[H] Cry of Luna


90 Goblin Priest
Thank you so much. I'm really happy to be here with you all.
I'm interested in trying out for team. LAHARA#1209
90 Troll Druid
I added you as a friend Selonia. I hope we get a chance to talk soon!

As an update, we are currently looking for one awesome person of any role to join us. The most important thing is that you're skilled, pleasant, and eager to find a long-term group.

Right now we're really just looking to complete our roster. Filling the last 1-2 spots is our biggest concern at the moment. We've been sub 8% on two more heroic bosses for weeks now, and if we had solid, long-term players in those spots, we would be much further along than we are now.

PST (Faeylin#1905) if you're interested!

P.S. We're happy to have you with us as well Hanzi!
90 Troll Druid
Please note: I am not making a decision for anyone but myself (and possibly Leyota). I know there are some people who will be interested in following us, but I do not expect everyone to do so. Everyone has to make their own decisions on what is most fun and makes the most sense for them. This is simply my decision for myself, and I just happen to also be leading a raid team.

I'm not having fun on SoE. It's fun being one of the top guilds on a low population server (and we've done good this past tier), but it isn't fun struggling to recruit people or not being able to down bosses because we have a couple of low-quality or unreliable group members. If I continue trying to run a progression 10 man on SoE, it will probably drive me to quit the game. The main problem I have on SoE is the extremely shallow pool of good, reliable raiders.

My plan: I'm going to keep running this group on SoE for the next 4 weeks; we're going to slip down to 2 nights/week; one night will be Throne of Thunder, and the other will be tier 5.1 content (alts are welcome; any open spots will come from Open Raid). We will not be competing on server for kills or rankings, and we will no longer be recruiting to the guild.

In the mean time, I'm going to start setting up on Mal'Ganis, the 2nd biggest Horde raiding server in the game. It's a Horde PvP server with 8 times the population of Sisters of Elune; with our current progress, we would be ranked the 95th guild on server for the last tier.

Ley and I are going to start leveling alts there. If anyone else is interested in joining us, we'll have a new guild set up on Malganis that we can level in together. I'd be super interested in leveling through BGs and instance runs with others from levels 60-90, as long as you're willing to be around often.

In 4 weeks (on April 2nd), when it comes time to actually move our raid operations to Malganis full-time, I will be taking Faeylin with me. Anyone who does not want to reroll, but still wants to join us, is welcome to transfer over at that time; the fee is $25. Because of the cost involved in moving, I will not be bringing Fae back.

On Malganis: Malganis is a Horde PvP server. That means we'll still be running with Blood Elves; it also means that you will get ganked while you're doing your dailies.

First, I specifically chose a PvP server because I find it to be more fun and exciting. I enjoy open world PvP a lot, and I feel that it makes the game more fun for me. It adds to my desire to log into the game regularly.

Second, I chose Horde for logistical reasons. While it would be neat to play through the Alliance side of things, going cross-faction prevents any sort of cross-realm grouping. By staying Horde, we can still group with our Horde alts and friends (on any server) for anything outside of the current raid tier. It's also much more expensive to transfer characters cross-faction. I already feel that $25 is a lot of money to pay to move a toon; $55 for a server/faction change is more than I am willing to spend, and I don't think it would be fair to others to force them to make that sort of an investment.

Finally, I chose the most competitive, high population server available because I don't want to have to ever move again. On Malganis, there are 123 raiding guilds that have full cleared normal mode tier 5.1 content. There are 37 guilds that are more progressed than Apples was when it disbanded. Cry of Luna would be ranked 95th on that server with our current level of progression (which was ultimately frustrated by a lack of viable raiders to recruit). If I'm going to go through all the trouble of reforming elsewhere, I want to make sure that the solution is guaranteed to eliminate the problem. Malganis is a sure bet, where a middle-of-the-pack server might still end up frustrating.

Read the rest on our website, CryofLuna.com
90 Troll Druid
After some more discussion in guild, we have some more news to share. I'll update this thread soonish with more info! <3
90 Troll Druid
After some more discussion, we plan to continue running a few nights here on SoE, but we will no longer be focusing on intense progression or heroic modes. There simply aren't enough raiders to recruit from here.

Instead, we will still run a social/fun group on server, 2-3 nights per week. We're going to open the group to people we love that might not have been invited if we had remained focused purely on progression raiding.

I will continue to raid lead the group, but Crybaby/Chequer is now in charge of the roster. If anyone is interested in running with us, or if someone needs to miss a night, please speak with him!

I am still moving Faeylin to another server (in 4 weeks) to set up another raid group/guild, where we will be focusing on progression raiding. We hope to take our awesome culture and some of our core to this new server to do even better than we did here on SoE.

Good luck to everyone on SoE in 5.2! This will be my last post for a while. *hugs*
90 Human Warlock
i here you guys was pretty good. i was wondering if i could try out or maybe try to get into raiding with you guys.
90 Troll Druid
For our guildies:

Leyota and I have apped (and been accepted) into a really fun and progressive 25 man guild, and we will be moving our druid mains from SoE to Mal’Ganis on March 15th (this upcoming Friday) to run as feral kitties. We will not have to heal or tank, or recruit, or raid lead over there; I’m very excited to have the opportunity to be involved in serious, progressive, hard mode raiding on a PvP server without having to manage any of it.

Our raid team on SoE has slowly dissolved over the past few weeks. Rallox is taking some time off to handle a new promotion (yay!) and Hanzi is probably going to have to step out in a few weeks/months to accommodate a changing work schedule. Crybaby is a little bit burnt out lately. The group feels tired.

We have leveled alt druids dedicated to tanking (Ley on Tuskazul) and healing (Fae on Maeylin), and we were are committed to showing up every Tues/Thur night to run some raids with our remaining friends and guild members. Crybaby is currently handling the roster, and I’m still here teaching fights and leading raids.

For the next several weeks, we’re going to be rebuilding the roster, and getting strong again, so that we can head back in and have some fun. We’ll mostly be hitting 5.1 normal mode raids (stuff that most people on server have not even cleared yet); and we’ll gradually work our way back into Throne of Thunder (possibly as early as next week, depending on how strong the group feels). LFR comes out this week, and everyone will have a chance to see the fights on an easier setting before we do it for real!

Anyone who is unhappy with the shift in CoL’s raiding goals is welcome to bring alts in lieu of their mains to the runs. You can take your geared, main characters, and run them in any other group you’d like (including another guild’s progression runs). You have always had the option to do that, and we will never be irked or upset because you choose another group over the CoL run (we’re not mad at Pierce or Zultani or Hickory or Potts or Mozo), or anyone else who has stepped in and out of our group during MoP.

If you absolutely can’t stand the direction CoL or the group is going, you are always free to drop us entirely. We will always love and appreciate the people we’ve run with over the past few months and years, regardless of whether or not they continue to run with us.


Now that our plans are finalized, this should almost-certainly be my final post here for a while! *crosses fingers*
Edited by Faeylin on 3/12/2013 11:21 AM PDT
100 Troll Druid
In the 1.5 weeks we've been on Mal'Ganis, we've been able to PUG a full clear of H MSV and we've seen/downed through Dark Animus in ToT.

Given the progression on this server, we feel that we made the right move for us. Our only regret is missing some of our friends in Cry of Luna.

On April 3rd, we will be moving Cry of Luna off server, to run a ToT 10 man group on Mal'Ganis with friends who are interested in joining us. Tues/Thur, 10:30PM-2:00AM. We will continue the same awesome raid culture, and build a new, fun team of folks on our new home server.

Good luck all, and we love those who stay behind.
Edited by Faeylin on 3/24/2013 11:35 AM PDT
90 Tauren Druid
If anyone is interested in following us to Mal'Ganis, you can find our new guild thread here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/8569147207?page=1#3

Take care SoE!
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