(H) Riddle of Steel recruitment

85 Orc Warrior
Greetings SoE.

After a nice holiday break, Riddle has finally gotten back into raiding our full schedule again. After the first week, we were able to figure out any personal scheduling conflicts....and that leads us here to the forums for some reinforcements.

The Details:
We raid Wed/Thurs/Sunday from 7-10 server, so not a grueling schedule by any means.
We run 25 man, and would like to keep it that way, if attendance allows.
As of (EDIT) 2-9-11, we are 8 of 12, surely to climb.

What we need:
Strong ranged DPS (that are NOT hunters), that can keep our schedule. Immediate spots open.

Due to some real life commitments, we also have a couple of possible melee spots. We are pretty set on Warriors and Enhance Shaman, any other melee feel free to look us up. Ideally you'd have as much non-raid gear as possible with some VP gear. Hoping to be able to plug soeone right into the line-up if possible

Skilled raiders are always welcome of any class. You may need to bide your time filling in on raids to start if we are clogged in your class/role. But the cream rises to the top as they say, and those who give their all to the raid find themselves with a permanent job.

We are always looking for quality players, and quality people in general. You need not be a fulltime raider to enjoy our company, and guild perks if thats your thing. We've not missed our guild XP cap since Cata launch, and I don't see it happening often (if at all), so we will cap out 25 at a decent clip. Besides myself, most all of my crew are well liked in the SoE community. It's a rare day that I get a complaint about anyone. Many heroic groups form daily, some PVP happens, all of that jazz.

If you have any interest in our raid, or just need a good home, please do not hesitate to look me up in game, or Wraine who also handles recruitment. Hell any of the RoS family can give ou the dirt on us for that fact. We can also be found at:


I will always answer a PM.

Thanks for having a look!
Edited by Daynk on 3/21/2011 2:10 PM PDT
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90 Troll Druid
I've only had the privilege of running with this group once, but they were such an awesome crowd! Coordinated, stellar attitudes, great people all around.

If I were looking for a big group to run with (especially 25s), and I was a better follower, I would completely hit these guys up. ^^
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85 Pandaren Priest
Hey, Atepa, I'm on YOUR Guild's Recruitment thread posting inane stuff like worthless facts! Speaking of which, did you guys know that polar bears are left handed? Yep.

And of course you have my praise and support and fingers crossed that you fill your openings. Hm...that sounds kind of bad. Oh well!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Perverted gobbo is perverted! :O
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85 Tauren Shaman
Bump for uber R-A-N-G-E-D DPS!!!!!!!

Pretty please with a cherry on top?
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85 Human Warrior
Have room for another Holy Paladin I'm about to transfer?
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85 Tauren Shaman
Here, I shall highlight the important part, since people seem to be giving us the TL;DR response!!!!!

What we need:
Strong ranged DPS (that are NOT hunters), that can keep our schedule. Immediate spots open.
Skilled raiders are always welcome of any class. You may need to bide your time filling in on raids to start if we are clogged in your class/role. But the cream rises to the top as they say, and those who give their all to the raid find themselves with a permanent job.
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85 Human Warrior
Whoops, sorry for that. Was typing at 3 AM in the morning. >.<
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85 Blood Elf Priest
We are always looking for strong healers! If you can be reliable and stay outta da fire while doing your job then we want ya!

If anyone has any healer-related questions for us, feel free to PM/whisper Lavielle and/or Sellys. We're zee healing cops of the guild. *shows shiny badge*
Edited by Lavielle on 2/1/2011 3:21 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
If they're stacking str they're doing it wrong.
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85 Orc Warrior
Getting some interest now, this is a good thing! Still combing the server for some ranged DPS.

Join RoS and enjoy the majesty of my red lumberjack shirt today!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I'll never forgive you for transferring off.


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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Daynk....I'll try catch you in-game
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I will join! *nod nod*
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85 Blood Elf Priest
Just a note-

We're also looking for a healer (Prefer Shaman, Druid or Priest!) If you're interested in applying towards the healing camp, please please feel free to contact me or Sellys in-game or via PM so we can chat to you about it!


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85 Orc Warrior
There must be a few good ranged DPS that are looking for a home to raid in out there. We still have immediate openings in that regard. Would love to have a ridiculously awesome Boomkin and/or Elemental Shaman. Plus we have negative 3 warlocks, which is hard to do.

We added another 25 man boss to the list last night, and we're steadily getting results considering we've only been going full tilt for a few weeks.

C'mon you crazy ranged peoples, Cataclysm raids love you and hate me. I could love you and hate me to.

Also, healers see above in Lavi's post!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Your shirt makes you look fat D!

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85 Blood Elf Priest
Another bump for healz! WE WANT J00!!!

Our healer channel offers good cop, bad cop, giggles, roars, cookies and more!

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85 Orc Warrior
Your shirt makes you look fat D!


You are fat, Kalico.

Another boss down tonight for us, 9 of 12 now. If you are ranged, we want you to be part of us going 12/12 on 25's

Particular love for boomkin or elemental shammy, but any non-hunter ranged is welcome to apply!
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