Im new to the server i have one 80 on Misha and i want to rp a character from scratch. Raistlin is a test character before you start criticizing the name. I get that alot on my toon names. What i want is a guild one day but ill settle for a partner to rp with from scratch. interested? well shoot me an in game mail. im on Raistlin a few time a day and Ravenofpoe (mymain on misha a few times).
That name is getting reported when I log is offensive! And using a trademarked real life item.
Raistlin is a test character before you start criticizing the name. I get that alot on my toon names.
kinda like my toon's names, but hey im an enhancement shaman... get it?! HAR HAR HAR
Javi, normally I don't have an issue with your names. But come on man, ya couldn't have thought of a better name for your enhance shammy?
It totally doesn't belong on an RP server, but it is kind of funny. ^^
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