I concur!
[A] Dominance (T12: 5/7) - Closed
-raises hand-
Ya guys accept a lvl 80? I can ding faster than a speeding kangaroo.
......Do kangaroo's actually speed? <_<
Shore do, check out the website when you can. If you like what we're about, send Jesandria or myself a tell in game and we'll hook things up. You'd be surprised how fast we can get someone raid ready from level 80. =)
why arent you here?
10/12 as of today
gratz on cho'gall !!
05/06/2011 01:22 PMPosted by Flatfootegratz on cho'gall !!
Thanks, Flatfoote!
We're really looking forward to Al'Akir... always been an interesting fight to me and we have quite a few that have never seen it. The work is paying off and everyone's loving it!
Bumpage for good peeps!
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