The Quests so far(No spoilers plz)

100 Night Elf Druid
Changed my mind: best new quest chain is Fiona's Caravan in EPL. Now this is the way to tell a story within a zone.

Zen'Kiki was fun, but so dim he really ought to reroll as a paladin... ;)
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85 Dwarf Warrior
See, that's what I was saying Shimmerglade! The whole chain is good times!
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Going to have to do more exploring with Rose, but having a good time so far on my newb. SO far, it sounds like I need to move north to EPL and around that to play around.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I did the zenkiki stuff in beta. I wanted to strangle him by the time was done. Here tauren you train your raise dead spell on him. I was alliance and he was a troll so it would be ok to murder him...right?
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80 Orc Hunter
No one has talked about Stonetalon Mountains yet (horde questline)? It is amazing and well worth the visit whether you have to roll a brand new toon for it or get your 80 down there. I can only imagine how epic it feels to play this game for the first time and hit Stonetalon at 25 and follow that whole questline through to the end.
Edited by Tarenas on 11/27/2010 3:51 PM PST
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85 Dwarf Warrior
I can only imagine how epic it feels to play this game for the first time and hit Stonetalon at 25 and follow that whole questline through to the end.

The way I see it is that I ALMOST want to delete all my toons and start over again so I can see it all from the beginning because everything looks amazing. But at the same time I feel sorry for people just starting out, because they didn't know how things were before the shattering happened. :P

But yeah, whenever Cata comes out I am gonna get to 85 then just do all the lower level quests all over again to experience it all again...without the whole restarting characters thing. :P
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100 Night Elf Priest
I just did the Teldrassil stuff. Love how they re-imagined it.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
The secret quest line in Darkshore surrounding the Dark Embrace is just awesome. And the continued chain that spawns from it in Fel Wood is probably one of the most awesome quest lines in this game. I dearly hope these quest lines are hinting at an in game feature to come, so I may rest in peace once and for all. :P
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Thousand needles is _awesome_, been doing it on my formerly-a-bank-alt priest*, but the conclusion to that particular chain, well, it needs to come soon. A certain someone you wind up helping needs to get killed real bad. Now starting tanaris, thinking I'm gonna go back and do some thousand needle son plains tonight too, if I don't find a raid.

* - I don't have a bank alt anymore! AIIIEEE! I'm running out of room for my stuff!
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Well, as far as Dwarf leveling goes..

1) Ran into the issue of General Grimaxe not spawning in one of the last Dun Morogh quests, so had to log out for the night and wake up and log on in the morning to see if he was up, and he was. So I killed him and moved on to finish up in Dun Morogh, then to move to Loch Modan.

2) Everything was going find in Loch Modan with questing until I got to "Resupplying the Excavation". Went out to the wagon with the Dwarves, and no ambush happened for me, but I was able to turn the quest in as if the ambush did in fact happen. Then the trail went dead. Supposedly being that I got Loremaster prior to 4.0.3a (and thus did this quest already), it's acting as if I already completed it, and now I have no where else to go. I decided to go to the Excavation Site itself since it would have lead there, and I got one quest, which I completed, but again, wasn't sent to IF like I was supposed to be sent after that.

I am getting pretty tired of these ridiculous bugs, as if the only thing people did on the Beta and PTRs was try to look at level 85 purples, rather than testing everything. Not saying they did, and I am fairly certain it's entirely Blizzard to blame for this stuff.
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100 Human Rogue
If you did the old Eye of Paleth quests in Vanilla, do them again! (And listen to everything the dwarf priest has to say.)
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60 Orc Warrior
The secret quest line in Darkshore surrounding the Dark Embrace is just awesome. And the continued chain that spawns from it in Fel Wood is probably one of the most awesome quest lines in this game. I dearly hope these quest lines are hinting at an in game feature to come, so I may rest in peace once and for all. :P

I just went through this quest chain and was absolutely floored. It finally answers some questions I had about older quests in Darkshore that ended abruptly.
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90 Tauren Druid
Can't believe no one has mentioned Silverpine Forest yet!!

Roll an Undead. Do it now. Play through Silverpine forgest on Horde.

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64 Undead Hunter
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Cleaned out most of Eastern Kingdoms in quests and still have Kalimdor to do, though with cata so close I may just wait until later to do it. Overall I am quite happy with how the quests have turned out and can't wait until Monday. Fate must have been listening and gave me off for the midnight sale.

Btw, on an off note, anyone know why I can see some avatars of characters but not all of them? I see a number here, but a few are shadowed out as well as mine.
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100 Troll Warlock
Mon I be doin sum quests now in da Winterspring. I jus realizin, either dey be leavin da main reason I be doin des errands unanswed, or dey be makin em long and out ot de way wit tons ot sidetracks! I like da quests as a whole, but de answers...dey be needin ta be concluded!
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