[H] Cry of Luna


90 Troll Druid
We are looking for a couple more healers who love healing and want to raid! Right now we're really short on healers, which is very sad. So come shake your leaves with me (or your other parts if you're not a druid) and let's get some bosses down!

Activity update:

We've been spending time in Bastion of Twilight, and we very nearly got our first Halfus Wyrmbreaker kill (down to 36% with two adds dead and 1m30 on the enrage timer). Healer mana was the limiting issue, and we had the stupid raid-wide breath (which pecked the raid to death) -.-

It was a short night (because I had to beg a sleepy healer to come in for just an hour), so we didn't have time to work him down to a kill. ; ;

And, we're just about to hit guild level 9!
Edited by Faeylin on 12/29/2010 2:20 PM PST
90 Troll Druid
We got Halfus down to 4% tonight. Gear is definitely a limiting factor right now, but we're still working away at the content. I suspect we'll have our first Halfus kill very soon!

Was a very exciting night for us! ^^
90 Troll Druid
We lost our interrupter last night to emergency, last minute plans so we did not get our Halfus kill. It was very sad, but hopefully, we won't have the Storm Rider tomorrow after reset and it'll be a no-brainer kill. Either that or Exo comes back and carries us all with his sexy shammy interrupts!

We did work on Magmaw with some emergency fill-ins (and we got past the second spike phase for the first time ever!). However, all the fights so far are really highlighting one thing: we're weak on the healy front in terms of gear.

If there are any well-geared healers (talking full rep epics, maybe a Darkmoon Card or Tol Barad trinket) looking for a good raid, this is your chance to stick your foot in the door and get in with a solid raid group!
20 Blood Elf Paladin
Ok, seriously. Post downs in the progress thread because otherwise nobody gives a !@#@.
90 Troll Druid
01/05/2011 12:56 AMPosted by Lionhearth
Ok, seriously. Post downs in the progress thread because otherwise nobody gives a !@#@.

Umm, don't click on the thread? It's probably better than posting "bump" over and over again, and it's useful info for people considering joining the guild. Info on how we run, where we are in terms of progression, etc.

It's not like the SoE forum is super incredibly active and you're missing out on all your favorite posts because we're drowning them out.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I'll ignore it for now. :P
85 Draenei Death Knight
01/05/2011 4:39 AMPosted by Faeylin
Thanks for the suggestion, but I'll ignore it for now. :P

Made me smile :)
85 Blood Elf Hunter
01/05/2011 4:39 AMPosted by Faeylin

Umm, don't click on the thread? It's probably better than posting "bump" over and over again, and it's useful info for people considering joining the guild. Info on how we run, where we are in terms of progression, etc.

Much truth in this. I find it interesting to see how guilds are progressing and much prefer status updates to the typical "bumpbumpbump" spam most recruiting guilds do.

Keep up the good work, CoL.
85 Orc Warrior
My hunter, FrankieT, misses you guys!!! <3 or </3 however you want to look at it.

Highly rec this guild if you want to see progression/new content, short of getting into apples or DTE you wont find a more progressive guild. OH and they get the bonus of being alot friendlier and attuned to each one of its members
Edited by Bladeblitz on 1/5/2011 9:50 AM PST
85 Night Elf Death Knight
I have to say that I'm very very impressed with the "No Ventrilo" raiding setup. I've always had conflicting views with steady Vent users as far as raids go, since I personally don't and will not use it. Alot of raid guilds have the basis of "Get Vent or GTFO" and "No vent = fail raid". But I beg to differ. I've actually had more success running PuGs in ICC-10 without Vent than I have when running with more experienced people who are all using it (besides me). I can even think back to Pre-BC when Zul'gurub was the hot-spot. I played a Druid healer and had read up on the fights, but 30 seconds after joining, traveling to the instance, getting inside, and buffing up - they ask me why I'm not in Teamspeak and promptly remove me because I said I didn't like it. But here's the best part... 10 minutes later, the other 19 people are in Ironforge going about their own business, looking for Strat runs, etc - since they couldn't find another healer. Too funny. Anyways, good luck with your raiding. I wish I could be a part of it. You sound like a smart, capable, and fun group of people. /salute
85 Blood Elf Hunter
@ Aeralynn You should so come join us, Horde is where its at! :P

And Kudos to my guild on all the progression, Ive gone in with them a few times on my healer but havent been able to as much as I want cause i got two itty bitty kids, no sleep, and full time job :(

Running without vent is great though, not so much shouting talking crap, and certainly not the same amount of distraction and thats why I think we do so well. We are a hard working group and we pay attention, know our classes and each others. Makes a world of difference too if your running with people that are cool and have fun, make jokes and always blame the mage :P

Love CoL!!!
90 Troll Druid
Thank you guys for the support! We appreciate all the kind comments. ^^

And for something new:

CoL is going to be running a rated BG team or 1-2 arena groups every Saturday night @ 10:30 PM (til whenever). We'll decide what we're doing based on how many people we have online and interested. We'll run the groups starting the evening of Jan 8th. Just whisper Faeylin ~10:00 PM and we'll let you know if we have room for more.

Non-guildies are quite welcome to join us for (10v10 and 15v15) rated BGs as long as you remain pleasant to be around.

About our PvP: We're not terribly wonderful at it, especially as rusty as many of us are. This is more of a guild hang-out experience. Expect to lose at least as many games as we win. No bashing anyone who made mistakes or didn't do wonderful. We're just farming up our conquest points and having a fun, relaxing night.
90 Troll Druid
And, one last update, we got our first Halfus kill tonight, which was super exciting! Took us an hour and a half, but we managed. Our strategy involved a fourth healer, to make up for lower healer gear levels, and some super awesome DPS.

We had Nether Scion (Frenzy), Time Warden (Fireballs), and Slate Dragon (Mortal Strike) up. We freed Nether Scion and Time Warden off the bat, with each tank taking one drake and bouncing Halfus back and forth as Mortal Strike stacks permitted. We had 3/4 DPS on the Time Warden first, with the 4th on Halfus full time for the 200% dmg buff. We ignored DPS on the Nether Scion and just burned Halfus down

A key to this strat was using vengeance to pump out tank dps on kill targets (ie tanks never did more dmg to the Nether Scion than needed for holding threat off the heals); all of the vengeance-inflated tank damage went to the Time Warden first, and then onto Halfus.

We had trouble with tank death below 50%, but we learned to broadcast Furious Roar warnings 10s ahead of time, had tanks time CDs for roars, made sure everyone was moving between stuns out of fireballs, and most importantly, we had heals focus the tank that was holding the drake through the stuns. Halfus melees for almost nothing; the drakes are what put out the nasty dmg.

We cleared trash to Val/Thera after, and got them down to 66% in 3 tries. I predict we'll have them down tomorrow night. They seem much, much easier than Halfus. O.o

Still recruiting solid heals! If you're looking to experience new content with others while we're all still learning the fights together, now is the time to join up. ^^
90 Troll Druid
We almost have Thera & Val (or Twin Dragons, or whatever). Really easy fight, just need 10/10 (or close to that) to execute the fight properly, but I find it easy. Definitely a lot less heal intensive than Halfus. Our best attempt so far is 40%, and we're headed back tomorrow night with a full guild group

We have plans for a second raid group, running Sat/Sun, 6PM-9PM (including Baradin Hold). Tanks and healers especially are welcome to apply for that group if interested; we'd love to hear from you.

Our third and final group will start sometime after that, running Tues/Fri. The time is still undecided (probably 10:30-2AM, but we might look at 9PM-12AM as well).
85 Blood Elf Warlock
To Fae and everyone in CoL. I am giving this thread a friendly spush upwards. May your continued progress into the new raiding content keep shining a light on our humble server

Shouldn't really try to post anything at 6 in the morning and hopped up on pain pills. So in typical fashion


1 Human Warrior
A "mostly female" guild on an RP server that refuses to use Ventrilo?

Wonder why?


90 Troll Druid
01/11/2011 1:54 AMPosted by Bankete
A "mostly female" guild on an RP server that refuses to use Ventrilo?

Cute, obviously a trolling post, but I guess worth acknowledging. I don't know about everyone who claims to be female in guild, but many of us have facebook pages (that we share privately with each other, family and non-WoW friends, because we're sane and realize the internet is not the safest place). Many of us have talked on other people's vents to say hello or goodbye.

Some might see the whole claiming to be female & not talking vent thing to be suspicious, but I'll let you in on a little secret. A good number of girls/women aren't really interested in proving themselves to you in an online game. Despite what you might think, they don't want to hear how hot you think their voice is (although some do like the attention, I'll admit).

Others can do without the constant sexual innuendo some guys will send their way. "OMG, you is girl irl. a/s/l plz!" Some of us have partners, and aren't looking to flirt; that sort of attention was only exciting back in my teens. Now, I politely side-step it and hope it just ends without needing to directly stop it.

In general, being in a raiding guild does not equate with wanting to hook up online; I like to think we have an everyone-friendly atmosphere; at the same time we do make try to make sure our female members also feel comfy and respected in guild and raid chat at the very least. Don't get me wrong, we love our boys/guys too! Most just also want to see their friends and romantic/life partners treated with a bit of respect as well.

Speaking for me personally, I actually used to raid lead my very first Ulduar raid via vent, but it was quite exhausting. A few wipes in, some people making stupid mistakes (dying in the fire...again...really?), I hated the sound in people's voices; that giving up noise brought me down. I hated fighting with other people for control of the group, how easy it was for everyone to offer their own strategies (when all we needed to do was follow our first strat without messing up).

Ley and I also live in a rural area, and our internet is a bit weak. We tend to break up over vent sporadically, so that's part of why *we* don't use vent much (although she can be a more active contributor while at her mum's, where she has a yummy ISP). But since we've tried running raids without vent (we were really unsure at first), we find the benefits do outweigh the negatives; after all, everyone might have stopped raiding with us if they could hear everything I yelled at my computer mid-fight. :P

Many of the female members in-guild are SOs of male guildies. Some are with each other.

A fair number of them are even mature women (biologically anyway) with children! It's exciting to think you can fake that, but I haven't heard that it was currently possible. ; ; But here's to hoping though! Childbirth is a really amazing experience that more men should get to experience!

To the anonymous poster, him/herself (trying to not assume here)? A troll post is a troll post, but unfortunately it does me more good than you! I don't mind typing, and I love writing prompts. So while you might see it as fun to pick at people, I just see it as an excuse to get on my soap box and pair of bumps to our recruitment thread. Thanks! ^^


As a side note, I think vent is really important for PvPing. We kind of got demolished in rated BGs last week, and vent would have helped a whole lot. But for now, with PvE content, we prefer to train everyone to know the fights, and execute them properly, than to try and lead people through each fight.

That whole teach a man to fish thing, except we're willing to work with women too. ^^
90 Troll Druid
To Fae and everyone in CoL. I am giving this thread a friendly spush upwards. May your continued progress into the new raiding content keep shining a light on our humble server.


And on a much more positive and deserving note, thanks Enchantee! You're such a pleasure to be around; awesome attitude and just a super great person. Thank you very much for the kind words!

As far as progress goes, we're not at the cutting edge of raiding just yet; but we are cheering for some of the other guilds who are doing really good atm *coughApplescough.*

We're also doing the best we can with our guildies as they gear up! I'm the first to admit that I wanted to hit Cata raids the week after launch (we went into BWD that Tues!). Our people just move a little bit slower, and it took us a month to start to see the gear levels we needed to get kills (and we're still just borderline on heals).

But I'm proud of us! We hit BoT again last night, and we pushed Val and Thera down to...23% I think. We lost a healer at the end of Thera's first phase to Val's Deep Breath, and even then we were managing with our limited mana! Somehow we got stuck with a third Blackout just as Val was taking off and Thera was dropping down. It was a serious WTF moment, and I had to kill my OOMed self outside of raid to avoid wiping the whole group (who were all ~50% health).

It's fine, we're making progress, and that health percent keeps dropping. It'll feel good to get them down when we do. We're hitting LPH (Loot-Pinata-Hold) and Conclave first thing this week on Wed, and then back into BoT on Thur. Hope we get something new down!
20 Blood Elf Paladin
01/11/2011 2:51 PMPosted by Faeylin
Others can do without the constant sexual innuendo some guys will send their way.

Maybe they should get thicker skin. Then they could get in a guild with actual downs outside Tol Barad. Oh, wait, and a situation Halfus I'm sure.
90 Troll Druid
01/12/2011 12:27 AMPosted by Lionhearth
Maybe they should get thicker skin. Then they could get in a guild with actual downs outside Tol Barad. Oh, wait, and a situation Halfus I'm sure.

Thanks for the bump! We usually try to have something important to say when we update our thread, but we'll take what we can get from you. ^^
90 Troll Druid
We got Magmaw down tonight, and everyone was really excited!

Our group comp was: Paly tank (Idriela); Resto Druid x 2 (Atomic and Faeylin); Resto Shammy (Chequer, a good friend/PUG); Feral Kitty (Leyota), Enhance Shammy (Excorcism), Mage (Jasferdyan), Lock (Wispofisis), and Hunter x 2 (Kakos and Nuurk).

For the first time since the expansion, healing didn't feel like a problem on Magmaw. As long as everyone avoided extra damage, we were able to keep up!

We'd always lost our tanks during the Mangle (when they're eaten), and we found out it has nothing to do with heals; spike people just need to get on top of Magmaw and bring him down ASAP. Chains have to be spammed, and two of them need to land in a 6s window. As silly as this sounds, this was what wiped us the most tonight. We swapped people around, and we got two people working well together; chains and tank death were a non-issue after that problem was solved.

Another thing we discovered, was that everyone needs to clear melee range of the boss while the tank is Mangled, until Magmaw is spiked. He randomly hit non-tanks standing too close. Avoiding the dust/steam and the head butt was also crucial.

Was really close, but we got him and it was exciting stuff! Great kill, awesome job guys!
Edited by Faeylin on 1/12/2011 11:53 PM PST
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