Outlandish Fortune (A) now recruiting for 25

Prepended edit: I'd like to mention that we've met some moderate success thus far, having reached 8/12 on normal level 25-man content. We're still hoping to find that paladin healer of our dreams, or maybe shaman, and we could make good use of a skilled ranged dpser who also is good at crossword puzzles, if anybody knows somebody. We're happy to talk to any class, any spec, particularly interesting people with good skin. Please come visit us! Etic's so very lonely sometimes in his crate.

but now back to your originally posted original post.


Assorted heroes, villains, fishmongers, scoundrels, thrillseekers, and vagabonds of the Cenarion Circle realm, as well as those who may be considering a holiday there:

It is with great anticipation and excitement that I write of our goal to expand the ranks of Outlandish Fortune. Throughout the years, following our founding shortly before the exploits known as the Burning Crusade, we have had the pleasure of consistently flinging our soft, delicate, lavender-scented bodies into the jaws of every manner of lich, dragon, and giant fire-burping robot that the Titans and Old Gods could imagine up. Sometimes it has been ten people, sometimes twenty, but most often twenty-five, and we seek to continue this grand tradition.

You kids, with your extreme-thrill hunger and short attention spans, want to know the bullet points up front, so I'll tee-el-dee-ar it here, as it were.

We exist to be eaten by aforementioned dragons and liches and robots, and will do so regularly on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Mondays, from 5 to 9 pm realm time. In many cases we fail to be eaten, and instead receive new weaponry and armor that makes it harder in the future to be eaten. We distribute said goods via simple random roll between those who can use the item, with everybody encouraged to be considerate enough to let items go where they can best prevent future digestion. This system works well. Initiates and applicants are considered secondary priority in such distribution until accepted as members, after which they get the same rights as guild leaders and the like.

What are we seeking? In general, a mix of those who hurt enemies and those who heal damage. Any damaging class is welcome. Of healers, we could particularly use additional paladins and shaman, but we're happy to consider any class. Tanks can apply, but are encouraged to be very competent as well in hurting things.

Ah, and the address. Inquiries may direct themselves to our message repositorium at http://outlandish.guildlaunch.com. If you wish to submit a more personal inquiry, please contact myself, Grae, via any sort of creepy whisper you prefer.

That concludes the useful information. As a bit of additional background, we are a guild that has long put great pride both in amusing ourselves and in the previously-described art of not being eaten by beasties. We feel that doing our job well gives us great enjoyment, and we find that we raid better because we are considerate and fun people. If you like the idea of being eaten by, well a giant lava worm or a trio of hairdryers, but also enjoy smart and fun people bantering about which type of pickle is most virtuous, you should definitely get to know us.

I look forward to meeting any knave who shall step forth. Thank you for your time!

Yours etc.,
Grae Moondrinker
Chairman, Outlandish Fortune Enteprises LLC
Edited by Grae on 2/7/2011 8:56 PM PST
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Dill Pickle for Guild Pickle 2011!!!
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85 Orc Death Knight
we have had the pleasure of consistently flinging our soft, delicate, lavender-scented bodies into the jaws of every manner of lich, dragon, and giant fire-burping robot that the Titans and Old Gods could imagine up.

That made me chuckle... I think people should join just to hear these stories. I know I would

Bump for success
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100 Worgen Druid
01/04/2011 9:48 PMPosted by Krazytoast
Dill Pickle for Guild Pickle 2011!!!

While the dill is a fine pickle ... I do believe the gherkin is making a come back in 2011.

Bump for applicants of all flavors!

As our feathery Chairman mentioned above ... a better smelling raid is a top priority for Outlandish Fortune Enterprises LLC. I should mention that despite the recent upheaval experienced all across Azeroth, our balance sheet and diverse portfolio of investments remain strong. As such, we are in a position to offer a generous compensation package for qualified applicants.
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90 Human Warlock
01/08/2011 6:59 AMPosted by Thunderspil
While the dill is a fine pickle ... I do believe the gherkin is making a come back in 2011.

You are in violation of the International Food Court ruling Section 4 Paragraph 16 Sub-Paragraph e. Specifically: "the mention of dessert pickles in the same breath as the aforementioned dill is a violation of these articles. This offense is punishable by death or censure, whatever is easier."

Lucky for you I got gum stuck in the guillotine.

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100 Worgen Druid
01/09/2011 9:44 PMPosted by Etic
You are in violation of the International Food Court ruling Section 4 Paragraph 16 Sub-Paragraph e. Specifically: "the mention of dessert pickles in the same breath as the aforementioned dill is a violation of these articles. This offense is punishable by death or censure, whatever is easier."

Lucky for you I got gum stuck in the guillotine.


That ruling was nullified by the Guacamole Act and subsequently upheld 6-3 in the landmark case of Thrall v. Fishbine.

Oh ... and bumpy!
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100 Human Mage
Pickles? Bah! I prefer cake and I bake plenty of it with my nifty table.

I'd be most pleased to bake some more cakes for an additional tank, couple of melee dps, a hunter perhaps even another healer or nuker.
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Pickles are fickle, and stick to the nickels
of sick little cycles that scythe us with sickles.
The quick can be tricked, but the bricks can evict
When the wick's gone to bicker with shiftier sisters.
It's wistful to whistle, but blissful to tickle,
and misty-eyed missiles don't listen to fiddles--
they trust in the trestle that bests us in bustle,
for fuss isn't fissile and dust isn't diesel.

I completely forgot what the point of that was, but, uh, bump.
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85 Goblin Shaman
Good people. If I hadn't realized I was completely burnt out on raiding and defected to the horde I probably would've stayed with them for the long haul.

Outlandish Fortune for the win!
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85 Draenei Paladin
Oh my, endorsed by a Goblin and after we made Gho'gall fall down and go boom, and then did it again the next day.

Hi Cleo hoping the dark side treating you as well as it can.

We could use a couple of stabby stabby or poke'em with a stick from a distance types fer marching over Nef and beyond.
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100 Human Warrior
Hello all, not sure you are really intrested in melee dps, but your raid times are a perfect fit for me, seems like the atmosphere is a good fit as well Layed back is good news. I've been trying to get back into raiding. So let me know. I'm Arms dps, yup Arms..love it raided arms even in Wrath was succesful to too. Anyways let me know if you are looking for some arms deeps. Thank ya =D
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85 Draenei Shaman
Bump and update
Bosses down 10/12 in 25 man progression.

Pickles going out fast.

Got a dreamy holy palladin, with soft and smooth skin and even good teeth.

Applications still open for heals, melee and ranged dps.
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