[H] Cry of Luna


90 Troll Druid
We got our first Val & Thera (Twin Dragons) kill tonight! Took us about five tries tonight, and from the beginning it felt good. The biggest change we made were assigning dedicated healer spots on Val phases (tank heals on tank, other two heals stacked on one flank; melee opposite side). We had problems losing heals to Devouring Flame while they were trying to keep the raid alive after Blackout. Less healer movement here solved our problem nicely. ^^

Grats CoL on another kill!

We also downed a very hard Halfus combo; Storm, Slate and Time Warden. Surprisingly, it was easy when we stopped doing two dragons at once (and we may go back to releasing one at a time from now on, unless we have nova + frenzy); we just healed fireball damage while we downed Storm, burned Time and then zerged Halfus with plenty of time to spare. Our first Halfus kill with just 3 heals. Took us about three tries to get the strat down.

We raid again on Mon, checking out Ascendant Council and probably hitting Omnatron as well.
90 Goblin Shaman
Gratz to Cry of Luna on your kills and thanks for allowing me to tag along !!!

90 Troll Druid
01/15/2011 1:08 AMPosted by Chequer
Gratz to Cry of Luna on your kills and thanks for allowing me to tag along !!!

Cheque, you were like integral. Actually, healers seem to be a problem for everyone at the start of this expansion, and we lucked out with your short your little self. You really are excellent, and you didn't even overcharge us...by too much! ^^

We did make our first attempt at a second group (mostly impromptu) for a BH run on Sat night. Some of our DPS was a tad low, and we used three heals, so we had a lot of 300-400k wipes in the 40m we had before the next TB battle.

Our 4th night of raiding (guildies who aren't in the first run + alts of mains) is going to be opening up this Tuesday, and will include a 2nd BH run along with one of downed bosses afterwards. Good luck guys!
Edited by Faeylin on 1/16/2011 2:22 PM PST
90 Troll Druid
We downed Omnitron tonight. Our main progression group is feeling really strong and really cohesive. Everyone is playing their best game together, and it was just an awesome night. We'd checked out Omnitron a week after Cata hit, but tonight was the first time in nearly a month that we'd come in and really made an effort to get a kill.

We started with a few 80% attempts, hit 50% 3-4 times; we knocked them down to 30% before we flasked, had an 11% attempt, and on our kill still had 10/10 up. Was a great night where we made progression with every attempt!

On our first couple of pulls, we were getting the hang of Toxictron's green slimes; we always kept him in one corner of the room, and people stayed away from that area when they spawned.

Magmatron was the heaviest raid dmg phase. Unless we had Electron up, it helped to stack a bit to get off more AOE heals. Funny thing, healing was actually just comfy here; it was tough, challenging, etc. But just manageable to be constantly close. A lot of fun.

For Arcanotron, we noticed that kiting out of whirlpools ASAP was the key to not having people get one shot; tanks preemptively kited when he first activated, and then whenever the old pool disappeared, they'd kite to keep him moving immediately out of the new one. We gave the pools to healers to help with mana. Exo and Drin (enh shammy and kitty) did a great job with interrupts.

Our roster is pretty much locking down, including lots of old-time raiders who have really stepped up their game in Cata, along with a few newer members. Group comp tonight was:

Tanks: Leyota and Idriela
DPS: Exorcism, Jasferdyan, Wispofisis, Nuurk, and Drintragen
Healers: Atomic, Faeylin and Cheque (our single, awesome non-guildie shammy)

Thanks again guys, did a great job tonight!

We have a new group starting up tomorrow (Tues) night, and we're hoping to teach the fights we have down to some new people; We're going to add a 5th day on Saturday evenings (an early run for our handful of early birds), and our raiding schedule is very likely to be set in stone.
Edited by Faeylin on 1/18/2011 3:09 AM PST
90 Troll Druid
I'm happy to say we led a second group (slightly undergeared even) into BoT and they managed to get Halfus down, which was very impressive! So our new Tues night group is a resounding success! For many, it was their first time seeing Halfus, and for others, we were playing different roles (Jas as heals, Ley and I as DPS). It was a lot of fun, and we got four sexy epic drops. Good job guys!

Our fifth and final day will run this Sat, 10:30-2AM.
90 Troll Druid
Our roster had a bit of a mix up this week, so no new kills yet; right now we're farming our current kills for purple loots to make the upcoming fights easy peesy.

Our new group did well last night (Sat). Some of them were stepping into BWD for the first time. We had an 11% Omnitron attempt, and we also got Magmaw down. Magmaw was out of control (no reliable slows); we had our warrior shockwave the adds and run, while the range pelted them down; insanely sloppy and fun.

We also had the privilege of welcoming some of the awesome folks from Put Ya Guns On to Cry of Luna last night. Cassio, Serroth, Potts and Gamaul joined up with us, and while we're hesitant to take groups of friends all at once, these guys are just stellar. Cassio has tanked for us for a while now, and the rest of the group has such a great attitude. The kind of people you hope to develop long term friendships with. ^^
90 Troll Druid
We're doing good, working on some new bosses in BWD. Maloriak is our next target, and we have him down to 50% or so. It's a really easy fight so far, actually. Interrupt, stack, spread out, and AOE the adds. Our biggest issue atm is putting out enough DPS to beat his enrage timer. I have a feeling we may need to drop down to two heals on this one; feels like an Argoloth kinda fight.

As a side note, for now, on Sundays, we've been running some old content. We did everything but H Sindy for the ICC drake meta this past Sunday (a few of us working on 2nd/3rd drakes for alts), and we're hitting up H Arthas this upcoming Sunday. Should be an easy night.

We won't be running old content every week, but we're looking at 12-15 manning Ulduar and ToC achieves and hard modes as well.
85 Undead Rogue
Congrats on your success so far in Cata, Fae and Ley!

Let me know if you ever need a pug for a weekend run, or perhaps some heroics. I'm in the process of gearing Bane and Ox, so I'd be up for a run sometime if you need a random.

Either way, keep it up!
90 Troll Druid
Congrats on your success so far in Cata, Fae and Ley!

Let me know if you ever need a pug for a weekend run, or perhaps some heroics. I'm in the process of gearing Bane and Ox, so I'd be up for a run sometime if you need a random

Thanks Ghoul. You're one of my favorite people on the server, actually; you're always welcome to join us on random things! Good luck right back at you guys as you smash through the content too. ^^


For an update on guild activity, we're working on Maloriak currently. We've spent about 7 hours on him so far, which is a little bit depressing (I'd hoped we'd get him much sooner); but on the bright side, we're close!

For anyone who has not done the fight, it's a bit unusual and frustrating without the right combo of classes.

First, your interrupts have to be stellar; like so many fights now in Cata raid content, if you play melee, you better get awesome at interrupting; one missed interrupt on this fight can easily mean a wipe. It's gotten to the point, unfortunately, where we no longer take melee dps in raid groups unless they're awesome at interrupts.

If you're melee, and you have problems interrupting: learn fast or swap to a ranged DPS class. Sorry, Blizzard hates you guys for some reason! :P

So anyway, you must spawn 18 adds over two cycles, 9 per cycle; your interrupts have to let exactly 3 casts go through, and then block all the rest; the cast time on the summon (release abberations) is approx 1s, or 1.3s with a casting speed slow on the boss. The mechanic is the first of many PITA mechanics here.

There's a second channeled spell, called Arcane Storm, that does massive AOE dmg; it also has to be interrupted, by a different interrupter; and the main issue is that you can't interrupt the wrong cast (knock out a summon you need, for example, and not have your interrupt for the storm). If storm goes full duration, it's probably a wipe. The whole raid drops to like 20% health.

Then, to top it off, once the add tank does have his/her 9 adds for that cycle, they really need to be stunned/kited. They eat tanks alive til the green phase.

So that was mostly what accounted for 7 hours of wipes! It was very frustrating! At the same time, poor interrupters are being abused in this expansion and it's hard to be too mean to them. So we chugged along, and they mostly did excellent.

We had two great tries so far; one perfect try (til our add tank d/c'ed); and then shortly after that, we pushed perfect, all of our adds down, and wiped at 10% in P2; we had a loose big add (they fixate on whoever has aggro after 3-4s) and a healer was stuck trying to kite instead of healing.

We'll probably hit Chimaeron soon, since it sounds like an easy fight. We still haven't done Conclave yet, which is probably very silly of us!
Edited by Faeylin on 1/28/2011 1:40 PM PST
85 Blood Elf Warlock
Yay Faey,

Grats on the resounding success of the second group. So Bump for my friends over at CoL
90 Troll Druid
We finished up the last of our drake runs this Sat for various people, and we knocked out H Arthas on ten man for the guild achieve. It was still a tiny bit annoying, but having lots of super high DPS and bigger health pools made it as simple as: don't stand in shadow traps, don't stand in defile, and dispel diseases. ^^

We're done with ICC (for now, and not a moment too soon). We may start up some Sunday night groups for Ulduar 25 and ToC 25 achieves; hopefully we can 12-15 man them now.

01/28/2011 2:51 PMPosted by Enchanteé
Grats on the resounding success of the second group. So Bump for my friends over at CoL

And thanks lovely. Same back at you! ^^
90 Troll Druid
We got Maloriak down tonight!

It was a long time coming, and I'm glad we have that kill out of the way. We spent approximately 12 hours to get this boss down. Maloriak really emphasizes a few of the many changes in Cata raiding.

First, if you have a low CD interrupt, you better be good with it. Melee can't justify their raid slots anymore unless you're excellent with interrupts. Wakyuna and Exorcism (both sexy enhance shammies) did wonderful jobs with controlling the aboms; ultimately we had Wakyuna for the kill, but this tier of raiding have made great interrupters worth their weight in gold.

Drintragen (our long time kitty), did a great job as well on all those Arcane Storm casts; the worst part of that job is making sure you don't hit the wrong spell with your interrupt. Sucky, sucky job.

Interrupters were helped out tons by our lock, Wispofisis, who kept Curse of Tongues up constantly. A lot of raid bosses *are not* immune to cast time slows, so make sure to try them out; apparently Halfus can be slowed as well!

The other thing Maloriak proves is that you can't carry anyone anymore. You have a lot of small windows where 10/10 raid members need to be on the ball or you're likely to fail. One dummy raider, not paying attention, generally means you're not going to get past an encounter. Everyone had a job in this fight

We had two hunters dropping traps for our paly; kiting the adds was essential to surviving once we had 9 of them up. Entrapment and Shadowfury were also great for minimizing tank dmg til we hit the Green burn phase. All DPS swapped immediately to the adds each cycle and cleared them.

Healing was actually pretty easy here unless we did it wrong, but it's the kind of thing where damage has to be predicted in advance to make things flow smoothly (ie more add tank heals as she had more adds, pre-hotting for fire phases, flash healing blocks in ice phases, etc).

Grats again on Maloriak, guys!


In other guild news, we're scheduled to hit Conclave for the first time this Saturday night, and I expect that we'll get an easy kill there.

We'll also be running our first progression group on Monday night, with ten very awesome folks; hopefully we can learn and burn a new boss (probably get a Chimaeron kill, or work on Altramedes or Ascendent Council, or Al'Akir).
90 Troll Druid
We got our first Conclave kill tonight.

Took us a bit to figure out the strat we used for our kill, but once we had it down the fight was really smooth!

We had Tank + Heals (1) on ice, and Tank + Heals (2) at adds; one hunter + Heals (3) at wind; all the rest of the DPS at adds. Add DPS jumped to ice after they cleared the plant spawns on the add platform.

We had a second hunter jump to Rohash's (wind) platform after the first ice phase, to help even out the DPS there; all DPS jumped back to ice for the 2nd ultimate once their bosses had reached ~700k health. After the 2nd ultimate, we downed wind/add bosses and burned a 50% health ice boss and got our loots.


More importantly, this was the first night we ran our power group where no one at all was weak. We've shifted to two nights of farming in two separate groups, with a 5th progression night to knock out new bosses.
Edited by Faeylin on 2/8/2011 12:34 AM PST
85 Undead Warrior
Woo Hoo !! GO CoL !! lol i wish my guild was putting in work like u guys :D

Keep Up the good work !
90 Troll Druid
Recruitment update! We currently have dedicated raid spots available for 2-3 individuals.

We need:

* One Healer: Any class works, but you need to be able to put out some hefty healing; holy priest or druid would be ideal, but again, the player > class.

* One Ranged DPS: Again, we can work with anything, although we'd prefer a class with a snare (ie Boomkins, Hunters, Ele Shammy); we'd happily consider other classes. 10-11k is our minimum for DPS on sit-and-burn fights currently

* One Interrupter: Any class, melee or and Ele shammy, that can hit 1.5s casts, every 10 seconds, without missing them.


02/10/2011 5:41 AMPosted by Odîn
Woo Hoo !! GO CoL !! lol i wish my guild was putting in work like u guys :D

Aww, well thanks! I'm sure your guild will get there too in it's own time. While I think we're incredibly awesome, in many ways CoL is kind of a working-class guild. We don't get the first kills, we have to work hard for what we do get, but we raid every week on schedule and keep working on things til we do get them.

You guys will get further as gear improves some. That was a big thing for us; we wanted to raid Cata raids right away, but we ended up waiting til mid-January before we had the gear and people to start taking things down regularly.
90 Troll Druid
We got our first Chim kill! Even cooler, we only lost our tanks and got Sound and Fury!

We did it with four heals, to make it super easy-mode; one on tanks, and three on the raid. It was kind of dull, really, and a kill we should have gotten ages ago. We do that a lot, focus on one boss at a time. We still haven't even played with Al'Akir or Ascendant Council, but they're on the radar.

Group included: Leyota (Feral Tank), Idriela (Paly Tank); Faeylin (Resto Druid), Serroth (Resto Druid), Darkgrasp (Disc Priest), Kargrim (Resto Shammy); Nuurk (Survival Hunter), Wakyuna (Enhance Shammy), Wispofisis (Destro Lock), and Potts (DPS Warrior). Excellent job guys!

On a related note, we've been working on Atramedes quite a bit, and we got very close to a kill tonight (5% wipe). We just need a full night and one clean attempt and we have the poor, blind dragon down. If we get our kill Mon night, we'll spend next week's progression nights messing with Nef, which is exciting. If not, we'll be learning Ascendant Council next week.


Also, we've revamped our farm runs to all be one night, get-as-much-loot-as-you-can evenings, where each group generally downs 5-6 bosses (Omni, Magmaw, Halfus, Twin Dragons, Argaloth, and sometimes Maloriak).

We have a couple spots available in our two older groups, and we have quite a few spots open in our new Sat night raid. If you want to raid regularly, and you're looking for a long-term guild, now is a great time to join CoL!
90 Troll Druid
If you're curious about CoL, and you're interested in checking us out, we have a farm run tonight with some openings. For more info, please check out our forum post for the run @ http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2112091796
90 Troll Druid
Too sleepy to write much about it, but grats guys on getting Atramedes down tonight. We're going to focus on learning Nefarian on Thur/Mon of this upcoming week.
90 Troll Druid
We got our first Ascendant Council kill tonight. I actually expected the fight to be much harder than it was; but it was really kind of easy. We went back and downed Chim and Maloriak after AC, because I wasn't even prepped for Cho'gal (I kind of thought AC would take us a couple nights). It was an excellent night, where everyone was on their game.

Group included: Leyota (Bear Druid), Idriela (Prot Paly), Serroth (Resto Druid), Faeylin (Resto Druid), Kargrim (Resto Shammy), Nuurk (Survival Hunter), Wakyuna (Enhance Shammy), Drintragen (Kitty Druid), Potts (Fury Warrior), and Wispofisis (Destro Lock)

Grats guys! Doing excellent.
90 Troll Druid
Just an update on guild activity. We've been farming the content for several weeks now, and we've had terrible luck with drops (except trash epics; lots of those). On the plus side, we've been speed clearing the older bosses (Halfus, Val & Thera, AC, BH, Omni, Magmaw and Chim all in 3.5 hours on one night). On the negative side, Nef and Cho have been kicking our butts.

We still need to put more time into Nef, and Al'Akir (who we're going to see for the first time tomorrow night), but we pretty much have the Cho fight down as of now. Our DPS is just too slow for the adds and a timely P2 push. Either we'll need to go ranged heavy (poor melee and low AOE dps ranged), or we'll need some more gear to boost numbers up.

We could still use one more excellent healer! Depending on gear, it would be 1-2 nights a week (Tues farm + one night of progression later during the week)
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