A post about CRZ events

100 Draenei Mage
Hello server buddies!

I'm from Cenarion Circle and I'm trying to reach out to all of the servers that are connected to us through CRZ. I think CRZ presents a wonderful opportunity for roleplayers, and especially those of us on smaller servers. I think CRZ is a wonderful opportunity for RPers to find more RP while still maintaining their communities on their servers.

I made a large post on the official US Roleplay, forum, World's End Tavern, and got little response, so I'm switching focus. I think to start I should get a list of events in CRZ zones going, and expand from there. I have ambitions to have a grand list of CRZ RP hotspots, areas people use for personal/guild RP and lists/descriptions of
characters who are open for CRZ RP.

You can read more about all that at my WET post http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/16858195691

What I want from this thread is to gather a list of CRZ friendly events from every server and gather them in one place. I made another post in the WET forum, http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/16953835379#1

To be clear, I'm not trying to force anyone to make their event open to CRZ, but from my experience, I think it will be to your benefit. If those who run events in CRZ accessible zones are interested in bringing in people from other server, post a response here with a short description just like you would for a server event list, with the following format

Event name
Time and location
Host (if applicable, can be guild or individual)
Brief description

I also want to try and have a list of upcoming, one off events if possible. To be clear, I'm not trying to force anyone to make their event open to CRZ, but if you

Hopefully I can do more in the future, but I think this is a good start. Contributions are greatly appreciated!
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100 Draenei Mage
Several events have been added!

Coming up is an Alliance party on the 21st, with games and prizes, celebrating the 1 year anniversary of <The Criminal Underworld> on Emerald Dream.
On the 29th, a Gathering of Forsaken to discuss Sylvanas' path.

I also added a monthly event section for two monthly events on Earthen Ring, which are both Horde druid and shaman oriented.
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100 Draenei Mage
I made a Google calendar that has all of the events that are on the thread's list. It even has the monthly events recurring. Check it out!

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