We got our first Val & Thera (Twin Dragons) kill tonight! Took us about five tries tonight, and from the beginning it felt good. The biggest change we made were assigning dedicated healer spots on Val phases (tank heals on tank, other two heals stacked on one flank; melee opposite side). We had problems losing heals to Devouring Flame while they were trying to keep the raid alive after Blackout. Less healer movement here solved our problem nicely. ^^
Grats CoL on another kill!
We also downed a very hard Halfus combo; Storm, Slate and Time Warden. Surprisingly, it was easy when we stopped doing two dragons at once (and we may go back to releasing one at a time from now on, unless we have nova + frenzy); we just healed fireball damage while we downed Storm, burned Time and then zerged Halfus with plenty of time to spare. Our first Halfus kill with just 3 heals. Took us about three tries to get the strat down.
We raid again on Mon, checking out Ascendant Council and probably hitting Omnatron as well.
Grats CoL on another kill!
We also downed a very hard Halfus combo; Storm, Slate and Time Warden. Surprisingly, it was easy when we stopped doing two dragons at once (and we may go back to releasing one at a time from now on, unless we have nova + frenzy); we just healed fireball damage while we downed Storm, burned Time and then zerged Halfus with plenty of time to spare. Our first Halfus kill with just 3 heals. Took us about three tries to get the strat down.
We raid again on Mon, checking out Ascendant Council and probably hitting Omnatron as well.