02/14/2011 10:36 AMPosted by
Imperon Are you paying a bit extra or do you expect said proc to be free?
I expect to find someone who puts a price on me purchasing their cool down. Whatever that cool down produces, I've already paid for. If you, as a master who's transmute specced, put a higher price on your cool down than I'm comfortable paying, we simply won't be doing business.
Similarly, if you attach caveats like "my cool down costs X gold, but if there's procs, I keep them" then we won't be doing business since the only advantage to doing business with a transmute master in the first place is the chance of a proc. If I know I won't get procs, I'm not giving my business to the person who's the reason I won't get procs. There are plenty of non-transmute specced people out there who'll sell their cool down too.
I see myself as purchasing futures here. I'm hoping that the value I'm putting forth will turn into greater value in return. This is not a hostage situation, there are no ransom payments to be made.
And here is from our angle. If I was a potion or elixir master, I could proc a thousand times a day as long as I had enough supplies. Giving away free procs would be no biggie, Id end up still making a nice sum of money.
As a xmute master, I have a CHANCE to proc ONCE a DAY with a shared CD on THREE current xmutes and a slew of older items. Once I pop said CD, there goes my money maker for the day. The game mechanics were designed to make items like truegold cost so much on the AH, as a reward for a xmute master using a shared CD proc once a day. Its OUR gamble for going into xmute mastery. If people are willing to pay more, that would be fine, though I personaly say its per bar/batch that procs should they proc.
I have no idea how it is now to get a mastery, but when it came out in BC it was a bit of a pain just to get the mastery. This is something the alchemist did, not the buyer. Thus thats the mechanics rewarding the alchemist.
Let me put it this way, yes communication is a must, but if your a buyer, your more often then not going to not get what you want if you demand it etc. If someone is nice, or heck even once in a while just silent, they may end up with the extras unbeknowest to them when dealing with me.
You have to remember, if a alchemist who is a xmute master is selling their CD, they are looking for a profit. When a potion/elixir master can proc endless times a day and make tons off of that, its only fair to at least realise a xmuter who procs is losing out if they give away their expensive procs for free or even at a reduced cost. We would like to make money too, this is the games way of doing so.
So again, kill em with kindness when dealing with...anyone. Dont be demanding, be nice, youl end up with one or all of four things. A good supplier, a new friend, bonus items, a good reputation.