Attn: Alliance

90 Blood Elf Priest
We have more than one auction house in Orgrimmar. Please plan ahead for your future shenanigans.
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52 Blood Elf Paladin
Someone get nailed by some Alliance while making AH transactions?
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85 Worgen Druid
Actually we call the late night calendar gatherings shenanigans, it is funny you said that.

We thought the horde Auction House could use a makeover, some of you did not agree i guess.

Thanks for mentioning the "other" AH I believe we may have overlooked that.
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90 Draenei Shaman
Oh yeah because at a late night time we go in and raid a AH, woo so bad.. we'll remember that next time horde become possessive of Tol Barad, and i'll call you guys bad..

have some fun in your life and if you looked up guild achvments you would find such things productive.

;) we'll see you again soon Orgrimmar. And hey Eatspie, please be in the AH next time so we can offically say hello :D
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
So I noticed last night, you got the one in the back, good for you! You still missed a bunch though. Either go full-assed or don't bother going at all :|

Oh hey, when are you guys going to get together and slap around Garrosh? You got my hopes up last night.

At least try out the Gamon raid.
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85 Worgen Druid
The idea was to have some fun and kamikaze into the Org AH and kill some folks for the city attacker achievement.

If we wanted to kill Garrosh it would be a great deal more organized, but really what is the point?

@Eatspie, does this mean we can't be friends?
Edited by Poê on 1/15/2011 3:31 PM PST
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90 Draenei Shaman
Starts the music and lights the candles and leaves before it gets really Freaky in here..
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85 Draenei Shaman
Calling a whole guild bad is just ignorant.
Edited by Rexxis on 1/17/2011 6:05 PM PST
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85 Draenei Shaman
I don't see anywhere where we gloated about being 'good or the best'- You should be happy someone is willing to pvp with you. Instead you are angry about pvping against someone. Which doesn't make sense to me. I thought you liked to pvp? Or would the game be more fun to you if no one opposed you? Good sportsmanship can go a long way. A challenge is always fun. And making enemies in a video game is pointless.
Maybe we can be friends one day ;)
Love Rexxis
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100 Human Priest
ditto for SW tell hotsauce I said hello
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85 Draenei Shaman
Awe that's mature.
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85 Orc Warrior
01/17/2011 1:37 PMPosted by Arisber
Turmoil=bad. 'nuff said. Also, you reminded me of this.

Dont worry about his judgment, he hides in bc/wrath gear in duels so he can use it as a excuse for getting owned. Thats if he even stays on the ground and doesnt mount up and fly awayyyyyy.
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85 Draenei Shaman
Wow blade, nice points you have 8425. I think that's the Biggest I've seen. ....a/s/l?
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