"
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