(H) Riddle of Steel recruitment

85 Blood Elf Priest

We're also still in need of some awesome, consistent heals! Shaman/druid/priest especially!

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85 Blood Elf Priest
Oh! Also we're almost guild level 17... so we haz lots of fun little doodads with our guild. : ) So come, come to me healers... especially you delicious Shamans, Droods and Priesties... *puts cookies out and leads them into a RoS box*
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85 Orc Warrior
At the risk of over-bumping our own thread, we are still looking for hard hitting non-hunter ranged as well. So far the search has turned up an awesome alliance transfer mage, and we are looking for more.

Our raid is very solid, and has many talented players. All we need is for someone to lay claim to the couple rotating spots we have right now and we're golden. You want to raid, don'tcha? Of course you do. Check out Riddle of Steel and take that spot we have available!

As Lavi mentioned, we'll be guildlevel 17 this afternoon, plenty of gadgets to level alts with and such. We are still quite active with heroics and other dungeon runs. We are just plain good folks to spend time with.

Ranged DPS and Healers needed for raiding, all walks of folks are welcome to come and hang out with us.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
zomg gnome mage!

*resists punting and nomming*
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85 Blood Elf Priest
I toss this topic back up!

BUMP! We are still looking for some delicious heals and ranged.

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85 Blood Elf Mage
I heard Riddle of Steel has a pet rogue. WHO DOESN'T WANT A PET ROGUE?!
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90 Blood Elf Priest
He really is an adorable little rogue! He even knows how to play dead! It's his best trick!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
This one time Zort thought Ghoul was a tank.
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85 Orc Warrior
You blood elf broads find something more exciting to do and quit foulin' up our recruitment post with your jibber jabber.

We finally got our act together and dropped Cho'gall in our 25 man, this leaves Nefarian as our only unkilled boss to unlock the goofy purple bird mount. Everyone wants a goofy purple bird mount, right?

Recruitment has picked up a bit, but we can still use a solid ranged DPS and a solid healer application. I'm dyin' to give these spots to a good home, come on and adopt them! I know 25 man raiding is no longer the cool thing to do, but we're pretty solid at it and we have a good time. We do love maelstrom crystals, but we love guildies gearing up more. Don't make us waste loot.
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So far the search has turned up an awesome alliance transfer mage.


Also, to anyone interested in applying, not many guilds are doing 25s these days, but the rewards are oh, so sweet (90 valor per boss, 5-6 drops per boss = win).
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85 Troll Shaman
Um, I'm a melee dps...
I could re-roll to ranged, but all my agility gear would go to waste.
still, I like your attitude in the opening.

Quality people would definitely be a welcome break from the glasses of sugar honey iced tea that clog the PuG system.
It would be worth a re-roll to elemental... even if it means I'll be fighting blind for the first week or so.

Edit: I can't claim to be a solid healer, because I learned to heal at 85 due to terrible pug times. But I know enough of what I'm doing to keep a tank alive if the enemies are CC'd properly and he doesn't stand in the fire.
I will keep Earth Shield active on the MT.
Edited by Joyuese on 3/3/2011 6:09 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/03/2011 6:01 PMPosted by Joyuese
But I know enough of what I'm doing to keep a tank alive if the enemies are CC'd properly and he doesn't stand in the fire.

03/03/2011 6:01 PMPosted by Joyuese
and he doesn't stand in the fire.

What if she stands in fire?

I encourage you to talk to either Daynk or Wraine if you're really interested. There's always someone running heroics in the guild if you need to pick up elemental pieces.

Oops! Forgot to mention that if resto is your thing you can talk to Lavi and/or Sellys. They're our healing leads!
Edited by Kalico on 3/3/2011 8:35 PM PST
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85 Troll Mage
I'm an old, somewhat washed-out raider from ages ago that would be interested in blasting bosses on a part-time basis and hanging out with some cool people. I think I might talk to someone in-game, perhaps also post an app.
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85 Orc Warrior

Picked up a few nice ranged DPS, always looking for another.

We have a strong need for a healer, immediate shot at the main raid. Contact Lavielle or Sellys in game if you have questions!

Join us.
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85 Orc Warrior
Recruitment post, Rise fwom yo gwave! (bonus points if you can name the game)

Bumped an edited original post. Riddle is in the market for a couple melee DPS, as well as the standard healers and ranged. Not enough healers or ranged these days I see.

New blood, go!
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85 Orc Warrior
Another bump.

At this stage of the game, we can use at least 1 of everything outside of a tank. Attendance has been a little shaky for the 25 man, and I would like to correct that. We do run every raidnight, but the revolving door of the lesser committed is getting to be be a hinderance in our heroic mode hopes. Constant need to re-gear the lower few folks doesn't help that cause.

You, however, can help that cause. Geared and ready to go would be great, but skilled and committed is a very close second.

Join us!
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85 Blood Elf Priest
It's not tank hate, it's more like healer love. You see, we have three smok'n hot tanks right now that our tanky healers just love to put their sparkly magic hands all over and they don't like share'n.

We have this one guy who is a DPS and tries to tank sometimes too but... let's not go there.

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Shouldn't you be sleeping Lavi?
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