Hand Of Shadow Open RP Gathering

66 Blood Elf Rogue
Time: 8:00om to 9:00pm (ish)
Place: Stillwhisper Pond in front of Silvermoon
Start Date: 22 March 2011 & Every Tues After

The Plan:

To give Horde Side SoE Roleplayers a STRESS FREE chance to tell their stories and such to a receptive Audience. This is not to step on the toes of Broken House. It is just another Story Time type setting for those of us who cannot make it on Sundays.
Da Rules:

1. Sing, dance, tell jokes, roleplay - Have A Good Time
2. Make friends.
3. Relax.
4. Bring Friends Along.

1. Troll - is bad form and people do not like it
2. Be rude. If someone bugs you talk to them directly. If that does not work contact me. Whether in form of whisper or IG mail. If, by chance, me talking to them doesn't work I would advise filing a ticket.
3. DO NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES bring PETTY DIFFERENCES to this event. If you have a problem with someone OOCly, KEEP IT THERE. I can understand IC differences but OOC is just exactly that OOC. If you do bring OOC stuff to this event you will be asked to leave and not return.

Basically: Don't Start, Cause, or Bring drama with you.

Once again. This RP Event is OPEN that means EVERYONE is welcome, from Newbie RPers to salty old vets. Newbies, I am sure that the Vets would not mind coaching you in areas as long as you are open to taking advice.
Edited by Kemnebi on 3/18/2011 9:10 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I'll be there!
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66 Blood Elf Rogue
I look forward to seeing you there, Talibah.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Is it going to be a regular event? If so, I'd like to add it to the list I've got somewhere around these forums.
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66 Blood Elf Rogue
I sure hope it will turn inot one. This is the first time I have even thought up something like this :)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Awesome... also it might be the lack of sleep on my part but I don't see a date, just the time! :O
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66 Blood Elf Rogue
Oops! (ninja edit?)
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66 Blood Elf Rogue
Edited the time as well :D
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
There we go xD

You had me staring at the post going "I DON'T SEE IT! QQ"
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66 Blood Elf Rogue
:D Sorry about that. >.>
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Thanks, Siounne, for getting this going! :D

If I'm in the area and free, I'll be sure to drop by to help kick it off. :)
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
I'd just like to give props to Bells for always logging out in a different set of RP clothes every day. It's a real treat. :)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
03/19/2011 7:30 AMPosted by Aeralynn
I'd just like to give props to Bells for always logging out in a different set of RP clothes every day. It's a real treat. :)

And not to hijack this thread, but thank you and props to you for your insightful posts here on the oboards.

You're welcome on the Red Side anytime! We'll go shopping ICly! xD
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85 Human Warrior
Don't mind if I come dressed as King Leonidas? I promise I won't cause trouble.

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86 Blood Elf Paladin
I'd love to come to this. Although I would like to think our story tellings are not stressful. We had an IC altercation last week, but I have never witnessed anything ooc. I just may be misunderstanding your wording.
Edited by Celinthia on 3/19/2011 1:42 PM PDT
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66 Blood Elf Rogue
I am really sorry about the wording. I did not mean to say that your story times are stressful. Just that RP nowadays on SoE can be a bit trying. There are alot of things going on that I don't exactly agree wih.

I am sorry, again, for the wording. Once again I did not intend to imply that story time on Sundays was stressful at all.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
It's coolios sometimes typed wording can be misunderstood. I am still looking forward to attending, it sounds like a fun event.
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03/19/2011 1:37 PMPosted by Celinthia
I'd love to come to this. Although I would like to think our story tellings are not stressful. We had an IC altercation last week, but I have never witnessed anything ooc.
I actually thought the in character altercation added nicely to the flavor of the event. It was a fair question for the Tauren to wonder why their peaceful campfire was suddenly so popular among the Blood Elf community.

And no, the story telling part was not stressful, just fun. Although I will need to be a tiny bit more prepared for next Sunday.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
I am there on my alt Khara, although I don't see anyone else yet. Unless battle.net being down is keeping people from coming.
Edited by Celinthia on 3/22/2011 6:12 PM PDT
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It was a major roadblock. I couldn't get in until 8:20 server time.

Rongar and I met Kalendis there.
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