Finished with WoW. Have 50k Gold, Donate it?

75 Worgen Warrior
Hey CC,

Retiring from WoW Permanently.
Have over 50k gold on my chars and would rather it go to something good
rather than rot in Warcraft data afterlife. Anyone have any ideas of something
that I can do with it that is for the greater good?
"the greater good"
Was thinking maybe donating it to my guild that I am part of. Or maybe buying some
engineering motorcycles and giving them away to someone that deserves it.

Ideas? Maybe just buy a Black Temple run and a Sunwell for the fun of it as one last hoorah?

(start "just give it to me" posts)

Thanks for the serious replies in advance

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90 Undead Mage
You could buy a vial of the sands and raffle it off.
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88 Gnome Death Knight
We could set up free cross-faction money swaps with it, if you like. People could avoid the AH cut (which hurts when you get to big numbers) by just giving one Branch of the AAMS the cash they want to transfer, and then pick up the same amount from the other guild's bank. We could make some entertaining "money laundering" RP out of it.

Realize it's a bit much to ask someone to up and trust the guild with 50k in gold on a promise that we'll use it for RP, but hey, you asked. Figured I might as well make the suggestion.

(And we totally would. I've been wanting to try the "money laundering" service for a while; it just takes us forever to make that kind of stake cash.)
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Contact a GM and a RP guild. Tell them you have 50K gold and want GM support for an in-game player run event. See if they bite.

Buying motorcycles and giving them away is a good idea too.

Go to a starting area, give 2000 gold to each person you see NOT wearing heirlooms until it's all gone. DON'T TELL ANYONE YOU'RE DOING THIS UNTIL IT HAPPENS.

Buy up all of a certain kind of mat on the AH, then relist it all in quantities of 1, for one copper each. (This is the "in the service of evil" option.)

Hold a contest, "who can do the most ridiculous thing in public" in some place like Sen'Jin village, or Moonglade. Winner takes all. Judged by a cross-faction coalition of forum regulars.

Wait till July. Buy a LOT of fireworks. Set them all off.
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75 Worgen Warrior
I've come to realize someone has solo'd Black Temple @ 85.
So maybe that option is out, even though I really miss BC =(

I'm liking the ideas so far though! Maybe planning a event
would be too big of something to do. I'm just working off of
the free 7 days Blizzard has provided me with. I have roughly
3 days left on it i believe. If a GM would be kind enough to give
that a extension I'd gladly fund a event for the citizens of CC =)

I'm moving onto other things IRL though hence why I am leaving.
Saving up for a house. Having some medical issues so I am forced
to change some things that I do has a habit to make time for more
healthy choices. And it turns out learning piano is harder than I thought,
would like to invest more time into that. Hard when computer is next to it
and WoW is just a click away.

Keep the ideas rolling please! Might just pick the best one out of here and
run with it. lol money laundering >< love it
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90 Blood Elf Priest
I'd give it to my friends. Whatever people you enjoyed playing with on the game at one point or another. Even if you haven't rolled through with them for a while, throw them a few thousand gold as a "thanks for all the fun" gift. Maybe it'll help fund their next big purchase.

If you're looking to give to the server as a whole, I'd purchase some sweet items and just give them away. Honestly, it'd be fun. Buy bikes like you said, or a few Darkmoon Cards. Make someone's day.
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75 Worgen Warrior
No friends on server sadly. Never had time to raid due to RL issues / schedule.
Mostly played by myself doing quests and stuff. Thats why I figure I do something
random maybe. Hard just giving it to 1 person not knowing if he has a alt that
has everything it game.
It would be nice to see someone get it that can actually use it not just for that
one shoulder piece or trinket they need
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100 Human Mage
Contego, I may have an idea for you. Both I and my guild have long done everything we can to support the role playing community of Cenarion Circle. I personally rather like Plainswander's idea for what to do with 50,000 gold. Unfortunately, I really don't see Blizzard giving official endorsement to a single RP event, guild, or server. Too much like favoritism, they'd get ripped to shreds over it on the forums.

But you don't need a game master to help support RP on Cenarion Circle. You just need a well organized RP guild with plenty of community contacts. You need the Lluchduu Ocheliad.

Would you like to be remembered for a lasting contribution to the server, Contego? The Lluchduu Ocheliad can make sure you are very long remembered. Buying motorcycles for people like Plainswander also suggested? Sounds like a good idea, though 50k won't buy very many. But the concept is a good one.

What you need to make that work is someone who can turn 50k into more than 50k and continue to use the money in financing RP events and contests which could indeed have rewards that include items as awesome as motorcycles.

More so than just role playing centered events are the opportunities to use such money for the benefit of new players on the server. The LO (and other RP guilds) make a habit of finding players that are truly new to the server and providing them with bags, decent gear and anything else that will make their time on our server more enjoyable.

Again, you need the Lluchduu Ocheliad. Or more specifically, you need me. Making money in WoW is something I'm very good at, and I can turn your 50,000 gold into a continuing source of financing for events and projects that will guarantee that neither you, nor your contribution to the community is ever forgotten.
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75 Worgen Warrior
They're at more than 50k G in bank, don't think cash has ever been a issue for them, they're a great guild =)
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85 Undead Warrior
Directed here from you General Discussion post.

One of the most rewarding things to do with any of your possessions is to go to starting areas and pass out goodies to the newbies (not wearing heirloom gear, probably). You could spend a certain portion on buying a bunch of bags and then give them some gold and a set of four Netherweave bags, which should keep them happy with bag space for quite some time.

I've done this before on a random good-will-feeling and it was quite fun. :) I think I really made some people's days.
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75 Worgen Warrior
I like that idea! =D I have a few k over 50k so I might do it with that =)
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Contego, I may have an idea for you. Both I and my guild have long done everything we can to support the role playing community of Cenarion Circle. I personally rather like Plainswander's idea for what to do with 50,000 gold. Unfortunately, I really don't see Blizzard giving official endorsement to a single RP event, guild, or server. Too much like favoritism, they'd get ripped to shreds over it on the forums.

But you don't need a game master to help support RP on Cenarion Circle. You just need a well organized RP guild with plenty of community contacts. You need the Lluchduu Ocheliad.

Would you like to be remembered for a lasting contribution to the server, Contego? The Lluchduu Ocheliad can make sure you are very long remembered. Buying motorcycles for people like Plainswander also suggested? Sounds like a good idea, though 50k won't buy very many. But the concept is a good one.

What you need to make that work is someone who can turn 50k into more than 50k and continue to use the money in financing RP events and contests which could indeed have rewards that include items as awesome as motorcycles.

More so than just role playing centered events are the opportunities to use such money for the benefit of new players on the server. The LO (and other RP guilds) make a habit of finding players that are truly new to the server and providing them with bags, decent gear and anything else that will make their time on our server more enjoyable.

Again, you need the Lluchduu Ocheliad. Or more specifically, you need me. Making money in WoW is something I'm very good at, and I can turn your 50,000 gold into a continuing source of financing for events and projects that will guarantee that neither you, nor your contribution to the community is ever forgotten.

While I'm sure that your intentions were completely innocent, that sounded like a 100% BS sales pitch. : / Not saying that it is, just that it sounded like one.

Anywho. I do like the idea of buying little things for people and handing them out. I know that when I first started playing, someone came up and randomly gave me a Cockroach pet. I had no idea that you could buy them from the Undercity, but it was amazing to me when I first got it. I've remembered that person ever since.

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85 Human Priest
Someone gave one of my characters 500 gold because they were quitting the game. I declined it at first until they told me why they were giving it to me.

The gold got put into a fund to do roleplay events. So far it's helped fund Spricket's Dowery and Vloths's Surprise and it's going toward the Pirate Party now.

Supporting some kind of roleplay on a roleplay server is always a good idea, but do something that makes you feel good.
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75 Worgen Warrior
Thanks for all the great responses everyone! I'm out for the night. Will be back on this post tomorrow at work
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100 Orc Shaman

Pretty sure he meant "Guild Master" and not "Game Master."

Also, as it's an RP server, why not spread it out over all the RP guilds. Take a look at the sticky, count the guilds, and share it out evenly.
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100 Human Paladin
Contego, I've seen you around and Light Brigade is a great guild. Why don't you just hang on to it for a while in case you want to come back.

Faithe is my character also so people don't get confused. AAMS is a great organization and I think part of the time people even forget to tip them. It's a purely rp guild.

If you really insist on giving it away, as I said before, do something fun for you.
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100 Troll Warlock
Instead of just a vial of sands, perhaps other rare pets could be bought and raffled off or won via some sort of event. 4AM, brain not working, but yes, an RP event of some sort is must for this! or multiple events, put aside 10k for five events, a pvp one etc.

Hopefuly I will be more awake later today and can come up with something semi worth while!
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One note:, do not, under any circumstances give the money to anybody who asks for the money. You seem like a pretty decent fellow. Do something unexpected, something strange, something nice - but huge gobs of money shouldn't even just be given to people who want it. (Yes yes, "but we'll use it well" blah blah..)

Want to support the AAMS? Buy the mats for 20 all-white outfits. (I don't know what sorts of leathers/cloths can be crafted that are all-white, but I know they're out there) The couriers need to start wearing uniforms again.

Giving it away , these days the best way to spot a truly new player? If they're not wearing heirlooms. Look for people making truly incomprehensible gear choices.

Don't "invest" the money. This isn't real life.

Rare Pets from the AH, yes, OR, if there are any "haunted mementoes" on the AH, buy those, and throw them at passerby at a RP event. That should cause some concern.

Spend your last day as a quest giver. And give some truly peculiar quests. (Such as "bring me twenty twisted yeti, I've no idea where to get them, what's why I'm asking YOU!, I'll pay you 500g, now GO!" or "spend 20 minutes attacking that fort over there, they annoyed me yesterday, I'll pay you 500g, and don't shirk, I'll be watching")

But again, don't give it to anyone who asks for it. They may have he best intentions in the world, but I'll lay ads in the end, the money won't do much beyond their small circle of influence. (I just irritated half the server I'm guessing.... nothing new there though.)

Have fun.
And good luck in the real world.

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100 Human Paladin
yeah, wow just ate my last reply.

Anyway, I agree with Plains. AAMS is a really worthy cause. They help promote rp on both sides of the aisle and they don't really do dungeons and stuff to raise money. Half the time I think people forget to pay them for the deliveries.

Also doing the gather quests is a good idea. Pia used to do that. Go do whatever so we can help the orphans and then give the people who respond IC 50 gold.

Bags. I ship my babies out the door with bags and a fond farewell. It seems like there's never enough bag space. Go to the starting areas, inspect the characters and if they look like they need it, give them bags and a bit of gold if you want.

Do something fun.
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