Prepended edit: I'd like to mention that we've met some moderate success thus far, having reached 8/12 on normal level 25-man content. We're still hoping to find that paladin healer of our dreams, or maybe shaman, and we could make good use of a skilled ranged dpser who also is good at crossword puzzles, if anybody knows somebody. We're happy to talk to any class, any spec, particularly interesting people with good skin. Please come visit us! Etic's so very lonely sometimes in his crate.
but now back to your originally posted original post.
Assorted heroes, villains, fishmongers, scoundrels, thrillseekers, and vagabonds of the Cenarion Circle realm, as well as those who may be considering a holiday there:
It is with great anticipation and excitement that I write of our goal to expand the ranks of Outlandish Fortune. Throughout the years, following our founding shortly before the exploits known as the Burning Crusade, we have had the pleasure of consistently flinging our soft, delicate, lavender-scented bodies into the jaws of every manner of lich, dragon, and giant fire-burping robot that the Titans and Old Gods could imagine up. Sometimes it has been ten people, sometimes twenty, but most often twenty-five, and we seek to continue this grand tradition.
You kids, with your extreme-thrill hunger and short attention spans, want to know the bullet points up front, so I'll tee-el-dee-ar it here, as it were.
We exist to be eaten by aforementioned dragons and liches and robots, and will do so regularly on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Mondays, from 5 to 9 pm realm time. In many cases we fail to be eaten, and instead receive new weaponry and armor that makes it harder in the future to be eaten. We distribute said goods via simple random roll between those who can use the item, with everybody encouraged to be considerate enough to let items go where they can best prevent future digestion. This system works well. Initiates and applicants are considered secondary priority in such distribution until accepted as members, after which they get the same rights as guild leaders and the like.
What are we seeking? In general, a mix of those who hurt enemies and those who heal damage. Any damaging class is welcome. Of healers, we could particularly use additional paladins and shaman, but we're happy to consider any class. Tanks can apply, but are encouraged to be very competent as well in hurting things.
Ah, and the address. Inquiries may direct themselves to our message repositorium at If you wish to submit a more personal inquiry, please contact myself, Grae, via any sort of creepy whisper you prefer.
That concludes the useful information. As a bit of additional background, we are a guild that has long put great pride both in amusing ourselves and in the previously-described art of not being eaten by beasties. We feel that doing our job well gives us great enjoyment, and we find that we raid better because we are considerate and fun people. If you like the idea of being eaten by, well a giant lava worm or a trio of hairdryers, but also enjoy smart and fun people bantering about which type of pickle is most virtuous, you should definitely get to know us.
I look forward to meeting any knave who shall step forth. Thank you for your time!
Yours etc.,
Grae Moondrinker
Chairman, Outlandish Fortune Enteprises LLC
but now back to your originally posted original post.
Assorted heroes, villains, fishmongers, scoundrels, thrillseekers, and vagabonds of the Cenarion Circle realm, as well as those who may be considering a holiday there:
It is with great anticipation and excitement that I write of our goal to expand the ranks of Outlandish Fortune. Throughout the years, following our founding shortly before the exploits known as the Burning Crusade, we have had the pleasure of consistently flinging our soft, delicate, lavender-scented bodies into the jaws of every manner of lich, dragon, and giant fire-burping robot that the Titans and Old Gods could imagine up. Sometimes it has been ten people, sometimes twenty, but most often twenty-five, and we seek to continue this grand tradition.
You kids, with your extreme-thrill hunger and short attention spans, want to know the bullet points up front, so I'll tee-el-dee-ar it here, as it were.
We exist to be eaten by aforementioned dragons and liches and robots, and will do so regularly on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Mondays, from 5 to 9 pm realm time. In many cases we fail to be eaten, and instead receive new weaponry and armor that makes it harder in the future to be eaten. We distribute said goods via simple random roll between those who can use the item, with everybody encouraged to be considerate enough to let items go where they can best prevent future digestion. This system works well. Initiates and applicants are considered secondary priority in such distribution until accepted as members, after which they get the same rights as guild leaders and the like.
What are we seeking? In general, a mix of those who hurt enemies and those who heal damage. Any damaging class is welcome. Of healers, we could particularly use additional paladins and shaman, but we're happy to consider any class. Tanks can apply, but are encouraged to be very competent as well in hurting things.
Ah, and the address. Inquiries may direct themselves to our message repositorium at If you wish to submit a more personal inquiry, please contact myself, Grae, via any sort of creepy whisper you prefer.
That concludes the useful information. As a bit of additional background, we are a guild that has long put great pride both in amusing ourselves and in the previously-described art of not being eaten by beasties. We feel that doing our job well gives us great enjoyment, and we find that we raid better because we are considerate and fun people. If you like the idea of being eaten by, well a giant lava worm or a trio of hairdryers, but also enjoy smart and fun people bantering about which type of pickle is most virtuous, you should definitely get to know us.
I look forward to meeting any knave who shall step forth. Thank you for your time!
Yours etc.,
Grae Moondrinker
Chairman, Outlandish Fortune Enteprises LLC
Edited by Grae on 2/7/2011 8:56 PM PST