The Burning Crusaders!

<The Burning Crusaders> is a newly formed guild looking for fellow Burning Crusade lovers to join the ranks! We are a level 70 raiding guild, which means you must turn your experience off at 70! Don't know how to do that? We'll help you find the guy that does it!

We are RP friendly! We are recruiting all classes(the ones that were actually around in BC) and welcome all levels! We will start raiding once we have the people and will run heroics and normals to help start gearing up before we begin to raid. We have five bank tabs so far and we have some exceptions such as using transmog, glyphs and dual spec, which were not around BC. Raid days will be discussed once we start filling up more! We might allow pandaren and worgen in the future, but for now, we do not! No monks or Deathknights! Interested in twink BGs? We might do that as well!

We are listed in the guild browsing system!

Join today and be a part of the fun!
Edited by Tìnk on 3/9/2015 7:33 AM PDT
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Change of mind of glyphs, we will use minor/non-ability enhancing glyphs only. I realized that our abilities now are more powerful than back then and there is no need for glyphs!
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Also, I have an alt code i in my name. Best way to contact me is either /who the guild or alt+141 to make the i. Thanks!
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One more important thing to add: you may level to 70 with heirlooms, but once you hit 70, you cannot use them! So keep an armor set on hand while leveling 60-70!

Last post, I swear! :)
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Im very interested in this. I will try to contact you in game soon to chat about what sort of roles you are looking for. Kust a heads up I'd be levelin from scratch but I can level fairly quickly.

Hope to talk soon. I'm so stoked I finally find a 70 raiding guild on a role play realm. :D
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68 Night Elf Rogue
You don't take WoW seriously enough.

Foolbossa disapproves of your attempts.

Foolbossa believes that you should only raid 70,80,90 content but nothing else.
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03/21/2015 09:36 AMPosted by Letharia
Im very interested in this. I will try to contact you in game soon to chat about what sort of roles you are looking for. Kust a heads up I'd be levelin from scratch but I can level fairly quickly.

Hope to talk soon. I'm so stoked I finally find a 70 raiding guild on a role play realm. :D

Oh yes! I have a special 'i' in my name, but I have one character without one! Swiftshot!
Contact me on there if you don't see me on Tìnk, send me mail if you need to! ^.^ I'm not always on, but I can get back to you as soon as I get home from work! :)
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03/21/2015 12:45 PMPosted by Foolboss
You don't take WoW seriously enough.

Foolbossa disapproves of your attempts.

Foolbossa believes that you should only raid 70,80,90 content but nothing else.

This subject has come up, and I was thinking of possibly allowing everyone to level after we are done gathering top tier from the 70 raids. That includes everyone getting their sets. Then we will venture into Wrath of the Lich King! And once we clear all content on normal-heroic, we will proceed to do the others!
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We are still recruiting! Right now we have myself and two other 70's! And four more people on their way to 70! We are in need of every class(that is allowed) still! Especially healing classes! :)
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70 Night Elf Rogue
Are you guys interested in cross realm? I have this rogue ready to go!
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If we could, we would! You can always make a character to join the guild here on sisters of elune or on cenarion circle, since it's merged with us!
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70 Night Elf Rogue
We can do raids cross realm, I just cant join your guild. I am not really into rerolling or transferring, but would love to join you guys for a raid or 2. I miss kara so hard.
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Oh, alright! Yeah, that could work :D Could use a rogue to raid with, anyway!
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100 Night Elf Hunter
Hi Tink,
I'm really interested in this, and especially if you intend on going into WLK later.
I do have a bunch of questions though, so I'd like to have a chat =) Add my BTag? Xeraphia#1433.
Hope to talk to you soon!
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100 Human Warrior
Btag is Getsuga#1141 please add me!
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