Finished with WoW. Have 50k Gold, Donate it?

85 Human Paladin
I know I heard the uniforms idea in there somewhere. Why not buy up a lot of uniforms for the various RP guilds on the server? That wouldn't eat away 50k obviously, but any left overs could be simply divided up among the well-known GMs in the RP world. The uniforms themselves would take quite a while to be used up, (If ever, for some) and the money you give them would make some guilds spend gold on RP events, rather than things related to item crafting for raiding.

In the end, deciding to do something that will have long-lasting effects is your best shot. :)
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I am humbled that others have mentioned the AAMS as a worthy cause. We are a very small guild that operates in both factions (actually two guilds working together as one) to do what we can to generate RP and promote the server. Looking through the threads here, I actually didn't realize we were involved in so much. Love us or hate us, IC or OOC, we're just trying to make the RP dynamic and interesting for everyone.

As I said, our guild is small. Most of you probably wouldn't believe there are less than half a dozen of us active at the moment, which I find amazing if you think about how far the AAMS has come in the last month or two.

Anyway, I personally wont ask for the gold to come to us because I think it is up to the OP to decide. I can, however, say that the AAMS will use 100% of any funds we receive for generating RP on the server. Heck, we already spend 100% of our funds on RP, and 100% of our funds come from whatever our players are able to donate out of their own pockets.

We do have the goal of expanding the AAMS into a player created, player run, banking service. Why? Well, as best as I can tell, the AAMS is completely unique in how it operates. I've looked at other RP servers and have yet to find an equivalent counterpart; so it only makes sense to continue to push the bar higher by taking on a role no one else has. Player run, in character banking. I wont go into the details, I'll leave that for when the idea is officially launched and open for business, but I can tell you all, it will be an interesting an unique concept!

In the end, I hope whatever the OP decides to do will be interesting, even if just to them, and that they feel the gold was well spent in the end.
Edited by Vasilia on 4/6/2011 8:38 AM PDT
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90 Night Elf Druid
Just hang on to it. Inflation isn't that bad. You'll still get a lot of use out of it when/if you come back to the game in a few months/years.
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