Hand Of Shadow Open RP Gathering

We had a nice intimate chat around the campfire. I do hope we can give it another shot next Tuesday. Today the authentication server was really messing things up.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Hopefully next Tuesday this will happen again without the authentication server blip. And I saw you Faren but I had also taken allergy meds which in turn made me super sleepy! So I was leaving as you showed up, I wish I could have stayed longer.
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66 Blood Elf Rogue
Ok.... bad start to my event. So ontop of everything being thrown outta wack last night because I was sick I had an IRL emergency to attend. Really sorry. Hopefully next week will hgave a better chance of getting this thing off the ground, once again, -extremely- sorry :(
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Stuff happens. Granted, last night a lot of stuff apparently happened all at once, but I think it's well worth giving it another try. The more RP events, the better. Lok'tar?
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
I'll definitely be there next Tuesday as well to try again. It really does sound like a fun event. So at least one of my myriad of alts will show.
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