Updated! :)
[H] Story Night (RP) - Tuesdays 8pm EST
Updated! :) 8hugs*
i may join in. im curious...
I may be delayed due to the patch, but I'm working on it. :)
Looks like I'm unable to log in. I'll work on getting this sorted for next week. Sorry folks. :/
/update for September 8th
Everlook, quite fitting for this time of year. Have fun!
Last Story Night of the year! Come on by if you're near!
Edited by Shaw on 12/28/2015 7:18 PM PST
Hey Shaw! Thank you for a truly excellent story night, and for rolling with all the demands for Troll based tales. Next time I can make it I'll bring a trollish story of my own :)
Bumping for a good man who does great work.
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