To the new devistation? Ali will be running around with her old buddies in the docs trying to save a great many lives. Assumeing we even HAVE a clinic in the middle of the world going splat. Lara upon finding out that Garrosh killed Cairn will declare a holy war on the orcs. Yes I know Magatha killed him, but she dosen't. I haven't decided if Driftingsnow will survive it or not. She was pretty dang old and the world exploding is not good on an old taurens heart.
How are your personas going to act?
To the new devistation? Ali will be running around with her old buddies in the docs trying to save a great many lives. Assumeing we even HAVE a clinic in the middle of the world going splat. Lara upon finding out that Garrosh killed Cairn will declare a holy war on the orcs. Yes I know Magatha killed him, but she dosen't. I haven't decided if Driftingsnow will survive it or not. She was pretty dang old and the world exploding is not good on an old taurens heart.
Elrith has been in Auberdine defending his homeland against the elementals. Upon Deathwing's annihilation of the village, he will be swept out to sea. Luckily, he will wash ashore amidst the roots of Teldrassil where he will be found half dead and revived by the druids of Aldrassil, and taken to Shadowglen. Elrith will set out once more from there as he did nearly six years ago to the day, to explore Azeroth and wander it's mountains and forests once again.
Well, considering Ironforge is left un-scarred, all Para is going to be thinking is "That's what you get for building above ground, where the things in the sky can get at you!". But then he's also gonna be pissed at the destruction of the Stonewrought Dam in Loch Modan since it destroyed the place he mastered fishing.
Outside of that stuff, he really won't have TOO much of a problem with what's going on, other than to want to stop Deathwing just so what happened with Stormwind doesn't find a way to happen with Ironforge.
Outside of that stuff, he really won't have TOO much of a problem with what's going on, other than to want to stop Deathwing just so what happened with Stormwind doesn't find a way to happen with Ironforge.
Gore will feel shock and disbelief at what has happen, mount his death charger and go galloping across the land, looking fro survivors and dispensing supplies to the needy and terrible justice to the Twilight's Hammer. Gram is missing, dead or injured. Mishuata is trying to console his people after the death of Cairne.
Plainswander: Wut the? How did I gits here? Why is this bottle empty? Where's my bag of mushrooms? And why am I underwater?
Jones: duuuuuuuude ... whoah. I like, better totally help out, there, like, MOST heinous stuff going down, fure SURELY!
LilDante: Outland is still hot, and dry, and infested with Talls. Foolish talls, WHY can they not see my Obvious superiority? Soon, soon, when I return to Azeroth, all will know of my POWER!
Zalmar: It is the End Time! Accept the Light Today! Be Cleansed of Your Sins, Wash the Filth of Your SPirit in the Waters of Hope! Know the Purity and Joy of Service to the Light, and be ONE with all that is righteous in the world!
Baliah: This is bad for business. Someone is getting an icicle right up the kazootie.
Jones: duuuuuuuude ... whoah. I like, better totally help out, there, like, MOST heinous stuff going down, fure SURELY!
LilDante: Outland is still hot, and dry, and infested with Talls. Foolish talls, WHY can they not see my Obvious superiority? Soon, soon, when I return to Azeroth, all will know of my POWER!
Zalmar: It is the End Time! Accept the Light Today! Be Cleansed of Your Sins, Wash the Filth of Your SPirit in the Waters of Hope! Know the Purity and Joy of Service to the Light, and be ONE with all that is righteous in the world!
Baliah: This is bad for business. Someone is getting an icicle right up the kazootie.
Edited by Plainswander on 11/23/2010 9:34 AM PST
I already killed off my Orc Warrior Korigal during the 2nd last Elemental attack ever <_<
Blazieth is making a valiant stand alongside the rest of Pillar of Honor, simply doing everything in his power to help keep as many people as he can safe.
Teonass, while there are a few people he could decide to get smug with, will be far too busy to do so - the %@*@ has hit the fan, and as far as he's concerned, he's the head of the cleanup crew.
As for poor dear not-right-in-the-head Tanalyne... she's very sad at seeing so many of her children hurt. All she can really do is continue doing her best to keep them safe, and make the bad people who try to hurt them go away <<;
Blazieth is making a valiant stand alongside the rest of Pillar of Honor, simply doing everything in his power to help keep as many people as he can safe.
Teonass, while there are a few people he could decide to get smug with, will be far too busy to do so - the %@*@ has hit the fan, and as far as he's concerned, he's the head of the cleanup crew.
As for poor dear not-right-in-the-head Tanalyne... she's very sad at seeing so many of her children hurt. All she can really do is continue doing her best to keep them safe, and make the bad people who try to hurt them go away <<;
Mingo will probably make a beeline for the Barrens to make sure his folks are ok, what with the huge scarring and lava and all that. After that, he needs to re-learn his way around Azeroth.
I was confused since this is around several years in the future since we logged out. I wasn't sure if the elemental invasion took place and then three years or so later Deathwing finally came, or if Deathwing came when the server came down, and we are now three years since he came and broke the world.
It seems like we will be logging in recently after Deathwing broke the world. But it could have happened a few years ago and Deathwing has been terrorizing us randomly for the last few years. But from what I've gleaned and what little I permitted myself to see in beta, it seems like this is directly after the Shattering, and the elementals started invading several years ago.
It seems like we will be logging in recently after Deathwing broke the world. But it could have happened a few years ago and Deathwing has been terrorizing us randomly for the last few years. But from what I've gleaned and what little I permitted myself to see in beta, it seems like this is directly after the Shattering, and the elementals started invading several years ago.
Edited by Elrith on 11/23/2010 11:11 AM PST
Apparently it'll be a two year time skip since the Lich King dies and 1.5 years since the shattering. This is going to really put a wrench in a few of my characters RP since one of them is pregnant before the time skip!
Horrified and angry, Bhayne will be taking care of the few she holds dear. If any of her students go missing or are hurt, she'll have no qualms about taking out her rage on the nearest group of Twilight's Hammer. Repeatedly. Until she feels better. ...this might take some time.
Jezrael has finally returned to Thunder Bluff right before the Shattering only to walk in, literally, during an elemental invasion. She'll be heartbroken over the death of Cairne.
On the other hand, Kaerina will be positively joyful! Wanton destruction has finally arrived! Pure glee! Granted, she had nothing to do with this, but hey, we'll take our chaos when we can.
Jezrael has finally returned to Thunder Bluff right before the Shattering only to walk in, literally, during an elemental invasion. She'll be heartbroken over the death of Cairne.
On the other hand, Kaerina will be positively joyful! Wanton destruction has finally arrived! Pure glee! Granted, she had nothing to do with this, but hey, we'll take our chaos when we can.
There seems to be a lot of contention about how long has passed since we last logged out.
I'd say a month, at most.
About 10 months to a year have passed since the Lich King fell (read the Shattering!). The Shattering finally happened shortly after we all logged out.
And it's been no more than a month since.
I don't buy the "1.5 to 2 years" song and dance. Deathwing could destroy the world in that time. No way everyone's going to just sit around with their thumbs in their asses and let him do his work for 2 years.
As for my toons:
Plaguebringer Finnicks Daerkhiv, Forsaken Warlock: The cataclysm shocked him out of his depressive slump. After the Lich King fell, Finnicks didn't know what to do with himself. Now he has a purpose.
Elder Surehoof Mistrunner, Tauren Druid: Surehoof is completely devastated by the destruction, and has spent the last month working with the Cenarion Circle to bring new life to Desolace.
Midasinorlon Bloodmoon, Blood Elf Paladin: Midasinorlon was among the few foolish enough to attempt to stop Deathwing's initial rampage of terror. He was slain. (In reality, I race changed him to a Tauren and now Truehorn needs a new backstory)
Rachia Bonesprokit, Gnome Death Knight: Rachia was in Stormwind when Deathwing attacked. She has sworn vengeance for the damage he has wreaked on both Stormwind (directly) and Ironforge (via the Elemental Invasion).
Exarch Koranas, Draenei Mage: Koranas witnessed the destruction of Auberdine from the shores of Azuremist Island. He hurried there to help whoever he can, and now is doing everything he can to help the Alliance against Deathwing.
I'd say a month, at most.
About 10 months to a year have passed since the Lich King fell (read the Shattering!). The Shattering finally happened shortly after we all logged out.
And it's been no more than a month since.
I don't buy the "1.5 to 2 years" song and dance. Deathwing could destroy the world in that time. No way everyone's going to just sit around with their thumbs in their asses and let him do his work for 2 years.
As for my toons:
Plaguebringer Finnicks Daerkhiv, Forsaken Warlock: The cataclysm shocked him out of his depressive slump. After the Lich King fell, Finnicks didn't know what to do with himself. Now he has a purpose.
Elder Surehoof Mistrunner, Tauren Druid: Surehoof is completely devastated by the destruction, and has spent the last month working with the Cenarion Circle to bring new life to Desolace.
Midasinorlon Bloodmoon, Blood Elf Paladin: Midasinorlon was among the few foolish enough to attempt to stop Deathwing's initial rampage of terror. He was slain. (In reality, I race changed him to a Tauren and now Truehorn needs a new backstory)
Rachia Bonesprokit, Gnome Death Knight: Rachia was in Stormwind when Deathwing attacked. She has sworn vengeance for the damage he has wreaked on both Stormwind (directly) and Ironforge (via the Elemental Invasion).
Exarch Koranas, Draenei Mage: Koranas witnessed the destruction of Auberdine from the shores of Azuremist Island. He hurried there to help whoever he can, and now is doing everything he can to help the Alliance against Deathwing.
There seems to be a lot of contention about how long has passed since we last logged out.
I'd say a month, at most.
About 10 months to a year have passed since the Lich King fell (read the Shattering!). The Shattering finally happened shortly after we all logged out.
And it's been no more than a month since.
I don't buy the "1.5 to 2 years" song and dance. Deathwing could destroy the world in that time. No way everyone's going to just sit around with their thumbs in their asses and let him do his work for 2 years.
It takes WAY more than a month to rebuild a whole city like Org. The 1.5 year mark makes sense. Deathwing shows up, effs crap up then we rebuild, no one was sitting on their thumbs we get to decide what our characters were doing during this time.
Talumas was staying in an inn in the Park when the Shattering happened. After narrowly escaping and doing what he can to get everyone else to safety, he rushed to his home in Auberdine. I figure that's where I'll pick it up.
As for the time issue, I think it would be really awkward if we just acted like a month or 2 years or whatever just happened overnight, and we would really miss out on the immediate, reactive RP we were all waiting for. The timeline's a weird thing; sometimes we're supposed to believe that a lot less time has passed than in real time, sometimes more. But we just don't really think about that. We'll keep RPing day to day like we always do.
I will probably just consider today yesterday's tomorrow, or at least not long since, maybe a few days, as will most people, I think. The city upgrades, territorial changes, etc. can easily be explained as having been more gradual transitions. It's all been in the works for a while. What's important is that everything just went boom and now we pick up the pieces. I don't want to see any montages or flashbacks glossing over what went on in the meantime when we can, and should be having a blast RPing it.
Then again, if we do end up acknowledging a delay, I can skip through some of the boring stuff. "Well, I've been home in Kalimdor...for the last year!" I just don't want to miss the urgent scramble to address the disaster. The invasions weren't enough for me.
As for the time issue, I think it would be really awkward if we just acted like a month or 2 years or whatever just happened overnight, and we would really miss out on the immediate, reactive RP we were all waiting for. The timeline's a weird thing; sometimes we're supposed to believe that a lot less time has passed than in real time, sometimes more. But we just don't really think about that. We'll keep RPing day to day like we always do.
I will probably just consider today yesterday's tomorrow, or at least not long since, maybe a few days, as will most people, I think. The city upgrades, territorial changes, etc. can easily be explained as having been more gradual transitions. It's all been in the works for a while. What's important is that everything just went boom and now we pick up the pieces. I don't want to see any montages or flashbacks glossing over what went on in the meantime when we can, and should be having a blast RPing it.
Then again, if we do end up acknowledging a delay, I can skip through some of the boring stuff. "Well, I've been home in Kalimdor...for the last year!" I just don't want to miss the urgent scramble to address the disaster. The invasions weren't enough for me.
Edited by Talumas on 11/23/2010 8:26 PM PST
Ehlina- She's was at the Keep when Deathwing landed and by the time she got to the Valley of Heroes Deathwing took off. She also going to be pretty pissed at Garrosh and Sylvanus because to her she thinks they took advantage of the whole invasion and shattering to take over most of Hillsbrad and the elven lands.
Jericho- He's going to be thankful that most of Arathi was untouched but he'll be looking for a way to help take back Southshore from the forsaken.
Jahara- Is going to get a bigger ego than he had previously. He was near the park when Deathwing leveled it. He ran up to the Deathwing and challenged him. And Deathwing out of pure coincidence flew off at that exact moment. Jahara is going to assume it's because Deathwing is afraid of him.
Jericho- He's going to be thankful that most of Arathi was untouched but he'll be looking for a way to help take back Southshore from the forsaken.
Jahara- Is going to get a bigger ego than he had previously. He was near the park when Deathwing leveled it. He ran up to the Deathwing and challenged him. And Deathwing out of pure coincidence flew off at that exact moment. Jahara is going to assume it's because Deathwing is afraid of him.
Edited by Ehlina on 11/24/2010 7:38 AM PST
Jahara- Is going to get a bigger ego than he had previously. He was near the park when Deathwing leveled it. He ran up to the Deathwing and challenged him. And Deathwing out of pure coincidence flew off at that exact moment. Jahara is going to assume it's because Deathwing is afraid of him.
Hahahahaha! I love this so much!
It takes WAY more than a month to rebuild a whole city like Org. The 1.5 year mark makes sense. Deathwing shows up, effs crap up then we rebuild, no one was sitting on their thumbs we get to decide what our characters were doing during this time.
I actually don't agree that it would take more than a month to rebuild Orgrimmar. The construction methods that were used seem to be pretty primitive, and therefor wouldn't really take TOO long to deal with. Maybe with the added steel (or whatever metal) reinforcement that Orgrimmar undertook, would take more time. But it's also entirely plausible that these pieces of metal were being fabricated prior to the Shattering just based on the fact that all this same type of construction was being done in Northrend by the Horde.
But you also gotta figure that our characters live in a magical world, and magic could easily assist in building things faster.
I actually don't agree that it would take more than a month to rebuild Orgrimmar. The construction methods that were used seem to be pretty primitive, and therefor wouldn't really take TOO long to deal with. Maybe with the added steel (or whatever metal) reinforcement that Orgrimmar undertook, would take more time. But it's also entirely plausible that these pieces of metal were being fabricated prior to the Shattering just based on the fact that all this same type of construction was being done in Northrend by the Horde.
But you also gotta figure that our characters live in a magical world, and magic could easily assist in building things faster.
Primitive building methods take longer than modern more advanced ones. Almost by definition. I don't buy for a moment that Deathwing attacked and a month later Org is rebuilt. The time it takes to gather the materials, treat the wounded/traumatized, get the builders and implement everything alone would take a month.
I'll accept whatever Blizz tells me it is, be it a month (retarded) or a year (sane and rational time frame). I've had to swallow all sorts of dumb things to fit into the lore :P
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