The Quests so far(No spoilers plz)

Without giving away spoilers, I wanted to know what others thought about the new(er) quests in the revamped zones.

I made myself a new character to start up in the Human zones and I like what they have done.

So far I have finished Westfall, Redridge and Duskwood and I'm making my way to Stranglethorn.

Also ran a few of the instances and I have to say I love the new boss fights. Those plus the zones have made making a new character more fun to work on and questing is smoother.

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100 Night Elf Priest
Haven't really had the time to delve into new content more than skin-deep, I've just been running around looking at everything (and I haven't seen any of the EK except a cursory glance around Stormwind). My plans to experience the content, however, are either to work on my 20-something priest (on Kalimdor, of course) or perhaps just wait until I get around to rolling my first warlock when Cata hits.

Yay for having options besides Gnome and Human! I actually have nothing in particular against Gnomes and would enjoy playing one a lot if it weren't for the fact that the camera's pivot point is SO DARN LOW.

It'll be fun to see how much the leveling experience has changed. I know that I was surprised to do a quick glance through my zone-specific quest achievements and find that I had only 50 or so completed on all of the EK. Man, they threw out a *LOT* of old content!
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85 Dwarf Warrior
I went through all of the "new" Eastern Plaguelands quests since I was grabbing flight paths everywhere, and because I saw "Fiona's Caravan" as a weird icon on the map. You need to start on the far soutwest of EPL (where the road comes from WPL) and grab that quest and then slowly work your way through the area taking quests wherever the Caravan quests lead you.

The flow of quests in EPL is amazing, and there's a lot of little "RP" moments involved with a cut-scene at the end. It was very nicely done. :)
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Teldrassil is amazing.
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85 Tauren Hunter
Mulgore is just about the same as ever, a few tweaks.
N. Barrens is influenced heavily by Quilboar attacks and movement of Horde Troops, and this flows very nicely into Ashenvale where it's all about Horde/Alliance conflict.
Then you get relocated to Stonetalon, where it's just...EPIC.
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91 Human Hunter
I am NEVER skipping Redridge Mountains EVER AGAIN.
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My Eyes! Nooooooo!
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Oh, and a couple things to point out with the EPL quests..bugs if you will..

1) The Battle of Darrowshire - When you get to this quest, there is a very good chance that the thing is bugged so that placing the sack you get, doesn't actually do anything. Apparently it's been broken since even before last expansion, but it's never been fixed. So if you get to this point and you can't go any further, then it means someone on the server before you, failed the quest, and therefor screwed it up for the rest of the server.

2) Fuselight, Ho! - This quest isn't really an EPL quest, but you get it at Light's Hope Chapel, and all it does it put you on a rocket to Badlands where you will start doing Badlands quests whenever you are done in EPL. The bug here is that currently it makes you fly through Twilight Highlands, which isn't available to non-Cataclysm accounts, so when it gets to that point, it kicks you off the rocket, teleports you to east Wetlands, and you have to ride wherever yourself.

The turn in quest for Fuselight, Ho! doesn't make a lot of sense, because it seems you have a crash landing or something spectacular, but since you get dismounted way before ever reaching that point, you can't know what happened really. So for myself I abandoned the quest when I got to the turn-in point, rather than completing it. I will do it when Cataclysm is out.
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45 Human Hunter
I rolled Garrant and I am having a ball! The added flight paths make for a less laborious time starting a new character. Currently in Westfall and I am liking the change there and the scenery is,... nice!

I have decided to stay with Garrant and just go through and see the new world through this hunter's eyes. I am really looking forward to the complete experience!

Anyone else rolling a new character just to see the new world through them?
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100 Night Elf Druid
Darkshore is excellent: stopping the dancing trolls; Big Malf's return; cameo from her slitheriness.

It continues in Ashenvale with the defence of Astranaar and Maestra's - love the warlock in the tower at MP who's screaming "kill the one who doesn't look like the others!!".

The quests just seem better connected now in their tight little hubs, and the stories flow a lot better. Although it does have to be said that I do miss having some of the old 'across the world' type stuff (eg., that troll at Shadra'Alor who wants you to kill stuff way down south in ST) - I think they could have left some of those in just for flavour.

The Winnar! so far though has to be "Welcome to the Machine" in Hillsbrad. You run across each of the NPC's you meet in that quest later on too: poor little Jenny... lost her sparkly donkey.

Pointing my shammy toward WPL next - apparently there's a fun NPC there called Zen'Kiki...

Edited by Shimmerglade on 11/25/2010 2:21 PM PST
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Darkshore is excellent: stopping the dancing trolls; Big Malf's return; cameo from her slitheriness.

Her slitheriness? You mean Azshara makes a cameo, or Vashj comes back, or what?
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100 Night Elf Warrior
I love this game, in ways I haven't in nearly six years.

Darkshore is excellent: stopping the dancing trolls; Big Malf's return; cameo from her slitheriness.

Her slitheriness? You mean Azshara makes a cameo, or Vashj comes back, or what?

Kind of a spoiler to clarify, but you're not wrong.
Edited by Elrith on 11/25/2010 2:58 PM PST
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Nice! I will need to go over that way then. Should I start at a specific point in the zone, or should I start in Teldrassil, or what? Would like to get the full storyline for that. :)
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85 Dwarf Warrior
WTB more char slots and/or Xrealm BOAs.


When Cataclysm is released I am gonna get Para to 85, then I am gonna go roll a Goblin and Worgen on another server just because I can't roll one on here. :(
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