Attn: Alliance

85 Pandaren Priest
Hay guise whats goin' on in dis thread?
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100 Human Priest
Arisber... im calling you out. name the time and place buddy your going down . :D seriously time and place.
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85 Worgen Druid
01/17/2011 6:34 PMPosted by Arisber
I can kill those baddies all day.

Aris... I don't recall you talking like some hot mouth breathing window licker before, not like that. Are you on drugs or something we should know about?

Don't worry, this is an intervention. You need help dude, you went from cool to a Douche in less then a year.

Oh, and.. I have whordies too.. ;)

Edit: For the LOVE of whatever gods, goddesses and whatever are listening.. PLEASE, hide your helm, the DK helm is Fugggglyyyyyy. It just looks so dorky. WTB real orc face nao!
Edited by Yukai on 1/24/2011 5:40 PM PST
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85 Worgen Druid
Duuuude, remove the helm!

It's only awesome for a rogue to hide their faces...

Also, Turmoil, from what I understand is far more focused on PvE, not PvP. I've known a few of 'em, specifically one of their tanks as he only lives an hour from me (He's MiA due to busy life if I'm not mistaken) and they were NOT bad.

I'm rusty, but I still gank people. People can go "Zomg, it's cuz yer feral lololol"

Did you know, apparently, our bleeds tick for 40k, so says someone who knows nothing of what they talk about in my horde guild. Makes me feel like I'm losing IQ points each time I hear that the shapeshifting nerf is justification for that, when they were already swapping bleed damage to direct damage spells.

Seriously. Some people really are dense.

Tell me, Aris, why is it that many DK players lately, are so.. full of themselves. For lack of a better word and it's not intended to give you a proverbial wedgie, it's just a question. I've had 3 people all fall victim to the terrible curse of bad projection to others, thinking they are the most amazing thing since hotdogs and microwaves, or mac 'n cheese.

Ramble ramble ramble, okay, I'm done. *Goes to get another cup o coffee*
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85 Draenei Death Knight
/facepalm @ this whole thread
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37 Goblin Rogue
Typical orc. Since Gammosh dropped trou, Orcs have been getting a bit cocky. Please come back Thrall.
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