How are your personas going to act?

85 Dwarf Warrior
Primitive building methods take longer than modern more advanced ones. Almost by definition. I don't buy for a moment that Deathwing attacked and a month later Org is rebuilt. The time it takes to gather the materials, treat the wounded/traumatized, get the builders and implement everything alone would take a month.

I'll accept whatever Blizz tells me it is, be it a month (retarded) or a year (sane and rational time frame). I've had to swallow all sorts of dumb things to fit into the lore :P

Well, I was more thinking along the lines of how the Horde has been in Ashenvale for a damn long time without cutting down any more trees (to us), and then the Cataclysm hits and everything is fast forwarded and more trees are down. So obviously there was enough time for them to get the materials, and they probably always had the peons available to build everything quickly.

I think the problem really is that we "live" in a static world, so we don't really see things getting done gradually over time, so we take it as kind of a shock when things are different. I'd rather like to pretend that the stuff was already in the process of happening.

After Thrall saw the construction of stuff like Warsong Hold and Conquest Hold, he thought "you know what, that stuff is pretty awesome looking", and so Garrosh was allowed to have that stuff done for Orgrimmar. It would be kind of interesting to see if eventually that style hits Thrallmar and the other Outland buildings. :P
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80 Blood Elf Paladin

Well, I was more thinking along the lines of how the Horde has been in Ashenvale for a damn long time without cutting down any more trees (to us), and then the Cataclysm hits and everything is fast forwarded and more trees are down. So obviously there was enough time for them to get the materials, and they probably always had the peons available to build everything quickly.

I think the problem really is that we "live" in a static world, so we don't really see things getting done gradually over time, so we take it as kind of a shock when things are different. I'd rather like to pretend that the stuff was already in the process of happening.

After Thrall saw the construction of stuff like Warsong Hold and Conquest Hold, he thought "you know what, that stuff is pretty awesome looking", and so Garrosh was allowed to have that stuff done for Orgrimmar. It would be kind of interesting to see if eventually that style hits Thrallmar and the other Outland buildings. :P

Some of the changes (Warsong efforts ext) are obviously an update of things that were happening over time. Other changes (the rebuilding of Org) are clearly recent things. Even if Garrosh wanted to update and rebuild the city I severely doubt he was in power long enough to get the ball rolling before Deathwing showed up and redecorated the place to his liking. Even assuming he had the building materials in the backroom waiting to be used implementing the changes would take a good long while.

There is a big difference between something that was clearly happening over a few years (Invading Ashenvale) and something that JUST happened (Org and Stormwind rebuilding).

There are a lot of limitations in the way the game unfolds and with time... Blizzards idea of how time progresses is flat out stupid (a YEAR for each expansion? damn our characters move fast!!) but this is all speculation until the lore page on the new website is updated... something I don't see happening anytime soon *sigh*
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85 Undead Warlock
Read The Shattering, please.

Orgrimmar was "rebuilt"/"renovated" after it was severely damaged by the fire elemental invasion. Which happened a few months prior to the Shattering event.

The novel itself clearly explains that Garrosh updated the city to his own tastes while Thrall was away in Nagrand, and that the speed of the construction was because it was done by the goblins of Rachet, who charged handsomely for the extra hussle. By the end of the novel (it ends right before the Shattering itself is supposed to happen), the city is already practically finished.

Cairne goes so far as to criticize Garrosh for making such extensive changes to the city (and spending so much gold) w/o Thrall's permission.

Deathwing *did not* attack Orgrimmar.

And I reiterate, a year and a half is way too long. The entire Wrath storyline is supposed to have happened within a year. Do you really think that anyone is going to let Deathwing go unopposed for that long? No.

Further evidence: Desolace. There's a wimpy stand of trees in the middle. The Night Elves grew Teldrassil in less than 2-3 years! Such is the power of druidic magic. I think the Cenarion Circle would have more than a wimpy stand of trees if they'd had a full year and a half to work on Desolace.
Edited by Finnicks on 11/29/2010 10:39 AM PST
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