Things are progressing great, come and join us!
[A] Dominance (T12: 5/7) - Closed
Rather than just bump, I'll give a little testimony.
I as a player was rather burned out on raiding. I saw an ad for the guild and along with browsing the website I took the time to chat with a couple of the members. I appreciated how we were able to talk about raiding and the game in general without pressure to apply. After my talk with Titan I kept doing research and asking around. No pressure to apply, just answers for the questions I asked.
I applied and joined the guild, and was really made feel welcome by everyone. It immediately made me want to start helping the guild grow. Contributing to the guild bank, assisting guildmates with whatever I could, helping with guild achievements... it immediately made me feel like family.
Eventually we came to the first raid, and I must admit, I was a bit nervous. I felt I was as prepared as I could possibly be, but as I had never raided as a mage prior, I had butterflies! I thought I would perform well but there is always uncertainty of the unknown. The raid had great flow and rhythm despite the fact we were switching members out and in. I finally got in on Halfus and I had a rush from raiding that I haven't felt in quite some time! I felt like I truly was growing as a player even as the guild was growing, and it was a great feeling.
If you want a guild where fairness, camaraderie, and fellowship are as important as raid accomplishment, you can find a home here. There are many fine, accomplished guilds on SoE and I wish them nothing but peace and success. I choose to place my lot with those who are not just guildmates, but friends.
Check us out at If you decide to join our family I hope I can help you feel as welcome as I was.
I as a player was rather burned out on raiding. I saw an ad for the guild and along with browsing the website I took the time to chat with a couple of the members. I appreciated how we were able to talk about raiding and the game in general without pressure to apply. After my talk with Titan I kept doing research and asking around. No pressure to apply, just answers for the questions I asked.
I applied and joined the guild, and was really made feel welcome by everyone. It immediately made me want to start helping the guild grow. Contributing to the guild bank, assisting guildmates with whatever I could, helping with guild achievements... it immediately made me feel like family.
Eventually we came to the first raid, and I must admit, I was a bit nervous. I felt I was as prepared as I could possibly be, but as I had never raided as a mage prior, I had butterflies! I thought I would perform well but there is always uncertainty of the unknown. The raid had great flow and rhythm despite the fact we were switching members out and in. I finally got in on Halfus and I had a rush from raiding that I haven't felt in quite some time! I felt like I truly was growing as a player even as the guild was growing, and it was a great feeling.
If you want a guild where fairness, camaraderie, and fellowship are as important as raid accomplishment, you can find a home here. There are many fine, accomplished guilds on SoE and I wish them nothing but peace and success. I choose to place my lot with those who are not just guildmates, but friends.
Check us out at If you decide to join our family I hope I can help you feel as welcome as I was.
AHEM you mean 8/12
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