US Cross Realm RP Event List

100 Draenei Mage
Google Calendar with all events on this list:

When this started, it was focused on the LA server realms, but it has since expanded to all US RP realms, as a party or raid invite can bring players to the server.

Here's the list of CRZ connected servers, that typically don't need invites to attend events, as far as I'm aware. When zones have a high population, they are separated, so even if you are on a connected server you may need an invite.

Cenarion Circle (PST)
Sisters of Elune (CST)
Feathermoon (PST)
Scarlet Crusade (CST)
Blackwater Raiders (PST)
Shadow Council (MST)
Farstriders (CST)
Silver Hand (PST)
Thorium Brotherhood (CST)
Moon Guard (CST)
Wyrmrest Accord (PST)

The purpose of this thread is to gather a list of events, formatted as follows:

Event name
Time and location
Host (if applicable, can be guild or individual)
Brief description

In the future, I may include more of what I discussed in my first post, seen here:

Your contributions would be much appreciated!
Edited by Zaranae on 12/9/2015 9:27 AM PST
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100 Draenei Mage

[N] Motion Picture Night
Location: Announced on the ticket when sent. ((In the calendar invite!))
Time: 7 PM ((ST)), Friday December 11th
Main contact: Contact Isiehra-WyrmrestAccord to reserve your tickets.
Description: A celebration of gnomish and goblin technology, a showing of the motion picture MEN IN TIGHTS!

[A] Darnassus Random RP Night
Location: Darnassus, Moon Guard
Time: Saturday, December 12. (12/12) 8:30 PM Moon Guard server time(PST?)
Description: <Dor Serrar> is having a "random rp" type of thing. Anybody who wants to rp in Darnassus is more than welcome!
Contact: Velasandra-MoonGuard

[H] Gathering of Forsaken

Host: Capteya of Wyrmrest Accord,
Location: At the broken statue in the ruins of Lordaeron.
Time: Sunday, December 30th, 6:00pm (server, est)
Description: The gathering is an open event that focuses on Forsaken issues, the night's topic will be on certain aspects of the Forsaken community or current events in the Forsaken realm. Perhaps you know of happenings that we failed to observe ourselves, in this way we will all have a better picture of our society. After the reporting, we will then debate or discuss the night's topic.

[A] Dwarven Moot
Time: January 2nd, exact time TBA
Location: Military Ward, Ironforge, Wyrmrest Accord
Description: I call a meeting of the dwarves. The moot will be on the 2nd of January, hosted in the military wing of the great forge.
Thanes, Dwarven lords, and kin folk I encourage you to come and join and bring the dwarves together once again!
Contact: Hrothganron-WyrmrestAccord

[H] The Lunar Bazaar
Host: Taeana-MoonGuard (
Time: Saturday, January 2nd, 8:00 pm Moon Guard Server Time. First Saturday of every month.
Location: Sun Rock Retreat in Stonetalon Mountain, Moon Guard
Description:The Lunar Bazaar is a community centered RP event lead by the Stonewind Tribe. Each month on the full moon (first saturday), all are welcome to attend the Bazaar and its adjoining festival. The evening will start with Storytelling in Thunder Bluff followed later by the Bazaar itself, a trade/market style event in which all may participate. The Bazaar will be held at Sun Rock Retreat.

Vendors and buyers may use GHI items for trading as well as trade in-game items, but in the spirit of the Tauren tradition, we suggest buying and selling without actual game gold. We hope this leads to some interesting haggling and creative methods of bargain.

There will be a feast and dancing as well! Those wishing to pay their respects to Mu’sha will be presented with a seedling to be planted later in the evening. Those who participate in this homage to the Earthmother will be presented with a special gift from the Stonewind Tribe (GHI required).
Edited by Zaranae on 12/12/2015 5:50 PM PST
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100 Draenei Mage
Monthly Events:

[N] Cenarion Circle Conference
Host/Contact: (H) Lindiwe-WyrmrestAccord, (A) Kazandra-WyrmrestAccord, (Bent) spoonymog#1854
Location: Moon Glade (Wyrmrest Accord)
Time: January 4th, 6PM PST (First Monday of every month, with exception of holidays.)
Description: The Cenarion Circle Conference is both an event and group that strives to create a community of druid themed RP. Topics to be announced.

[H] Kash'harg
Location: The Stonehammer Feasting Grounds (Stonetalon Mountains) Wyrmrest Accord
Time: December 18th (because Christmas) Last Friday of each month at 7pm PST
Description: The Kash’harg is a feast hosted by the Stonehammer Clan once a month to celebrate the blessings of that season. Hosted the last Friday of each month at 7pm realm time. Food, drink, games, stories, dance, and friendship are shared both with new and old faces. All are welcome to attend the feast as there will always be plenty of food and drink to go around.
All horde are welcome and the Clan looks forward to seeing you there!
Contact: BornofBrant#1655

[H]The Verdant Gathering --
Time: Monthly on Saturday or Sunday, 3PM Eastern/12PM Pacific
Location: Locations vary, see event postings for details
*Note: Earthen Ring is not CRZ'd with the larger LA-based RP server group, so you may need a raid invite to get in.
Host: Tarhoof or Gruagg, <World Keepers>
Brief description: The Verdant Gathering is a roleplaying scenario for individuals of the Horde who have a strong interest in preserving, interacting with, and defending the wild and natural Azeroth. These events have a strong focus on Druidism and Shamanism, but are not exclusive to the attendance of the correlating classes.

[H] Wildtotem Summit --
Time: December 9th. Every 2nd Wednesday of the month, 9PM Eastern/6PM Pacific
Location: Horde Capital Cities (Rotation: Silvermoon, Thunderbluff, Darkspear Isle, Bilgewater Harbor, Orgrimmar, Undercity)
*Note: Earthen Ring is not CRZ'd with the larger LA-based RP server group, so you may need a raid invite to get in.
Host: Tarhoof or Gruagg, <World Keepers>
Brief description: Wildtotem Summit is a public monthly gathering. Summits serve as a collective, quiet respite for both druid and shaman, gathering together to share knowledge, research and their experiences whilst fulfilling their duties abroad.
Edited by Zaranae on 12/10/2015 7:36 AM PST
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100 Draenei Mage
Weekly Events:


[A] Shrouded Dawn Patrol
Host: The Shrouded Dawn (current GM is Braghaman) of Shadow Council
Location: Duskwood, starting in Darkshire
Time: 7pm Mountain time on Mondays
Description: Ridden patrol of Duskwood, making sure the citizens remain safe. Anyone who wishes to attend to learn about the Shrouded Dawn, or learn about Duskwood--or think it's an opportune time to cause trouble--are welcome.

[A] Troubador Night
Hosted by Pia Presidium and Bards of the Lion of Cenarion Circle
Location: Ironforge, Hall of Explorers
Time: Mondays, 6 PM PST. (Next: May 18th)
Description: Come and sing a song or tell a story. Alternates with the Healing Clinic
Pia Presidium Healing Clinic
Hosted by Pia Presidium of Cenarion Circle
Location: Ironforge Mystic Ward
Time: Monday Evening at 5:00PM PST (Next: May 25th)
Description: Clinic to heal the Alliance. Alternates with the Troubadour Night.


[H]* The Drunken Kodo Tavern
Hosted by Zephyr Crew of Thorium Brotherhood
Location: Ratchet Inn, the Barrens
Time: Tuesday and Thursday, 7-9 PM PST
Description: The Kodo has been run by the ZC for over 7 years now, and provides a place for Hordies to meet, hang out and socialize in a friendly and casual setting.
* Neutral location, but Horde hosted

[A]* Feathers Tavern
Hosted by the Feathers of Iron of Cenarion Circle
Location: Booty Bay Inn
Time: Every Tuesday, gathering around 6 PST and officially starting at 6:30
Description: Bar. We have a wide selection of drinks from Azeroth and Outland, as well as an assortment of freshly cooked food.
*In a neutral location, but Alliance hosted.


Alliance Medical Association
Hosted by Skrimps of Wyrmrest Accord (non-guild affiliated)
Time and Location: 6pm Pacific/9 Eastern, Ironforge Hall of Explorers, every other Wednesday
Description: Volunteers present interactive lectures relating to health and safety on Azeroth and beyond to an audience of their peers. All characters are welcome regardless of level of knowledge.
Thread link for schedules:

[H] Soup Night!
Hosted by <The Whitehorn Tribe>
Contact: Kinarra-Wyrmrest Accord
Time: 6:30 PM PST
Location: Crossroads, Northern Barrens.
Description: Soup Night is a weekly event hosted by The Whitehorn Tribe. It’s an evening of casual RP held every Wednesday - where ever the Tribe happens to stop for this evening. We will be sharing our evening meal and hospitality with whoever happens by. There could possibly be a story or two, games, and rumor has it that Greatmother Moon might even be up for telling a few fortunes. - Though sparring, pyromaniacs, and general mayhem are possible too.

[H] Horde Supply Caravan
Host: <Crimson Moon> and friends.
Location: EVERY Wednesday @ 7 PM WRA server time (10 PM Eastern time zone) Crossroads
Time: EVERY Wednesday @ 7 PM WRA server time (10 PM Eastern time zone) After Whitehorn Soup Night. The time may vary a bit, we don't want to disrupt the soup night rp the guild loves. So supplies wont be handed out til everyone had time to eat, enjoy the evening, and its near winding down time for the other event.
Description: It's basically a group of people helping out those that might need a gentle boost before they start their own adventures in Azeroth. Bags, companions (pets), and other odds and ends are given out to those that want or need it. Dice & other games of chance are played for items of increased value gifts..

*IC Flyer*
More information concerning this event:
Edited by Zaranae on 12/10/2015 7:19 AM PST
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100 Draenei Mage
[A] Stormwind University Pet Battle Class
Hosted by Pommie Tappet of Stormwind University on Wyrmrest Accord
Time and Location: Every Thursday, 4 PM Pacific in Darnassus
Description: Pet battle classes are just starting out, offered through the prestigious <Stormwind University>. If you're interested in collecting, battling, training, taming, or anything else related to small pets, this class is for you, regardless of skill level. In this class we cover everything:

The species of pets
Genotypes and phenotypes
Qualities and attributes
Capture of wild pets
Strategies for the Grand Master Tamers
Strategies for the Celestial Tournament
Strategies against other players ((PvP))
((Pet Battle Add-Ons))
Expanding your collection
Economics of pet battles
Ethics of pet battles
Thread link:

[H] The Drunken Kodo Tavern
Hosted by Zephyr Crew of Thorium Brotherhood
Location: Ratchet Inn, the Barrens
Time: Tuesday and Thursday, 7-9 PM PST
Description: The Kodo has been run by the ZC for over 7 years now, and provides a place for Hordies to meet, hang out and socialize in a friendly and casual setting.

[A] Feathers of Iron Open Office Night
Hosted by Feathers of Iron of Cenarion Circle
Location: Rotating locations on Azeroth, Cenarion Circle
Time: Every two weeks on Thursdays 6:30 PM PST
Description: Feathers of Iron is a mercenary company for hire traveling around Azeroth to meet with potential clients. Discretion is key.
Contact: Franziskah-CenarionCircle, Zaranae-CenarionCircle.


[A] Council of Bishops Seminary Class
Hosted by the Council of Bishops, a non-guild organization on Moon Guard.
Location: Northshire Abbey
Time: 9 PM CST. Operates on 8 week semesters with a week break. Will also be off for the holidays, more to be posted. Next class: November 27th.
Description: A weekly class on the beliefs and the culture of the Holy Light.
Contact: Qienna-MoonGuard
Council of Bishops Calendar:

[H] Stonewind Storytelling
Hosted by <The Stonewind Tribe>, contact Taeana-MoonGuard
Location: Thunderbluff, highest Central bluff, Moon Guard
Time:Every Saturday at 6pm PST
Description: The Stonewind Tribe will be hosting a storytelling event in Thunder Bluff around the ceremonial Bonfire! Food will she shared, friends will be made, and stories both mythical and personal shall be passed around for all to hear and share!
Come! Join us in passing our oral history and memory from generation to generation! From race to race of this great family we call the Horde!
The Ceremonial Fire is on the highest rise of the central plateau in front of Baine's tent. One of the Stonewind Tribe leaders will open the event, greeting all who have come. Any who wish may stand by the fire and tell a tale, factual, fantastical, legend, humorous, sorrowful, from their own lives or others.

Share your stories and listen to others!

[A] Wyrmhearth Tavern
Hosted by <Dragonsworn Council> of Sentinels-US please note we are connected to Steamwheedle Cartel and Kirin Tor, and CRZ with The Scryers, Argent Dawn, and Earthen Ring
Location: The Stoutlager Inn in Thelsamar, Loch Modan (just east of Dun Morogh)
Time: Every Saturday starting at 8pm PST (10pm Sentinels ST), officially open for two hours but often lasts into the wee hours of the morning.
Description: A tavern-style RP event open to everyone! Friendly and slightly whimsical atmosphere, run by a group of people always willing to help with your problems, be it finding a mate or hiding from a bounty hunter. Featuring an extensive menu of teas and alcoholic beverages as well as traditional food items. Ask about our red-hot dragon wings! (Not made with real dragon)
Edited by Zaranae on 12/12/2015 5:44 PM PST
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100 Draenei Mage

[H] Cult of the Forgotten Shadow Sermon
Hosted by Sillain of Wyrmrest Accord
Location: Brill Graveyard, Wyrmrest Accord
Time: 8 PM server (PST)
Description: Shadow Sermon event. These events will primarily revolve around the host's interpretation of the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow. The nature of the topics will change from week to week but will be designed to allow as much input from attendees as possible. The topics will also be posted at least two days in advance to the Sermon so you have proper time to reflect on them.
You can expect topics to be philosophical or political in nature.Debate and discussions are very much encouraged. Each event is likely to run for at least one hour, please feel free to drop in and have a look even if you can't stay for the entirety of the session.

[H] Story Circle
Hosted by the Earthspear Tribe of Wyrmrest Accord. Contact: Ashénya . (é = alt+130)
Location: Bloodhoof Village
Time: 6:30 PM PST
Gather around the campfire, my friends. Let me tell you a story...
Anyone who wants to share a story is encouraged to contact on the day of the event, or volunteer at the event, itself!
Nervous about telling a story? Your best bet is to pretype it and either copy/paste as you're telling it. Or set it up as macros!
Current thread link:

[H] Fancy Cakes
Hosted by Kharris, Braedyn and Xuihteena of Shadow Council
Location: Silvermoon City, Royal Exchange
Time: 6pm Mountain time on Sundays
Description: Drinks, pastries, and conversation on the patio outside the archaeology trainers.

[H] Confessional
Hosted by Ambassador Ondolemar Galebraver (Cenarion Circle)
Contact: Ondolemar or Lithliana
Location: Spirit Rise, Thunder Bluff
Time: Sunday, 7 PM PST
Description: Ambassador Ondolemar stands ready to take your private confessions and absolve you of your sins.
Edited by Zaranae on 12/10/2015 7:15 AM PST
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100 Draenei Mage
Updated with three events from Cenarion Circle, hopefully events from Farstriders will be added soon.

If you know someone who run an event in a CRZ zone, please let them know about this thread. Any help is greatly appreciated. <3
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100 Draenei Mage
Added Pia Presidium's Monday events, Troubadour Night and the Clinic.

Check them out!
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100 Draenei Mage
Added two events from Shadow Council, and one is a Horde event! Huzzah!
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96 Human Death Knight
This is a great list and I'm glad you came to the Alliance Medical Association thread to advertise it. I'll post a link to this thread on the AMA tumblr and hopefully it'll help you cast a wider net. Also, hope it's not intrusive if I post my event's info in your format!

Alliance Medical Association
Hosted by Skrimps of Wyrmrest Accord (non-guild affiliated)
Time and Location: 6pm Pacific/9 Eastern, Ironforge Hall of Explorers, every other Wednesday
Description: Volunteers present interactive lectures relating to health and safety on Azeroth and beyond to an audience of their peers. All characters are welcome regardless of level of knowledge.
Thread link for schedules:
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100 Draenei Mage
Of course it's not intrusive! I would love to be able to share it.

Thank you so much for the response!
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100 Human Priest
Hello there! I would like to add my event on the roster, if it meets your qualifications, and it doesn't clash with any of your already scheduled events. I just hope, it's alright, if I post it here.

-pats the advert gently and walks away-

Event Name:
Sermon of the Black Cathedral

Event Host: Slanezh ( ICly: Stephano Samwell)

Event Location:
Master's Cellar, Deadwind Pass, Eastern Kingdoms (Wyrmrest Accord)

Event Time:
17th April,10:30PM (WRA Server Time)

Synopsis: A place, where users or people interested in the shadows, can commune in a sanctuary setting to listen and share knowledge after the occasional sermons.

Heres the link to the thread for the description, and what to expect from the event.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I run Fancy Cakes on Sundays! Thanks for posting about it! :D

I know there's an event on another CRZ'ed server at pretty much the same time as Fancy Cakes (Sundays at 6pm MST). I can't remember what server it's on, but it's a story circle in Thunder Bluff. It's as old as Fancy Cakes, from what I understand. I'm always bummed I can't go. Sorry I can't provide more information. CC ? SoE? I can't remember what server...
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100 Draenei Mage
Thank you for adding the event, Slanzeh! I'll try and promote it amongst the people I know and the servers I frequent.

Thanks for having it, Kharris!
The event I think you are talking about is from Sisters of Elune. I don't think having multiple events on the same day is a problem, as different events cater to different characters, so the more diversity we have, the better!
Edited by Zaranae on 4/15/2015 2:13 PM PDT
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100 Draenei Mage
Updated with another Horde event, the Drunken Kodo tavern in Ratchet! It's Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Make sure you check it out!
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100 Draenei Mage
Sermon of the Black Cathedral is happening again, this time on a Saturday, the 25th.

Mark your calendar, shadowy folks!
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100 Draenei Mage
With the addition of the fantastic cross faction Club Trix, we now have an event every day of the week!

I also had to move onto the second reserved post! This is exciting stuff folks!

Well, at least to me :P
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100 Draenei Mage
Updated with a great, recurring event: the Dwarven Clan moot! The next moot is hosted by the Bouldershoulder Brigade.

Important to note: with crowded events, sometimes the zone isn't connected completely and you may not see the event. I will be sure to post contact info on who can whisper for an invite.

If you know the name, you can whisper someone cross realm if you add the server after.


/w Zaranae-CenarionCircle
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Thank you for adding our Moot to your list! Looking forward to meeting dwarves from any and all realms. :)
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100 Draenei Mage
Updated the event list with all of the current dates for events.

I'm keeping an eye out for any one off/irregularly scheduled events, so please send them my way! Thank you.
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