<The Burning Crusaders> is a newly formed guild looking for fellow Burning Crusade lovers to join the ranks! We are a level 70 raiding guild, which means you must turn your experience off at 70! Don't know how to do that? We'll help you find the guy that does it!
We are RP friendly! We are recruiting all classes(the ones that were actually around in BC) and welcome all levels! We will start raiding once we have the people and will run heroics and normals to help start gearing up before we begin to raid. We have five bank tabs so far and we have some exceptions such as using transmog, glyphs and dual spec, which were not around BC. Raid days will be discussed once we start filling up more! We might allow pandaren and worgen in the future, but for now, we do not! No monks or Deathknights! Interested in twink BGs? We might do that as well!
We are listed in the guild browsing system!
Join today and be a part of the fun!
We are RP friendly! We are recruiting all classes(the ones that were actually around in BC) and welcome all levels! We will start raiding once we have the people and will run heroics and normals to help start gearing up before we begin to raid. We have five bank tabs so far and we have some exceptions such as using transmog, glyphs and dual spec, which were not around BC. Raid days will be discussed once we start filling up more! We might allow pandaren and worgen in the future, but for now, we do not! No monks or Deathknights! Interested in twink BGs? We might do that as well!
We are listed in the guild browsing system!
Join today and be a part of the fun!
Edited by Tìnk on 3/9/2015 7:33 AM PDT